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Your Search for "petition" returned 319 results.

A $40 million drain on taxpayers: Ranked choice voting comes at a heavy price for Idahoans

Ranked choice voting will cost Idahoans more than merely their time and patience in managing its complexities — about $40 million more, in fact. This news comes to the Legislature from the Office of the Secretary of State (SOS), revealing the true costs and practical challenges of the new proposal up for consideration before Idaho […]

There’s no such thing as a free lunch – or breakfast

Idaho media outlets reported on the Boise School District’s new “free” breakfast program and wrote about it as if there couldn’t possibly be any downside to the initiative.  The school district said it has committed to providing free breakfast at all its schools, regardless of household income. The media went with the district’s positive account […]

Senate Bill 1429 — Licensing requirements, waivers (+1)

Bill Description: Senate Bill 1429 would create a process to request an occupational licensing authority to waive or modify a licensing requirement.  Rating: +1 NOTE: The House Amendment to Senate Bill 1429 makes the bill meaningfully weaker, declaring that the provisions of the bill "shall not allow waivers or variances that would grant an initial license […]

House Bill 656 — Admin procedure, judicial review

Bill Description: House Bill 656 would provide an expanded opportunity for judicial review of state purchasing decisions that use taxpayer funds.  Rating: +1 Does it in any way restrict public access to information related to government activity or otherwise compromise government transparency, accountability, or election integrity? Conversely, does it increase public access to information related to […]

House Bill 654 — Corrections, employment, benefits

Bill Description: House Bill 654 would impose new regulations on employers who hire prisoners.  Rating: -2 Does it give government any new, additional, or expanded power to prohibit, restrict, or regulate activities in the free market? Conversely, does it eliminate or reduce government intervention in the market? House Bill 654 would amend Section 20-242, Idaho Code, […]

House Bill 645 — School district trustees

Bill Description: House Bill 645 would create special rules for school board recall elections, providing no time for the board or the member subject to recall to challenge the results or process of the election. Rating: -2 Does it in any way restrict public access to information related to government activity or otherwise compromise government transparency, […]

House Bill 608 — Agricultural protection areas

Bill Description: House Bill 608 would require counties to create agricultural protection areas, along with commissions to oversee them, and to accept applications from landowners who would want their property to be designated an agricultural protection area. Rating: 0 NOTE: House Bill 608 is similar to House Bill 473, introduced earlier this session.  NOTE: The Senate […]

Where is the Education Choice Legislation? 

You’re the customer and this is your experience: poor results, higher costs, hidden agendas, and the product is nothing close to what you wanted.   What do you do?  Go somewhere else, right?   Wrong again, because we aren’t talking about burgers or blenders, we are talking about public education.    Too often we’re told how education is […]

Senate Bill 1325 — Uniform public expression

Bill Description: Senate Bill 1325 is an anti-SLAPP law, which would make it easier for defendants to quickly get lawsuits alleging defamation and other such charges dismissed.  Rating: +1 NOTE: The constitutional arguments in favor of anti-SLAPP laws — designed to prevent lawsuits started with the intent to harass the defendant — likely outweigh the arguments […]

House Bill 519 — Critical infrastructure

Bill Description: House Bill 519 would establish overreaching and unnecessary new crimes of "impeding critical infrastructure" and "critical infrastructure trespass," which could infringe on constitutional rights.  Rating: -5 NOTE: House Bill 519 is a toxic combination of House Bills 147 and 148, both introduced during the 2023 legislative session.  Does it directly or indirectly create or […]

House Bill 473 — Agricultural protection areas

Bill Description: House Bill 473 would require counties to create agricultural protection area commissions and accept applications from landowners to designate agricultural protection areas. Rating: 0 Does it create, expand, or enlarge any agency, board, program, function, or activity of government? Conversely, does it eliminate or curtail the size or scope of government? House Bill 473 […]

House Bill 419 — Medicaid expansion, conditions

Bill Description: House Bill 419 would require the effective repeal of Medicaid expansion in Idaho unless certain cost-saving measures are implemented and reform benchmarks are met.  Rating: +5 Does it create, expand, or enlarge any agency, board, program, function, or activity of government? Conversely, does it eliminate or curtail the size or scope of government? Medicaid […]

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