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Your Search for "petition" returned 319 results.

Local doctor slams 'Obamacare,' suggests alternatives (video)

Those who opposed federal health care are often criticized for offering no alternatives to legislation passed by Congress and signed by President Obama, which alters the makeup of one-sixth of the economy of the nation.  Dr. Timothy Floyd, a local surgeon and Army doctor, proved that notion untrue with a speech to crowds gathered at […]

No Union Left Behind

In the third presidential debate, Senator Obama said, “I support charter schools and pay for performance for teachers. Doesn’t make me popular with the teachers union.” School choice observers noticed the change in Democratic rhetoric and were intrigued, but once he was elected we were certain President Obama would pick some edu-flack to head his […]

Crapo promises to 'look into' credit and debit card fees

Following a meeting with convenience store owners from across the state of Idaho, Sen. Mike Crapo promised that he will "look into" problems related to how banks charge for the use of credit and debit cards, according to his spokesman, Lindsay Nothern.  Store owners, in addition to meeting with Crapo, delivered to him a petition […]

Idahoans, interest group want credit card fee reform (video)

Some convenience store owners in Idaho want the federal government to intervene in a fight between their companies and credit card companies to review certain fees stores pay to process credit cards. Store owners, will be meeting with Idaho Republican Sen. Mike Crapo to deliver a petition signed by more than 24,000 Idahoans who want […]

Otter kicks off re-election campaign in the north

Gov. Butch Otter is holding campaign announcements all across the state this week, starting Wednesday in north Idaho.  He’s also launched a new campaign website that includes a petition calling the new federal health care law unhealthy for Idaho. Otter’s holding morning events in Post Falls and Lewiston before an evening barbecue in Caldwell.  On […]

State education board OKs single-digit college tuition increases

The Idaho State Board of Education Monday approved college tuition increases of around 9 percent that would cost students hundreds of dollars a year.  The rising student fees come after Idaho lawmakers gave universities a $32 million reduction in funding for the next school year.  During the past two years, state funding has dropped $67.6 […]

Lawmakers reluctant to embrace innovation

The early graduation idea promoted by Reps. Steven Thayn of Emmett and Brandon Durst of Boise is the most innovative education concept to hit the Statehouse since the late 1990s. The Thayn/Durst plan, which passed the House 61-7 last month, would start a pilot project that would allow students to graduate early. That would save […]

Bill targeting Boise streetcar project receives House OK

House Majority Leader Mike Moyle, R-Star, and Rep. Raul Labrador, R-Eagle, are not fans of the Boise streetcar project being pushed by Boise Mayor Dave Bieter, among others.  The House approved a bill Friday that would, if enacted, limit local government entities in their ability to establish Local Improvement Districts (LIDs) for construction or economic […]

House defeats 'Any Willing Provider' expansion

People are often turned off to politics because they believe the proceedings are boring.  Members of the Idaho House proved otherwise during a lively two-hour debate about Rep. Bob Nonini's, R-Coeur D'Alene, bill designed to require insurance companies to contract with any licensed medical professional that a company's customer wants to work with. In his […]

Ten years and $1.8 million later, still no Rec Center in Mountain Home

After ten years in existence and $1.8 million in revenue collected, the Western Elmore County Recreation District (WECRD) has yet to come up with a final plan for a community recreation center, much less break ground on the project. According to records obtained by the Idaho Freedom Foundation, the WECRD had revenues of $441,480.36 in […]

LID bill killed, then reintroduced with changes

For a few moments in the House Revenue and Taxation Committee Friday, proponents of the Boise streetcar project had a clear path in moving the project forward.  Then moments later, the committee reintroduced legislation designed to make the streetcar more difficult to approve for the Boise City Council. Upon urging from chairmen Rep. Dennis Lake, […]

Texting ban, with changes, passes committee (video)

The proposed texting while driving ban is headed to the full Senate with some slight changes.  After talking with law enforcement officials, Sen. John McGee, R-Caldwell, wants to change a few words in the proposed legislation that calls texting inattentive driving.  The ban on texting would now only apply to drivers in moving vehicles and […]

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