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Your Search for "petition" returned 319 results.

Little and Ahlquist: Resume horse racing, Labrador withholds support

Republican candidates for Idaho governor are split on whether a type of gambling should be allowed to resume in the Gem State. Lt. Gov. Brad Little and Boise businessman Tommy Ahlquist said they would re-authorize a form of horse race betting that the Legislature banned in 2015, while U.S Rep. Raul Labrador says he’s committing […]

Ahlquist, Labrador and Little say they would have supported makeup artists

Gov. Butch Otter surprised and disappointed many when he vetoed House Bill 139, which would have allowed Idaho makeup artists to continue supplying their services and talents to brides at weddings, beauty contestants at pageants and actors on film sets. But, there’s some hopeful news on the horizon: All three Republican candidates for governor say […]

Applause for Smith’s defense of the state constitution

On Thursday, Idaho Falls attorney Bryan Smith urged Idaho Supreme Court justices to uphold the state constitution and void Gov. Butch Otter’s untimely veto of the grocery tax repeal. His argument was one of the best I’ve seen in a very long time, and it was simple and sincere: The state constitution says the governor […]

Patrick scores victory for Idaho workers, consumers

Jim Patrick went to the mat for Idaho’s makeup artists, for that he’s a champion. Patrick is the Republican chairman of the Senate Commerce and Human Resources Committee.  Several weeks ago he had scheduled a March 21 meeting to hear a House-passed bill that would update the archaic state cosmetology regulations. Makeup artists and other […]

Bill would keep additional lobby groups off state pension system

A bill that will soon be on its way to the governor promises a small but important change to the way the state’s pension system operates. Rep. Steve Harris, R-Meridian, sponsored the legislation, which passed the House unanimously Feb. 22 and cleared a Senate editing process with one inconsequential change and very little fanfare. This […]

House Bill 279

Bill Description: This bill amends the requirements and regulations for charter school applications Rating: +2 Does it increase barriers to entry into the market? Examples include occupational licensure, the minimum wage, and restrictions on home businesses. Conversely, does it remove barriers to entry into the market? 
 This bill would “streamline the process to open […]

Senate Bill 1077

Bill description: Senate Bill 1077 amends the Idaho regulations that concern Vehicle Insurance Contracts and regulates companies that provide vehicle-theft protection services. Rating: -3 Analyst’s note: This bill has two primary sections that deal with two different matters, one being a new program. First, it shifts the location of the Motor Vehicle Service Contract Act […]

House Bill 202

Bill description: This bill amends the procedures for seizure of civil assets by law enforcement. Rating: +5 Analyst’s Note: This bill was amended March 16 in the Senate. These amendments made minor changes in the wording throughout and specifically clarified what information must be submitted by both state and local law enforcement agencies. Does it […]

Senate next to hear bill to block new private groups from state retirement system

Idaho Senate members will have their chance to decide if the state’s retirement system should continue to allow new private groups and associations to participate in the system. House members passed legislation Wednesday that would block new private groups from taking part in the Public Employee Retirement System of Idaho. The measure, officially House Bill […]

Senate Bill 1060

Bill description: Taxpayers would fund a new government program in which the Department of Health and Welfare would educate the public about Cytomegalovirus prevention. Rating: -1 Analyst note: “Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a common virus that can infect almost anyone,”  according to the Mayo Clinic. “Most people don't know they have CMV because it rarely causes […]

Packer seeks 'government permission slip to earn a living' for sign language interpreters

Rep. Kelley Packer appears determined to swim against a current that is washing away occupational regulation across the country. Packer, R-McCammon, has again filed legislation, House Bill 46, that would make it a crime to do sign language interpretation without a state license. Her bill would give the state the authority to send a violator […]

Help these Idaho women save their business banned by state law

A couple of months ago, the state of Idaho told Miranda Hale, Nadia Saakyan and Micalah Howard that their successful cosmetology business is illegal and must end. The trio learned their entire business model is prohibited because it is based on offering on-site makeup and hairstyling services where it’s needed instead of in a licensed […]

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