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Your Search for "petition" returned 319 results.

Fact-check: Fred Wood offers false pose on more government regulations

The other day, House Health and Welfare Chairman Fred Wood said something that is so outrageously, patently false, it deserves special recognition for its fallaciousness. After professional sign language interpreters flooded his committee room, the panel voted almost unanimously to make it illegal for people to offer sign language interpretation services without a license. That’s when the Republican from Burley, Wood, said, “It’s […]

Tesla adds Idaho lobbyist, prepares for battle with auto dealers

Upstart auto maker Telsa is officially in the game here in the Idaho Capitol after the company registered a lobbyist with the secretary of state’s office last week. Amy Lombardo, an attorney for Parsons, Behle & Latimer, registered on Tesla’s behalf Feb. 26, just one day after the Idaho Automobile Dealers Association pitched legislation that […]

Anti-Tesla, auto dealer protection bill hits the Idaho Capitol

Members of a special committee introduced legislation Wednesday that would protect Idaho auto dealers from upstart competitors who want to sell cars directly to consumers. The bill, approved for further hearing by the House Ways and Means Committee, is the brainchild of the Idaho Automobile Dealers Association. It has the support of Rep. Kathy Sims, […]

As lawmakers consider more business regulation, experts offer a better path

As Idaho lawmakers consider restrictive licenses on two professions, genetic counseling and sign language interpreting, experts warn against adopting new regulations, saying they won’t help consumers. They also say the state has better options to ensure quality, low prices and easy entry into the market. “Licensing does not guarantee high quality,” warned Sanford Ikeda, an […]

Fulcher: Let's seek innovative and smart solutions for Idaho's pressing budget issues

By Russ Fulcher At first glance, the governor’s budget proposal for the next fiscal year asks taxpayers to spend about $150 million more than last year; and it appears the Legislature will agree.  But the cost could be much greater than $150 million.  That’s because there are major issues coming this session that were not […]

Opinion: Legislature’s vote on horse racing endangers jobs

Here’s why what happens in Boise is so important—and so scary: Right now, legislators are deciding, quite literally, whether dozens of employees of businesses throughout the state will have a job later this year; whether millions of dollars in planned capital purchases will go forward or not; whether an entire business model that’s generating economic […]

Legislature's vote on horse racing endangers jobs

Here’s why what happens in Boise is so important—and so scary: Right now, legislators are deciding, quite literally, whether dozens of employees of businesses throughout the state will have a job later this year; whether millions of dollars in planned capital purchases will go forward or not; whether an entire business model that’s generating economic […]

Nielsen to wage one-man war on Idaho’s latest tax giveaway

Mountain Home Republican legislator Pete Nielsen knows he's in a losing tussle. "I know good and well this bill is going to pass," Nielsen told IdahoReporter.com Wednesday. "I'm just trying to educate people." Nielsen set up a showdown with House Commerce and Resources Committee Chair Stephen Hartgen, R-Twin Falls, during the panel's Wednesday hearing. After […]

Republican seeks local option transportation tax for all Idaho counties

Rep. Joe Palmer, R-Meridian, introduced legislation Tuesday that could allow county taxpayers the ability to tax themselves to pay for specific road projects. The measure would allow the state’s highway districts -- more than 200 strong -- to ask voters to approve registration fee hikes for specific projects. The bill would also allow highway districts […]

Another showdown looms for Otter over road funding, gas tax hike

Gov. Butch Otter’s State of the State address contained a three-letter oddity the average Idahoan probably missed. But the three letters, underlined and capitalized in the the text copy of the governor’s annual address, could set up a showdown between Otter and a House committee chairman. NOT. Three letters, capitalized and underlined for emphasis mean […]

Tax and spend: Otter grows government faster than economy, swells education spending

As a political principle, Gov. Butch Otter pledges not to grow government faster than the economy. He achieves that goal in his new budget, at least at first glance. A second and deeper look, though, reveals more spending than the governor wants to reveal. First, Otter set the economic growth benchmark at 5.5 percent, the […]

Fulcher: Otter's exchange gamble a failure

  By Russ Fulcher Idaho’s “state-based” health exchange isn’t “state-based” at all.  It is a federal exchange, governed by federal law, operated by cooperating state employees.  When Idaho leaders chose this path for health care, Idaho taxpayers were forced to swallow the federal bait (dollars), impaled on a hook of federal control.  And Idaho officially became […]

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