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Your Search for "petition" returned 319 results.

Antitrust law is a chilling attack on docs -- and a sign of things to come

The future of socialized medicine is already here, and it looks like this: The government is going to insist that doctors treat patients according to the government's terms and conditions. If they protest, argue, complain, fight or plead, they will be pegged as part of a grand conspiracy and silenced. It's happening already. Recently, the […]

Some businesses and cities could benefit from statewide mobile sales permits

Many businesses and small cities around Idaho could benefit from a reform of the way the state handles permits for mobile vendors, otherwise known as door-to-door salesmen.  One police official in Meridian believes that a statewide system of issuing permits would benefit smaller cities that typically don't have the extra staff to license vendors.  One […]

Minnick campaign launches new website, Twitter opposing earmarks

Congressman Walt Minnick's campaign announced the release of a new website Thursday dedicated to fighting federal waste in earmarks.  The site, www.BanEarmarks.com, is a collection of Minnick's work to remove earmarks from the federal legislation.  Minnick is one of only a handful of lawmakers who have pledged not to request earmarks. Minnick said that eventually […]

Democrats wrap up state convention, set to release platform Monday

Democrats gathered at the Coeur d'Alene Casino near Worley ended the weekend's events with a bang Saturday night at a gala banquet which featured Native American traditional dance presentations, speeches by several Democratic candidates, and a keynote address given by former Congressman Pat Williams, who represented the state of Montana for 18 years in the […]

F-35 decision could come in early 2011

The process of getting the Air Force’s F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program to Idaho is moving forward.  According to Col. Tim Marsano, with the Idaho Air National Guard, the focus right now is on conducting environmental impact studies and community education programs.  “We expect to have a draft environmental impact study come out this year.  […]

Idaho reaches settlement with orthopedists on workers’ comp pricing

Idaho Attorney General Lawrence Wasden and the U.S. Department of Justice have reached a legal agreement with a group of orthopedic doctors to prevent the doctors from collaborating to raise prices for providing care to injured workers.  Wasden alleged that the orthopedists boycotted treating patients covered by Idaho’s workers compensation insurance to get more money […]

Palin says Congress needs Ward

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin received rounds of applause during a stump speech for Republican congressional candidate Vaughn Ward in Boise Tuesday.  Palin criticized the Obama administration, Congress, and the mainstream media while touting Ward’s resume.  Ward is one of several candidates in the May 25 GOP primary.  The winner will face Democratic U.S. Rep. […]

Abortion is Bayes' top priority

Frequent Republican candidate and anti-abortion activist Walt Bayes of Wilder is one of several challengers trying to unseat Gov. Butch Otter in this month’s primary election.  Bayes lost to Otter in the GOP primary four years ago, garnering 3.2 percent of the vote.  He’s also lost primary races for the Idaho House and Senate.  He’s […]

States’ rights initiatives won’t be on the November ballot

A set of 17 voter initiatives, many aimed at strengthening Idaho’s state sovereignty, likely didn’t garner enough signatures from voters to appear on the November general election ballot.  One of the backers of the slate of initiatives, called the Idaho Freedom Initiatives, said signature counts he’s received have been well below the 51,712 needed by […]

Schools receive federal money for kitchen upgrades

Several schools around the state - 18 to be exact - will soon be looking for new kitchen equipment thanks to the Idaho State Department of Education (ISDOE) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.  Those 18 schools will receive a combined $120,000 for kitchen upgrades under a program designed to improve school lunch programs in […]

Heileson explains his candidacy, opposition to Simpson's record

Chick Heileson said that he has no issues with U.S. Rep. Mike Simpson personally.  In an interview with IdahoReporter.com, Heileson said that he thinks that Simpson is a likable guy with who he has been friends for years.  However, Heileson believes that Simpson has failed to vote along the lines of the U.S. Constitution during much of his time in Congress, […]

Idaho Meth Project begins anti-meth art contests, thousands of dollars up for grabs for teens

The Idaho Meth Project (IMP), the leading voice in the state’s fight against methamphetamine, launched an art contest Monday that will allow teenagers and young adults to create anti-meth art projects for the chance to win thousands of dollars. IMP is asking teens, ages 13-18, to create unique message to show the dangers of meth use.  The […]

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