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Your Search for "petition" returned 319 results.

Uber ignores Boise’s attack on ride-sharing service

Ride-sharing service Uber is standing tall against Boise’s efforts to shut down the company’s operations in Idaho’s capital. Slapped with a cease-and-desist letter on New Year’s Eve, Uber continued shuttling customers around the Boise area. IdahoReporter.com checked the Uber app Friday, the digital tool for requesting a ride, and found a message encouraging customers to […]

Black Friday-type sales illegal in Idaho … really

A Los Angeles Times story a few days ago highlighted Dwandalyn Johnson, a 51-year-old retired insurance clerk, who told a reporter that it is well worth the hassle to wait in lines to score a bargain during the Thanksgiving shopping season. Johnson said, “If Black Friday wasn’t here, we’d go into debt from Christmas shopping. […]

Net neutrality is socialist, anti-capitalist

I’ve been lucky enough to more or less grow up during with technology in front of me. I’ve had access to some form of the Internet for a long time, and it’s no shock to anyone these days just how much the Internet and expanded access have shaped our world. This is why the issue […]

A question doctors are rarely asked: What will it cost?

When shopping for clothes, food and just about everything else, if we don't see the price marked on the package or the shelf, we ask someone in the store. Knowing the price allows us to make good decisions. Health care is another story. Despite the "major reforms" to the health insurance and health care industries […]

Timber industry another victim of federal land mismanagement

"America once had half a million loggers. By 2022, the government estimates it will have 3,800." So reads the teaser text on a recent news article highlighting the life of one Idaho lumberjack. Today the number of people so employed stands at just more than 5,000 with a mere 320 in the state of Idaho. […]

Bad policy is bad policy no matter how it pops up

It’s interesting that some legislators are intrigued by Dr. Ted Epperly’s suggestion that Idaho voters be asked to approve expansion of Medicaid. Frustrated by the Legislature’s unwillingness to act on the matter, Epperly, a member of the governor’s task force on the topic of Medicaid in Idaho, said at a recent meeting of the panel, […]

Criminal justice reforms continue to be a bright spot for bipartisanship

Following efforts during this past legislative session to reform the Idaho’s criminal justice system via the Justice Reinvestment Act, it looks as though the federal government may be looking to implement its own reforms at the federal level. The Smarter Sentencing Act bill sponsored by Rep. Raúl Labrador, R-Idaho, and Rep. Robert C. "Bobby" Scott, […]

Idaho Legislature in danger of becoming Congresscritters

The Idaho Legislature is not Congress. Be thankful for that. But recent outrage over a vote months ago makes it appear some would prefer that Idaho lawmakers behave and think like their Congresscritter cousins. In March, state lawmakers approved a bill creating behavioral health crisis centers, which supporters say will help people with mental health […]

Legislative session was ‘disappointing’ due to no tax relief, more spending

Now that the Legislature has gone home, I am left with just one question: What the heck were they thinking regarding taxes and spending? This Legislature, with a supermajority of Republicans, had ample opportunity to dramatically cut taxes and keep spending in check. It did neither. Gov. Butch Otter proposed $30 million in tax relief. […]

Medicaid in Idaho: More costly now than nearly the entire state budget from 10 years ago

[post_thumbnail]Idaho's Medicaid budget is now more costly than nearly the entire state budget from 10 years ago. Medicaid, the government-run health program, which is split in cost about 30-70 between the state and the federal government, continues to grow, adding millions of dollars to taxpayers’ backs each year. The program is a social health care […]

Better sit for this … committee vote gives me a reason for optimism

I'm unexpectedly marginally optimistic about one thing in this legislative session. Marginally. Maybe, just maybe, the Legislature will adjourn without coming up with new ways to increase the cost of health care. Or make it harder to get into an occupation. Allow me to explain: For the last 10 years, state lawmakers have all too […]

Better sit for this … committee vote gives me a reason for optimism

I'm unexpectedly marginally optimistic about one thing in this legislative session. Marginally. Maybe, just maybe, the Legislature will adjourn without coming up with new ways to increase the cost of health care. Or make it harder to get into an occupation. Allow me to explain: For the last 10 years, state lawmakers have all too […]

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