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Your Search for "petition" returned 319 results.

Feds give until October 2013 to create exchange, not January 2013

At a reporter's breakfast Wednesday, Gov. Butch Otter said that it's likely Idaho won't have enough time to create and implement its own state-based health insurance exchange program. "The chances are very good that we are not going to have a state-based exchange," he said. “Quite frankly, the clock is running.” Otter says that the […]

Idaho should OK insurance sales across state lines

If I decide to go online and buy the DVD collection of a stranger from New Jersey, I’m allowed to do it. No one questions the usefulness and brazen free-market nature of this transaction. Indeed, everyone acknowledges that in buying DVDs from some dude across the country, I’ll probably end up with some awesome movies […]

Pocatello Development Authority misleads public about decision to forgive loan in exchange for stock in a private corporation

Press Release September 7, 2011 - The Idaho Freedom Foundation (IFF), a government watchdog and free market think tank based in Boise, today accused Pocatello’s urban renewal agency, the Pocatello Development Authority, of trying to mislead the public on its ill-fated decision to loan taxpayer money to a private company and then forgive the loan […]

Otter and Luna get it; let's hope the other Land Board members will, too

It's good to see two of our elected officials commenting on and disavowing a controversial action they took last year that gave the state ownership of a private business in direct competition with the private sector. Asked recently by IdahoReporter.com whether the state should have purchased Affordable Storage in Boise, Gov. Butch Otter second-guessed the […]

At the U.S. Department of Education, do the names Adam Smith or Milton Friedman ring a bell? Perhaps not.

The U.S. Department of Education has released a 450-page document with new rules for the “for-profit higher education sector.”  The agency's intent is to create "gainful employment in a recognized occupation.”  We gather “gainful employment” is governmentese for getting a job. Drug dealing and prostitution are “recognized occupations” – but we digress. Among the provisions […]

An appeal to Idaho teachers

In private, Idaho’s teachers will admit they're stifled at work. They live with the bureaucracy, lack of monetary reward and the “we’ve always done it this way” culture in exchange for being with their own children when they’re not at school and making a difference in the lives of many other children. Now teachers are […]

Public education employees lobbying on the taxpayer's dime

Idahoans paid at least $10,670 plus 33 days of leave for 46 classroom teachers and one librarian to testify before the legislative Joint Finance-Appropriations Committee on Friday, January 21. The calculations by the Idaho Freedom Foundation are based on payroll data from IFF's OurIdaho.com payroll database, the leave policies of their school districts and costs […]

Idaho's Superintendent of Public Instruction Candidates and School Choice

Candidates for Idaho State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Luna and Stan Olson spoke recently on two separate occasions at Sage International Public Charter School in Boise on the topic of “The Sustainability of Charter Schools in Idaho.” Neither was asked to address specific questions but the freewheeling sessions brought forth each candidate’s thoughts on […]

State ownership of business is bad public policy

The state of Idaho recently spent $2.7 million to buy a self-storage business, which the state continues to own and operate as if it were just any other business in town, competing for its share of the market against similar businesses that pay taxes -- businesses owned by people like you and me. The state […]

Twin Falls Urban Renewal District to provide $11,000 for private business advertising

Twin Falls Urban Renewal district is placing the local government in direct competition with private businesses. Earlier this year the URD commission voted to spend over $786,000.00 to buy the Dell Computer call center. After finding a tenant for the call center, now to be called the C3 Call Center, the URD is in final […]

Labrador says Minnick voted against health care law to get re-elected

Republican Raul Labrador said Democrat Walt Minnick’s vote against health care legislation in Congress earlier this year was made with an eye on this November’s election. “He really only voted against it so that he could get re-elected,” Labrador, a state representative from Eagle, said during a call-in show on KBOI Thursday.  Labrador said if […]

Minnick says health care will be congressional issue for next decade

Idaho Congressman Walt Minnick said he thinks changes to the health care reform law approved earlier this year won’t see changes this year, and will be a topic of debate for years to come. “I suspect that Congress is going to be dealing with health care reform for the next 10 years,” Minnick said Wednesday […]

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