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Your Search for "petition" returned 319 results.

Statist of the Week: Sen. Fred Martin

This week’s winner was also recently featured as a part of a cabal of statists known as the Flip Flop Five: Patti Anne Lodge, Jim Woodward, Jim Guthrie, Jim Patrick, and Fred Martin. These state senators voted to sustain the governor’s veto of a bill that would have rolled back the governor’s emergency powers.  Now, […]

Idaho senators side with education special interests against parents and students

Special interest groups including big labor unions like the Idaho Education Association seem to be winning the day at the state Legislature, thanks to liberal Republicans and Democrats on the Senate Education Committee.  First, members of the committee rejected a simple House-approved measure to let school boards opt-out of collective bargaining. House Bill 174 would […]

Senate Bill 1179 — College and university appropriation

The Idaho Spending Index examines appropriation bills on several fronts to add some important context to lawmakers’ discussions as the spending bills are considered on the House and Senate floors. As we look at the budget, we consider the following issues: Does the agency requesting these funds serve a proper role of government? Has wasteful […]

House Bill 294 — Strong students grant

Bill Description: House Bill 294 creates a new program that gives grants to families to use for their child's educational needs. The program could increase future spending in the general fund by $35 million. Rating: -2 Amended Analysis: House Bill 294 was amended to remove the Strong Students scholarship program. Consequently, some of the points […]

House Bill 290 — Elections, signature verification

Bill Description: House Bill 290 clarifies that county clerks should verify voter signatures and requires the Secretary of State to set the standards for this process.  Rating: +1 Does it violate the spirit or the letter of either the U.S. Constitution or the Idaho Constitution? Examples include restrictions on speech, public assembly, the press, privacy, […]

House Bill 288 — Picketing, information disclosure

Bill Description: House Bill 288 criminalizes free speech by imposing penalties on sharing information that might be used in organizing political protests near residential property.  Rating: -4 Analyst Note: House Bill 288 is related to and exacerbates the negatives of House Bill 195. Does it violate the spirit or the letter of either the U.S. […]

What if our education system was as unique as the children it's meant to serve?

Every parent knows their kid is not average. The average kid doesn’t exist. Every kid is totally unique. Yet Idaho’s current education system tries to file and chisel children’s differences away so that they will fit into a factory model. It's time to build an education model that embraces the extraordinary nature of every kid. […]

Senate Joint Resolution 102 — Legislature, special sessions

Bill Description: Senate Joint Resolution 102 would amend the Idaho Constitution to allow the Legislature to call itself into an extraordinary session within 15 days of a written request of at least 60% of the body.  Rating: 0 Analyst Note: Senate Joint Resolution 102 proposes to amend the state constitution, a step that always merits […]

House Bill 189 — Criminal history records disclosure

Bill Description: House Bill 189 would allow an individual to petition for shielding the record of a single criminal offense under specific circumstances. Rating: 0 Analyst Note: House Bill 189 attempts to counter the negative consequences of overcriminalization, but it does so in a limited and convoluted manner that may cause as many problems as […]

Lawmakers cannot avoid responsibility to defund leftist extremism at Idaho’s public colleges and universities

Idaho lawmakers have only one job each and every year: deciding how much money to take out of the economy to run whatever government program they decide to fund. Media distractions to the contrary, this is the job, and lawmakers aren’t very good at it. They’re focused on evading responsibility so they upset no one […]

House Bill 194 — Child support orders

Bill Description: House Bill 194 requires the Department of Health and Welfare to initiate contempt proceedings against a parent who is delinquent in paying child support under certain circumstances. Rating: -2 Does it directly or indirectly create or increase penalties for victimless crimes or non-restorative penalties for nonviolent crimes? Conversely, does it eliminate or decrease […]

Senate Bill 1112 — Special sessions

Bill Description: Senate Bill 1112 would allow the Legislature to call itself into a special session within 15 days of a written request of at least 60% of its members. Rating: 0 Amendment Analysis: The amendment to Senate Bill 1112 does not change the rating. The amended version of the bill retains the thresholds found […]

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