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Your Search for "petition" returned 319 results.

House Bill 246 — Hospital property tax exemptions

Bill Description: House Bill 246 would limit the kinds of properties that are exempt from taxation because they are owned by a nonprofit hospital. Rating: +1 NOTE: House Bill 246 is similar to House Bill 109, introduced earlier this session, but House Bill 246 would not be as beneficial to taxpayers as the original version. Does […]

Senate Bill 1042 — Public charter school program

Bill Description: Senate Bill 1042 would expand the cap on a program that enables charter schools to obtain lower interest rates on bonds for facility construction or improvements. It would also remove a provision that requires proof of above-average proficiency on the Idaho Standards Achievement Test (ISAT), which reportedly prevented some schools serving 100% at-risk […]

Senate Bill 1104 — Disaster emergency, extend

Bill Description: Senate Bill 1104 would require the governor to seek legislative approval to extend a declaration of a 30-day disaster emergency beyond the single 30-day extension permitted by law.  Rating: +1 Does it violate the spirit or the letter of either the U.S. Constitution or the Idaho Constitution? Examples include restrictions on speech, public assembly, […]

House Bill 149 — Criminal history records

Bill Description: House Bill 149 would permit certain criminal records to be sealed under specific circumstances.  Rating: +1 NOTE: House Bill 149 is very similar to House Bill 104, introduced earlier this session. Compared to its predecessor, House Bill 149 adds five additional misdemeanors that could never be sealed. Does it directly or indirectly create or […]

Senate Bill 1043 — Public charter school loan fund

Bill Description: Senate Bill 1043 would create a revolving loan fund to help new public charter schools obtain loans to construct buildings and make facility improvements at lower interest rates. Rating: +3 Does the bill expand the existing government monopoly on education and shrink family and student choice or agency? (-) Conversely, does the bill […]

House Bill 110 — Property taxes, hospitals

Bill Description: House Bill 110 would allow county boards of equalization to decide if nonprofit hospitals will receive a property tax exemption.  Rating: 0 Does it directly or indirectly create or increase any taxes, fees, or other assessments? Conversely, does it eliminate or reduce any taxes, fees, or other assessments? Idaho law allows nonprofit hospitals to […]

House Bill 109 — Hospitals, property tax

Bill Description: House Bill 109 would limit the kinds of properties that are exempt from taxation because they are owned by a nonprofit hospital.  Rating: +2 Does it directly or indirectly create or increase any taxes, fees, or other assessments? Conversely, does it eliminate or reduce any taxes, fees, or other assessments? Idaho law currently grants […]

House Bill 104 — Criminal history, records

Bill Description: House Bill 104 would permit the sealing of certain criminal records under specific circumstances and only to a limited degree.  Rating: +1 Does it directly or indirectly create or increase penalties for victimless crimes or non-restorative penalties for nonviolent crimes? Conversely, does it eliminate or decrease penalties for victimless crimes or non-restorative penalties for non-violent […]

Senate Joint Resolution 101 — Initiatives, signatures

Bill Description: Senate Joint Resolution 101 would amend the Idaho Constitution to require that organizers of initiative and referendum petition drives gather signatures from all 35 legislative districts in Idaho. NOTE: Senate Joint Resolution 101 was amended to say "Before any referendum petition or initiative petition may be submitted..." rather than "Before any initiative petition […]

Education freedom works like grocery freedom

What if Idaho did groceries the same way it does public education? Each community would have a local grocery district, and families would be assigned their local grocery stores. Everyone would get the same groceries in the same amounts. Many would mistakenly think the food is free because there would be no charge at the public […]

Proposed resolution from the Idaho School Boards Association opposes education freedom

The Idaho School Boards Association, or ISBA, is set to vote on a resolution opposing school choice. The resolution perpetuates several myths commonly used to defend the government monopoly. Member school districts will vote on the resolution as part of ISBA’s annual convention on Nov. 11. This is not the first time that ISBA has […]

What SJR 102 would do for Idaho and why it’s on your ballot

If Idaho’s framers wanted the governor to write laws and spend Idahoans’ money, they would have written those responsibilities into the Idaho Constitution—but they didn’t. Indeed, a major virtue of Idaho’s government is how it separates the executive and legislative branches with the principle of the Legislature as the law-writing and appropriating branch, and the […]

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