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Your Search for "petition" returned 319 results.

House voices support for F-35 jets

In a 70-0 unanimous vote of support, the House voted Tuesday to encourage Congress, the congressional delegation of Idaho, and the secretary of the Air Force to bring the F-35 jet to Mountain Home Air Force Base (MHAFB) and Gowen Field in Boise. The two bases are on a short list of bases around the […]

Luna encourages emails to Land Board members

Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Luna wrote a tweet Friday morning encouraging people to visit releasethefunds.com, an online petition website aimed at getting the Land Board to approve a $58 million transfer from the Public Schools Earnings Reserve Fund to the schools budget for next year. Luna and other Land Board members will meet to […]

First Lady Otter, Supt. Luna team up to introduce school fitness program

With gym students of South Junior High in Boise looking on as they spoke Tuesday, First Lady Lori Otter and Idaho Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Luna introduced a pilot fitness program they hope will increase physical activity and accountability in schools. The pilot program will provide schools, three in Boise and one in Nampa, […]

Education board president advocating small reductions to higher ed

The president of the Idaho State Board of Education said he’s not going to beg lawmakers for funding, but said the state must keep the cost of going to college low to keep Idahoans competitive in the global economy. Board president Paul Agidius of Moscow said reducing the higher education budget could keep Idaho’s economy […]

A dozen ideas too good to ignore

This winter, more than one thousand pieces of legislation will be written in Boise. Here are just twelve ideas that many freedom-loving Idahoans believe merit consideration: 1. Cut taxes. There is no greater antidote to economic malaise. Lower taxes requires not a single extra government bureaucrat to administer. It merely requires faith in people and […]

Reforming health care, immigration main topics at Minnick town hall (video)

1st  Congressional District Representative Walt Minnick said it's time for Congress to debate immigration reform and that Democratic leaders will likely wrap up health care deliberations in the next two weeks. Minnick, a Democrat, said he favors new immigration policy with tighter borders and expanded temporary work programs in some fields. As for health care, […]

Idaho getting $64,000 in cholesterol drug settlement

Idaho will get $64,000 dollars back from a cholesterol drugmaker in a national settlement over blocking competition from generic drugs. The money reimburses government purchases of the drug TriCor by the state for programs like Medicaid. Attorney General Lawrence Wasden worked with 25 other attorneys general on a $22.5 million anti-trust settlement against the drug […]

Transportation board lowers GARVEE bonding request

The Idaho Transportation Board will shave off almost $20 million from its Grant Anticipation Revenue Vehicle (GARVEE) bonding request for next year due to lower construction costs and lower bids on projects. Instead of the $45 million the board approved for in October, $26 million will be bonded through GARVEE. Much of that savings comes […]

Statewide discontent over national health care reform

Elected officials across Idaho are coming out against the federal health care reforms that passed the Senate early Thursday morning. None of Idaho's Congressional delegated voted for the plan that's passed the House last month and the Senate on a party-line vote on Christmas Eve. The health care plan now heads to a joint panel […]

Hoffman: State lawmakers can end ban on insurance sales across state lines

Idaho has a law that prevents the state’s residents from shopping for the lowest possible health insurance premiums. The restriction is simple: No one can sell insurance in Idaho without being authorized by state regulators to do so, even if that insurer is already legally recognized to operate in another state. Our statute is mirrored […]

Boulton: Barriers to entry impact the free market

Barriers to entry are anything that gets in the way of starting a business or entering a trade. Most arise through a natural process, mainly the need to raise the necessary capital required to successfully conduct a business. For example, if one wanted manufacture steel, one first needs to build a steel plant, or buy […]

Funding of arts shows idiocy of Fed stimulus

The play is the thing that exposes the idiocy of federal stimulus. There are now 14.7 million Americans out of work. The unemployment rate in the Boise metro area is in double digits. In Canyon County, unemployment has climbed to 12.2 percent - the highest in the state and the highest level since 1983. Ah, […]

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