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Your Search for "petition" returned 323 results.

Statewide discontent over national health care reform

Elected officials across Idaho are coming out against the federal health care reforms that passed the Senate early Thursday morning. None of Idaho's Congressional delegated voted for the plan that's passed the House last month and the Senate on a party-line vote on Christmas Eve. The health care plan now heads to a joint panel […]

Hoffman: State lawmakers can end ban on insurance sales across state lines

Idaho has a law that prevents the state’s residents from shopping for the lowest possible health insurance premiums. The restriction is simple: No one can sell insurance in Idaho without being authorized by state regulators to do so, even if that insurer is already legally recognized to operate in another state. Our statute is mirrored […]

Boulton: Barriers to entry impact the free market

Barriers to entry are anything that gets in the way of starting a business or entering a trade. Most arise through a natural process, mainly the need to raise the necessary capital required to successfully conduct a business. For example, if one wanted manufacture steel, one first needs to build a steel plant, or buy […]

Funding of arts shows idiocy of Fed stimulus

The play is the thing that exposes the idiocy of federal stimulus. There are now 14.7 million Americans out of work. The unemployment rate in the Boise metro area is in double digits. In Canyon County, unemployment has climbed to 12.2 percent - the highest in the state and the highest level since 1983. Ah, […]

Time to examine public television’s role in Idaho government

Ronald Reagan once quipped that a government agency “is the nearest thing to eternal life we’ll ever see on this earth.” Government just doesn’t contract as readily as it grows, even in the face of adversity, competing demands or changing times. Government bureaucrats and the elected officials who employ them would rather add programs or […]

Hoffman: Canyon residents show they're tired of tax increases

Supporters of a new tax for Canyon County property owners love libraries about as much as I love ice cream, and their argument in favor of creating a new library district was about as compelling and intricate as my argument for fudgy sundaes. More than three quarters of voters objected to the library district proposal […]

California ... tea parties ... hmm ... Canyon County implications?

The defeat of several tax increases at the California ballot has to cause people to stop and think. Could the same thing happen here in Idaho – a state that had a really strong turnout from tea partiers and where Gov. Otter couldn't get a tax increase through the House of Representatives? Enter an election […]

Hoffman: Legislature should follow the constitution, stop making up history

Perhaps you're at a loss as to how a legislative session can possibly last 113 days. You might be unaware of the arduous restrictions and mandates of Idaho law that make it so. Our state's founders insisted on a thoroughly deliberative process by writing into the constitution in 1889 the requirement that each bill "shall […]

Boulton: GM's troubles have been building for a long time

The widely disseminated refrain from amongst those ‘who really know’ is that atrocious management caused GM’s demise and therefore the company should not be rewarded with a ‘bailout’. In part, they have a point and I kind of enjoyed watching Michael Moore chase then GM CEO Roger Smith around town making him look like foolish […]

Crabb: Let's give free markets a chance for once!

(Note: For the last few weeks, we have been asking people with expertise and passion about free markets to write material for the Idaho Freedom Foundation. Today, we are pleased to present you the first of these articles from Dr. Peter R. Crabb of Northwest Nazarene University in Nampa, Idaho.) In the 1960s were heard […]

Press Release: New Idaho group to emphasize free-market solutions, transparency in government

NEW IDAHO GROUP TO EMPHASIZE FREE-MARKET SOLUTIONS, TRANSPARENCY IN GOVERNMENT Idaho Freedom Foundation seeks to empower Idahoans to take back their freedoms, protect private property rights & economic opportunity Boise, Idaho – A new Idaho think tank will emphasize free-market solutions and transparency in government as part of its core mission to empower Idahoans to […]

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Idaho Freedom Foundation
802 W. Bannock Street, Suite 405, Boise, Idaho 83702
p 208.258.2280 | e [email protected]
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