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Your Search for "petition" returned 319 results.

Idaho’s Myth of School Choice

“School choice” in Idaho is a myth. Elected officials and educators talk about all the options parents may choose from to get the best education for their children, but the reality is they only get to choose limited public options (other public schools or charter schools). Two weeks ago, the governor proposed his “choice” plan […]

Losing Streak – Idaho Education Freedom

Remember last year when education choice was the front-burner issue in the Idaho legislature?  Remember when the education establishment was petrified about Idaho possibly creating a true school choice paradigm to help students and families find the best education without having to pay even more for tuition on top of their taxes?  Remember when the […]

Idaho Policy Makes Youth Employment Opportunities Scarce

When I was a 13-year-old suburban kid, I wanted to earn money. I went to grocery stores, restaurants, and gas stations to apply for jobs. None of my applications panned out. Sure, I did the occasional lawn mowing and yard clean-up jobs, but I wasn’t the entrepreneurial type, so the work and money were spotty […]

No to drug legalization, instead reform the laws

Not a week goes by that someone doesn’t ask me my opinion about legalizing marijuana, and I haven’t wanted to address the question because it’s not something the Idaho Freedom Foundation spends its time on. I’ve also thought it wasn’t necessary, since our organization’s record is clear. But alas, a couple of weeks ago, as […]

Pride in America: Riley Gaines

Welcome to Pride in America Month. Every day in the month of June and through Independence Day, we will be highlighting a figure who has demonstrated and defended American values. Consider it a healthy alternative to the Left's June celebration that has taken over the media and corporate America. The top athletes in America work […]

Statement on the signing of House Bill 71

Idaho Freedom Foundation president Wayne Hoffman issued the following statement regarding Gov. Brad Little signing House Bill 71, the Vulnerable Child Protection Act: This is the culmination of a long fight to protect children from dangerous, barbaric, and in many cases irreversible drugs and surgeries that are promoted in the name of the transgender ideology. […]

House Bill 359 – Idaho State Police, Appropriations FY24 and Supplementals FY23

The Idaho Spending Index serves to provide a fiscally conservative perspective on state budgeting while providing an unbiased measurement of how Idaho lawmakers apply these values to their voting behavior on appropriations bills. Each bill is analyzed within the context of the metrics below. They receive one (+1) point for each metric that is satisfied […]

House Bill 226 — Community college, emerg authority

Bill Description: House Bill 226 establishes that any member of a community college district may notify the State Board of Education, attorney general or prosecuting attorney that a member of the community college’s board of trustees does not reside in the district. The State Board of Education, attorney general or prosecuting attorney shall have the […]

House Bill 321 — Community college, authority

Bill Description: House Bill 321 gives unelected bureaucrats in the State Board of Education emergency governing authority over a community college if the required accreditation organization, the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU), issues a sanction of show cause concerning the college’s accreditation, or suspends or revokes its accreditation.The bill requires that before the […]

House Bill 315 — Community college closure, property

Bill Description: House Bill 315 would establish that if a community college loses accreditation or ceases to operate,  control of its property and assets shall be assumed by the unelected officials in the State Board of Education, who would hold the assets in trust until the college resumes operation or it is replaced with a […]

House Bill 320 — Community colleges, levy

Bill Description: House Bill 320 revokes a community college district’s property tax levy if the college loses accreditation and it is not restored within two years. Accreditation is the foremost barrier to entry in higher education. This bill would impose an unjust funding penalty on any community college that loses accreditation and therefore force colleges […]

House Bill 285 — Initiatives, signature gatherers

Bill Description: House Bill 285 would require people who get paid for gathering signatures for an initiative or referendum to register with the Secretary of State. Rating: 0 Does it create, expand, or enlarge any agency, board, program, function, or activity of government? Conversely, does it eliminate or curtail the size or scope of government? […]

Idaho Freedom Foundation
802 W. Bannock Street, Suite 405, Boise, Idaho 83702
p 208.258.2280 | e [email protected]
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