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Your Search for "petition" returned 319 results.

Arrest rogue retailers on Black Friday

When I first wrote about Black Friday sales, it was truly Black Friday, in the singular sense. Since that time, the shopping extravaganza has morphed into a multi-day binge of deals. Interestingly, the shopkeepers who offer some of the best deals are criminals. Yes, criminals -- because many of the prices-so-low-your-head-will-explode sales are illegal in […]

Legislature should nix local minimum wage hikes 

Voters in McCall were wise on Tuesday to reject a minimum wage increase. But the fight on this issue isn’t over yet. Advocates for this absurd policy are likely to keep pressing local governments—or their voters—to say yes. Eventually, there will be some kind of piecemeal win, unless lawmakers put a stop to the madness. […]

Raise the minimum wage, limit economic potential

By Dr. John Livingston | for Idaho Freedom Foundation Some mistakenly paint conservatives and limited government types as heartless for arguing against allowing government to mandate wages. That notion couldn’t be further from the truth. We know dating back to 1931 when the first federal minimum wage laws were enacted that those hurt most by […]

Lodge attempts to silence 90,000 Idahoans during special session

In representative government, Americans transfer their voices to elected officials, giving public figures the power to question, criticize and explain. During Monday’s special session, Sen. Patti Anne Lodge, R-Huston, attempted to silence the voices of about 90,000 Idahoans. Lodge chaired the joint committee meeting where the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare presented a new […]

Explained: How Democrats’ bad ideas drove down wages in Idaho

Eating humble pie is never easy. I’m an expert on the subject lately. There are a few others who need to take blame for poor ideas that manipulate the market and lead to unintended consequences and economic devastation. Let us start with Idaho Democrats. Take the Idaho Statesman’s recent revelation that airline carrier United will […]

Occupy Boise leader, Democrat bring community organizing to Idaho cities

The community organizing tactics made famous by President Barack Obama have landed in Idaho, as activists in at least two cities fight for higher local minimum wage laws. In his run to the presidency, Obama shined a light on community organizing, an aggressive political move the left deploys to push for more programs and government […]

Criticism of federal-to-state land transfer idea is a sign of traction

You can tell when an idea is gaining some traction, critics will attack it from all angles. The transfer of federal lands to Idaho, and other Western states, is one such idea. And it’s an idea whose time has come. If we go back to our history books, we see the federal government has already […]

Uber regulations approved, despite city objections

Two Idaho cities went big to kill a bill that would allow the state to regulate companies like Uber and Lyft, but came up short in the final tally. On a 5 to 3 vote, the Senate Transportation Committee approved the new rules, which would block cities and counties from imposing their own restrictions on […]

Opinion: Horse racing businesses are owed due process

Credit the Coeur d’Alene Tribe with cleverness. It took me a while to realize exactly what the tribe was up to with its Senate Bill 1011, but now I know. The tribe argues that the Legislature should pass its bill to repeal historical horse racing. Historical horse racing is a type of gambling where, sitting […]

Horse racing businesses owed due process

Credit the Coeur d’Alene Tribe with cleverness. It took me a while to realize exactly what the tribe was up to with its Senate Bill 1011, but now I know. The tribe argues that the Legislature should pass its bill to repeal historical horse racing. Historical horse racing is a type of gambling where, sitting […]

Idaho House to fix bad government with more government

Sometimes in the halls of the Capitol in Boise, the answer to bad government is — wait for it — more government. Such seems to be the case with a new proposal to license Naturopathic physicians, which passed the Idaho House on a 37 to 32 vote Tuesday. Idaho law already regulates — at least […]

Despite two attempts to kill it, bill to end legislative retirement perk moves on

Despite an extra attempt to kill the plan, a bill to end legislative pension spiking will move forward to an Idaho Senate committee for more deliberations. The bill, sponsored by Republican Reps. Steven Harris of Meridian and Kelley Packer of McCammon, passed the House twice Tuesday, first on a 38 to 32 vote, then again […]

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