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Idaho K-12 LEAD (Liberty in Education and Academic Development) Map

Click on any district to see an overview of its statistics, including academic performance, the number of critical social justice (CSJ) incidents, spending per student, and more. Click on the purple “Learn more" button to view a district-specific page containing expanded data plus links to information on CSJ incidents and nearby alternative educational providers. Unsure which school district you’re in? Enter your address in the search bar below to find out!

Combined CSJ-Performance Score

As a general rule, a district with good academic performance and few, if any, CSJ incidents appears green, while a district with poor academic performance and multiple CSJ incidents appears red. Districts in between these two extremes are yellow, and those that do not have sufficient information to be evaluated appear gray.

Report an Incident at Your School

Have you witnessed Critical Race Theory or other programs being taught at your school? Fill out the form below to report it to the Idaho Freedom Foundation for further investigation.
CAE - LEAD Map: Incident Submission Form
Do you wish to remain anonymous?

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Idaho Freedom Foundation
802 W. Bannock Street, Suite 405, Boise, Idaho 83702
p 208.258.2280 | e [email protected]
COPYRIGHT © 2024 Idaho freedom Foundation
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