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Your Search for "petition" returned 319 results.

House passes conditional income and corporate tax reduction plan

[post_thumbnail] House Majority Leader Mike Moyle, R-Star, successfully sponsored legislation that could reduce the state's income and corporate tax rates. The Idaho House of Representatives has passed a measure to allow for a reduction in state income tax rates and corporate taxes in the future if certain government revenue goals are achieved. House Bill 548 […]

One would think state has made enough mistakes giving away money … apparently not

Department of Commerce Director Jeff Sayer says he has a real “game changer” for Idaho. It’s a proposal that would allow businesses to recoup the sales, income and unemployment insurance taxes they pay IF they do certain things stipulated by the state. The proposal leaves me curious. It’s curious that this so-called “game changer” arrives […]

One would think state has made enough mistakes giving away money … apparently not

Department of Commerce Director Jeff Sayer says he has a real “game changer” for Idaho. It’s a proposal that would allow businesses to recoup the sales, income and unemployment insurance taxes they pay IF they do certain things stipulated by the state. The proposal leaves me curious. It’s curious that this so-called “game changer” arrives […]

House leader proposes reductions to individual, corporate tax rates

[post_thumbnail] Rep. Tom Dayley, R-Boise, says he favors a close look at reducing corporate and individual income tax rates in Idaho. The Idaho House Revenue and Taxation Committee has agreed to consider a bill that would reduce the state’s individual and corporate tax rates. According to the bill’s sponsor, House Majority Leader Mike Moyle, R-Star, […]

Bedke deserves praise for easing access to legislators

One move made by House Speaker Scott Bedke this session deserves praise: Bedke has made it easier for members of the public to visit their legislators. This is a big deal, maybe the biggest deal. Why? For the last couple of legislative sessions, House members and their offices have been under lock and key. If […]

Senate committee advances measure to allow health care without insurance

[post_thumbnail]Sen. Dean Cameron, R-Rupert, wonders what role if any the Department of Insurance would play under a direct primary care system in the state. The Senate Commerce and Human Resources Committee has advanced legislation that seeks to codify in state statute the ability for doctors and patients to do business with each other directly without […]

Otter promises more use of troubled workforce subsidy program

[post_thumbnail]Rep, Lawerence Denney, R-Midvale, says the state should not put itself "in the business of helping one business over another.” Gov. Butch. Otter promised this year that the state will ramp up its efforts to draw businesses to Idaho using subsidy programs, the announcement coming after some lawmakers called for a review of how the […]

Calling it a state-based exchange depends on your definition of what is ‘state based’

[post_thumbnail]Sen Fred Martin, R-Boise, says the operation of the Idaho insurance exchange is not what he voted for when he supported creation of a state-based exchange. According to reports from the Associated Press, leaders of Idaho’s state-based health insurance exchange know “virtually nothing” about the reported 1,730 Idahoans who had purchased insurance plans from the […]

Black Friday … a day Idahoans snub their noses at state law

My teenage son really wants a Playstation 4. Nothing will make Julian happier than a next generation video game console under our Christmas tree. But I told him my willingness to buy something so pricy may depend entirely on the availability of steep discounts for consoles, games and controllers, the types of discounts that only […]

Black Friday … a day Idahoans snub their noses at state law

My teenage son really wants a Playstation 4. Nothing will make Julian happier than a next generation video game console under our Christmas tree. But I told him my willingness to buy something so pricy may depend entirely on the availability of steep discounts for consoles, games and controllers, the types of discounts that only […]

Interim ed committee bombarded with recommendations during a seven-hour hearing

[post_thumbnail] Reps. Reed DeMordaunt, R-Eagle, and Judy Boyle, R-Midvale, listen to testimony during Tuesday's legislative interim education system hearing. DeMordaunt is co-chair of the committee. An interim committee of the Idaho Legislature met Tuesday to learn about the current condition and future hopes for K-12 public education. What it heard was a plea for more […]

Support broadens against Land Board’s commercial property acquisitions

[post_thumbnail]Rep. Robert Anderst R-Nampa, left. spoke with members of the Tax Accountability Committee during a luncheon meeting addressing upcoming land transactions by the Idaho Department of Lands. An Idaho citizens’ activist group is garnering increased attention and support from elected officials across the state in making a case for its concerns about the Idaho Department […]

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