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Your Search for "petition" returned 319 results.

Latest test results offer more proof government shouldn’t be in the education business

If there has ever been proof that the government should not be in the education business, it’s the latest results from standardized tests and government officials’ reaction to them.  The new numbers show only slightly more than half of Idaho public school students scored proficient or better on the English literacy part of the ISAT […]

Why public school kids still can’t read

For decades, government officials have spent millions of tax dollars on literacy programs, but too many kids still can’t read at grade level.  Only 37% of fourth grade students test at or above the “proficient” level in reading, according to the Nation's Report Card. Another 57% of high school students fail to meet the reading […]

Ybarra celebrates dismal SAT scores

Idaho Superintendent of Public Instruction Sherri Ybarra touted students’ dismal 2022 SAT scores as a success, but the data show that the scores are nothing to celebrate. Nearly half of test takers failed to meet the reading benchmark, and 69% failed to meet the math benchmark. A July 26 press release by Ybarra and the […]

CLAIMS VERY MUCH FOUNDED: Yes, Proposition 1 would raise nearly everyone’s taxes

From now through Election Day, the Idaho Freedom Foundation will be referring to the leftist group Reclaim Idaho’s Proposition 1 tax increase proposal as costing taxpayers at least $570 million.  I’m telling you this because Idaho’s news media outlets have taken a different and very dishonest tact. They’ve joined arms with Reclaim Idaho to report […]

Journalists ought to stop tipping the scale in favor of leftist causes

We should be grateful that so many members of Idaho’s legacy media are deeply concerned about the information we consume. On the other hand, their penchant for ideological purity may be leading some of them to believe that they have a duty to prevent us from considering unapproved ideas.  That would be a big mistake. […]

Food for thought: Biden leverages school lunch programs to further his woke agenda in Idaho

The Biden administration's announcement last month that will punish school districts that do not accept and cater to gender fluidity among students should be a wake up call for Idaho parents and elected officials. There are actions lawmakers, the governor, and school boards can take immediately to protect students from the White House’s woke agenda. […]

Recapping Idaho’s year of education micro-reform

Supporters of education choice and parental rights will remember Idaho’s 2022 legislative session as the Year of the Micro-reform. Instead of implementing meaningful changes that give families control over their children’s education, the Legislature passed inconsequential bills that failed to make major headway in solving the problems plaguing Idaho’s education system.  2022 Session Recap: Education […]

Senate Bill 1376 — Absentee ballot return

Bill Description: Senate Bill 1376 would criminalize ballot harvesting in a manner that may well have unintended repercussions. Rating: 0 Analyst Note: Senate Bill 1376 is similar to, and is competition for, House Bill 547, which deals with the same issue. Does it violate the spirit or the letter of either the U.S. Constitution or the […]

House Bill 720 — Personhood, animals, objects

Bill Description: House Bill 720 would clarify that personhood and the rights it entails are reserved exclusively to human beings. Rating: +1 Analyst Note: House Bill 720 is similar to House Bill 647, introduced earlier this session. House Bill 720 clarifies that the provisions of the bill do not apply to the legal status of municipalities, organizations, […]

House Bill 684 — Higher ed, free speech

Bill Description: House Bill 684 would prevent Idaho’s public colleges and universities from restricting the freedom of expression of members of the campus community. It would also require these educational entities to publish their policies on free speech and enable students and student organizations to seek legal remedies for violations of their rights. Rating: +3 […]

Hoff Time Report: Left-leaning Supreme Court gets the initiative wrong, endangering Idaho

It's not surprising that the Idaho Supreme Court ruled against a new law requiring more uniform collection of petition signatures in order for an initiative to qualify for the ballot. What is shocking is how badly the court twisted itself into knots to justify its decision to the satisfaction of the state's leftists. Contrary to […]

House Bill 676 — Firearms, public, preemption

Bill Description: House Bill 676 would clarify and strengthen Idaho's preemption law on firearms, which prohibits most local regulations.  Rating: +2 Does it violate the spirit or the letter of either the U.S. Constitution or the Idaho Constitution? Examples include restrictions on speech, public assembly, the press, privacy, private property, or firearms. Conversely, does it […]

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