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Your Search for "petition" returned 319 results.

Common Core hearings scheduled, a chance to undo bad policy

Some long-overdue public hearings and discussions regarding Idaho’s education standards are coming your way. Hundreds of Idahoans asked the State Board of Education to open a discussion on Idaho’s decision, nine years ago, to adopt Common Core. (Though revised a bit in 2017, much of the troublesome standards remains). As a result, the petitioners got […]

Ada County prosecutor, ISP more interested in saving face than pursuing justice

Ada County Prosecutor Jan Bennetts and the Idaho State Police, collectively referred hereinafter as the Ministry of Vice and Virtue, continue to defend the arrest and prosecution of truck drivers who were innocently transporting non-narcotic hemp through the state. Bennetts and the ISP keep up the persecution despite an onslaught of criticism, public outcry, and […]

Senate Bill 1159 — Initiative process revisions

Bill description: SB 1159 would revise several procedures for the initiative process in Idaho. Rating: +1 Does it violate the spirit or the letter of either the US Constitution or the Idaho Constitution? Examples include restrictions on speech, public assembly, the press, privacy, private property, or firearms. Conversely, does it restore or uphold the protections […]

House Bill 241 — County fair taxing districts

Bill description: HB 241 would establish a new type of taxing district, for county fairs. Rating: -5 Does it create, expand, or enlarge any agency, board, program, function, or activity of government? Conversely, does it eliminate or curtail the size or scope of government? House Bill 241 would expand government power by allowing for the […]

Progressives and their morality

By Dr. John M. Livingston | Medical Policy Adviser When I listen to progressive socialists talk about morality I first have to ask, What is the basis of their moral position? If someone says a “bridge is immoral” I have to ask, how can a thing be immoral? A person or idea can be immoral. […]

Boise residents deserve, at the very least, an advisory vote on big-budget projects

Recently, Boise city attorney Natalie Mendoza asserted that a direct vote on the library and stadium projects would be unconstitutional, based on state law. This statement came as feedback on the ballot initiative submitted to the city by Boise Working Together—a group that wants voter input on two big-budget projects. Her reason for claiming unconstitutionality: […]

Stop socialism by repealing Medicaid expansion

When President Trump told Americans in his State of the Union address that “we are alarmed by new calls to adopt socialism in our country,” one would assume he was talking to the openly socialist members of Congress, such as Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. But Trump’s stated “resolve that America will never be a […]

Idaho Freedom Foundation chairman files challenge to Proposition 2

On Wednesday, Idaho Freedom Foundation Chairman Brent Regan and eastern Idaho attorney Bryan Smith filed a legal challenge to Proposition 2, alleging that constitutional problems plague the law’s language. “Proposition 2 would give federal politicians and bureaucrats immense power over Idaho,” said Regan on Wednesday. “Said federal power would very likely violate the state constitution.” […]

Raise a glass for the Unfair Sales Act repeal—or not, due to restrictive laws

For the last several years, I’ve used my pre-Thanksgiving Day column to write about a decades-old dumb Idaho law that cast a cloud on the season. Happily, this is my last column on this topic. Thankfully, Idaho lawmakers repealed that dumb law earlier this year. The Idaho law in question was called the Unfair Sales […]

Canyon County’s sole-source procurement will likely harm taxpayers, hinder innovation

Canyon County Commissioners will decide August 22 if All Detainment Solutions, a Missouri company, is the only source available to solve the county's jail overcrowding. When a county determines only one company exists to meet a need they have, they can use sole-source procurement. In other words, the county doesn’t have to hear bids from […]

Joint statement opposing BSU's proposed use of eminent domain for baseball stadium

BOISE, ID—On Monday, the Idaho Freedom Foundation and Boise City Council Member TJ Thomson voiced their collective opposition to the prospect of Boise State University using eminent domain to seize property for the school’s new collegiate baseball stadium. The Idaho State Board of Education last week granted BSU the right to use of eminent domain […]

Media's Medicaid story makes for great fiction

Those who support making more Idahoans dependent on government healthcare rallied Friday at the Statehouse. They were celebrating their presumptive victory of getting enough signatures to put Medicaid expansion to a vote in November. The media joined the party, and they hailed it as a win for the Davids against the Goliaths. To hear certain […]

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