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Your Search for "petition" returned 319 results.

Obamacare ruling results in health exchange, Medicaid decisions for legislative candidates

Note: This is the second of a three-part series on responses to a survey sent to general election candidates. On Tuesday, the series looked at education-related issues including Propositions 1, 2 and 3 and funding for K-12 and higher education. Thursday IdahoReporter.com will wrap it up with a look at privatizing liquor, “sin” taxes, online […]

Health insurance attorney, Idaho senator clash over defining ‘nonprofit’ health care exchange

The legislative task force looking into whether or not to set up a state health exchange and how to deal with Medicaid in Idaho met on Monday and the most intriguing presentation came concerning the state setting up a nonprofit state-based insurance exchange. The Idaho Legislature's Health Care Task Force is a joint Senate-House committee […]

Blackfoot School District denies public records request

On Sept. 7, the Idaho Freedom Foundation (IFF) requested information from the Blackfoot School District under the Idaho Freedom for Information Act. The request made by IFF director of operations was for: "all documents relating to an expense detailed as 'contracted services' for the amount of $105,428 for the time period of Jan. 1 through […]

Idaho has new state controller, but Land Board policies unlikely to change

Idaho’s new state controller says he is unlikely to support a change in policy that allowed the state Land Board’s controversial purchase of a commercial business two years ago. Controller Brandon Woolf told Idaho Reporter.com that he supports his former boss’s vote to buy Boise-based Affordable Storage, a for-profit enterprise, and to direct the profits […]

Proposition 1: Understanding what a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’ vote means

(Note: This is the first of a three-part series examining what a “yes” or “no” vote means on the state’s three propositions to be decided by voters in the general election Nov. 6. Wednesday Proposition 2 will be featured. Thursday it will be Proposition 3.) --- In what would otherwise be a less-than-contentious general election […]

Guess what? Idahoans subsidize rural phone service under provision in Idaho Code

The Idaho Public Utilities Commission (PUC) has approved an increase effective Oct. 1 in the surcharge that subsidizes the high cost of rural telephone service. What? You did not know that you are helping to pay for rural phone service. Idaho Code 62-610A requires that "all consumers in this state, without regard to their location, […]

Idaho's land board expands commercial activity with brewpub lease

The Idaho Department of Lands (IDL) says that it can expect to take in $2.6 million in rent through its investment in a commercial building in downtown Boise, but critics of public involvement in private-sector business operations claim that this expectation is overstated because it doesn't take into account the actuarial uncertainty of potential business […]

Club sports in Idaho not likely to replace high school sports

High school sports from the Friday night football game to basketball, volleyball, baseball, softball track and field, tennis, golf … you name it, it has a constituency who live and die with the outcome of the events. High school sports rank right up there with mom, apple pie and Chevrolets. Every year, big bucks are […]

Idaho blogger may have been 'SWATted' by unknown nemesis

SWATting? What the heck is that? Star, Idaho, resident David Fix knows. He has had an up close and personal view of it and he did not enjoy the experience. The term is a not-so-veiled reference to the actions of police SWAT teams, which descend in force to a perceived problem that may require an […]

Idaho Freedom Foundation annual banquet draws record crowd of 600

The Riverside Hotel ballroom in Boise burst at the seams Thursday night as more than 600 supporters of the Idaho Freedom Foundation joined in the organization's third annual Idaho Freedom Celebration and Banquet. This nearly doubled attendance from last year's event, with the capacity crowd turning out in record numbers to see the event's keynote […]

Idaho report examines minimum wage impact on teen unemployment

Recent data compiled by the Employment Policies Institute (EPI) and released in a report by the Idaho Freedom Foundation says that almost 31 percent of Idaho teens aged 16-19 were unemployed in 2011. Another study found that at least 2,000 additional Idaho teens would have been employed if the minimum wage had not been increased […]

Idaho liquor laws place broad regulatory discretion in few hands

Media reports have proliferated across the country in recent days regarding the Idaho State Liquor Division's decision not to stock Five Wives Vodka, a brand manufactured by Ogden's Own Distillery in Utah. The earliest stories especially focused on the brand's indirect reference to polygamy, indicating that it had been rejected for sale because the state's […]

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