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Your Search for "petition" returned 319 results.

House passes Senate measure altering initiative, referendum requirements

Described by one legislator as “one of the worst pieces of legislation” that he has ever seen, nonetheless the Idaho Legislature has passed a bill that will significantly change the ballot initiative and referendum process in the state. “I really think this is one of the worst pieces of legislation I have ever seen,” Rep. […]

Senate approves bill changing statewide ballot initiative process

[post_thumbnail] Sen. Jeff Siddoway supported changing statewide ballot initiative process. The Idaho Senate on a 25-10 vote has approved a bill that would seek to change the ballot initiative and referendum process in the state. “We have to decide what is more important,” Sen. Russ Fulcher, R-Meridian,  commented to IdahoReporter.com after the vote, “ensuring that […]

Charter schools are public schools but founding, funding are unique

[post_thumbnail] Rep. JoAn Wood is in support of funding public charter schools. Since authorized for creation by the Legislature in 1998, Idaho has been home to 44 charter schools with a handful coming and going since then. There are currently 40 charter schools in the state. How they are funded, created, maintained and the rationale […]

Otter pops: Former Obamacare foe now a supporter

By Dustin Hurst | Watchdog.org Gov. Butch Otter is hardly the first politician to reverse course on a controversial and highly contentious issue. Look at President Obama’s evolution on gay marriage, George H.W. Bush’s flip on his “no new taxes” pledge, or Mitt Romney on, well, everything. Yet, Otter’s conversion from bellicose health-care rebel to boisterous lobbyist […]

Senate bill would toughen requirements for ballot initiatives

[post_thumbnail] Sen. Curt McKenzie, left, supports legislation that requires some statewide support to get an issue on the ballot. Senate Bill 1026, in light of the Legislature’s passage of education reform measures in 2011 and their subsequent repeal in the November 2012 general election following a successful initiative effort to get them on the ballot, […]


A state insurance exchange will do nothing but facilitate the federal government's takeover of the health care system. The health insurance exchange, like the Medicaid expansion, is nothing more than a multi-billion dollar boondoggle the cost for which will be borne by future generations. Currently 25 states have indicated that they will not implement a […]

Senate committee seems to like Florida’s Medicaid reform program

[post_thumbnail]Christie Herrera from the Foundation for Government Affairs speaks to Senate Health and Welfare Committee members Thursday. Sen. Lee Heider, R-Twin Falls, was very direct in where he thinks Idaho should go with Medicaid reform: “Florida seems to be doing some very good things with Medicaid, bringing down the costs and improving patient care. I […]

Idaho Medicaid: Florida’s Medicaid Cure proponents to visit state a second time

[post_thumbnail]Idaho lawmakers interested in Medicaid Cure program include, from left: Sen. Russ Fulcher, Rep. Vito Barbieri and Rep. Grant Burgoyne. The state of Idaho may be on the verge of expanding its Medicaid program. And a Medicaid policy expert from Florida is hoping that Idaho will follow her plan to reduce Medicaid costs. So much […]

Dumb, forgotten law makes Black Friday sales illegal in Idaho

Like many Idahoans, I participated in post-Thanksgiving sales. Though weighted down by turkey and other fixings, I managed to wobble out of the house Thursday night and get our family to fight through the thicket of people doing their level best to take advantage of bigger-than-you-can-possibly-imagine discounts. Now, I’m not here to mess up your […]

Greenleaf taxpayers looking at a $9.3 million tab for new sewage treatment facility

Whether it is a “threat” as the Greenleaf city clerk characterizes it or a legal obligation of the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), the net result will be a new and expensive sewage treatment facility for the small community of Greenleaf. DEQ has told the city it has authority to fine the city up […]

Idaho should lift ban on cross-state insurance sales

This last legislative session, the House of Representatives passed a bill to change the law that bars out-of-state insurance companies from selling in Idaho and forbids Idahoans from buying insurance from companies in other states. The vote was substantial, 59-6. But the measure was then sent to the Senate Commerce and Human Resources Committee, never […]

Candidates weigh in on liquor sales, ‘sin’ taxes, online sales tax and the personal property tax

Note: This is the third of a three-part series on responses to a survey sent to general election candidates. On Tuesday, the series looked at education-related issues including Propositions 1, 2 and 3 and funding for K-12 and higher education. Wednesday IdahoReporter.com published candidate responses on health care insurance exchanges, Medicaid expansion and the budget […]

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