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Your Search for "petition" returned 319 results.

House Bill 647 — Personhood, animals, objects

Bill Description: House Bill 647 would clarify that personhood and the rights it entails are reserved exclusively to human beings. Rating: +1 Analyst Note: There are various organizations, such as the "Nonhuman Rights Project," that are actively engaging in litigation to have "personhood" ascribed to animals in order to establish that they have what are […]

House Bill 622 — Divorce, property

Bill Description: House Bill 622 would allow a judge in a divorce case to approve an unequal distribution of assets based on unproven accusations.  Rating: -2 Does it violate the principle of equal protection under the law? Examples include laws which discriminate or differentiate based on age, gender, or religion or which apply laws, regulations, […]

Proposal would leave incumbent protection program in place

Rep. Brent Crane reveals the truth about a biennial problem for the Legislature, but he gets the solution wrong. Crane’s House Bill 567 would shorten the window for candidates to file to run for office from two weeks at the end of February to one week. The real problem is that the primary election is […]

House Bill 607 — State lottery, joint lotteries

Bill Description: House Bill 607 would allow the Idaho lottery to participate in international lottery games, including those involving the U.K. and Australia.  Rating: -1 Does it create, expand, or enlarge any agency, board, program, function, or activity of government? Conversely, does it eliminate or curtail the size or scope of government? Idaho law allows […]

House Bill 545 — Charter school revolving loan fund

Bill Description: House Bill 545 creates a revolving loan fund to help new public charter schools obtain loans for facility construction and improvements at lower interest rates.  Rating: +3 Does the bill expand the existing government monopoly on education and shrink family and student choice or agency? (-) Conversely, does the bill expand the ability […]

Senate Bill 1263 — Homeowner's associations, fines

Bill Description: Senate Bill 1263 would, under certain circumstances, allow homeowners associations to impose fines on homeowners without first having to give them notice. Rating: -1 Amendment Analysis: The Amendment to Senate Bill 1263 does not change the rating. The language added by the amendment does make the bill somewhat less objectionable, but it still falls […]

Lawmakers race through pricey proposals to advance Little’s agenda

This is my 28th legislative session, and I’ve seen legislation greased for passage when there’s a need for speed (as in an emergency) or when there’s a rush to get out of town near the end of the session . A bill can be introduced, pass the Legislature, and be signed by the governor in […]

Business advocacy groups should learn from the data which degrees are bad bets

Idaho students, parents, businesses, and taxpayers rely on universities to produce graduates ready to contribute and compete in the workforce and lead fulfilling lives. Dozens of programs at public universities do so, but dozens more leave their students with dangerous levels of student loan debt and taxpayers on the hook when graduates default on their […]

Statists of the Quarter: Gov. Brad Little and the Flip Flop Five

It’s time yet again to crown our Statist of the Quarter, for the second quarter 2021. The competition was fierce. You voted. And the winners are Gov. Brad Little and the Flip Flop Five.  Just to remind you, Gov. Little vetoed Senate Bill 1136 and House Bill 135, two bills that would have limited his […]

Renewing civics education in Emmett School District

Families in the Emmett School District are taking advantage of an education alternative to revive America’s lost tradition of civics education.  Although the Idaho State Board of Education sets standards for curriculum adoption and recommends certain curriculum resources, school districts have their own curriculum review process. Parents have the opportunity to provide public comment, but […]

Left-leaning state Supreme Court gets the initiative wrong, endangering Idaho

It’s not surprising that the Idaho Supreme Court ruled against a new law requiring more uniform collection of petition signatures in order for an initiative to qualify for the ballot. What is shocking is how badly the court twisted itself into knots to justify its decision to the satisfaction of the state’s leftists. Contrary to […]

Idaho public school teachers defend pushing critical race theory on students

Parents and teachers across the country are denouncing critical race theory as racist indoctrination of innocent children. Idaho public officials, however, consider their conservative state to be immune to the progressive education movement, arguing “It's not happening here.” Meanwhile, 14 Idaho public school teachers are defending pushing CRT on students. The Zinn Education Project created […]

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