This article was originally published in The American Mind, a publication of the Claremont Institute In states across the country, left-wing academics and major educational establishments are hijacking the review process for K-12 history and civics curricula. Educators and radicals, in league with one another, are conspiring to turn students against America’s traditional cultural and […]
On December 18, the Idaho State Board of Education unanimously voted to ban DEI offices from its public colleges and universities. The Board resolution declared, “Institutions shall ensure that no central offices, policies, procedures, or initiatives are dedicated to DEI ideology.” Though this action may seem like a great win, it largely fails to make […]
Among the biggest misconceptions concerning educational freedom is that it does nothing more than provide families with the choice between different vendors for the same product. This view tacitly accepts the parameters set by the education establishment and presumes that the competition between public, charter, and private schools is about which of these institutions is […]