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Your Search for "petition" returned 319 results.

House Bill 180 — Retirement program

Bill Description: House Bill 180 inserts state government into the business of private retirement by establishing a new program, board, funds, and other expansions of government.  Rating: -7 Does it create, expand, or enlarge any agency, board, program, function, or activity of government? Conversely, does it eliminate or curtail the size or scope of government? […]

House Bill 195 — Targeted picketing

Bill Description: House Bill 195 criminalizes free speech and protests on public property based on the protest's proximity to a private dwelling.  Rating: -4 Does it violate the spirit or the letter of either the U.S. Constitution or the Idaho Constitution? Examples include restrictions on speech, public assembly, the press, privacy, private property, or firearms. […]

Senate Bill 1110 — Ballot initiatives, legislative districts

Bill Description: Senate Bill 1110 would require that signatures for initiatives and referendums be gathered from all 35 legislative districts in Idaho.  Rating: +2 Does it in any way restrict public access to information related to government activity or otherwise compromise government transparency or accountability? Conversely, does it increase public access to information related to […]

House Bill 96 — Family law temp restricted license

Bill Description: House Bill 96 allows for the limited issuance of temporary restricted driver's licenses to individuals whose licenses have been suspended for being behind on child support payments.  Rating: +1 Does it directly or indirectly create or increase penalties for victimless crimes or non-restorative penalties for nonviolent crimes? Conversely, does it eliminate or decrease […]

Senate Bill 1007 — Ed, salary schedules, endorsements

Bill description: Senate Bill 1007 expands work opportunities for public educators by respecting teaching certifications from compact member states.  Rating: +1  Does it increase barriers to entry into the market? Examples include occupational licensure, the minimum wage, and restrictions on home businesses. Conversely, does it remove barriers to entry into the market? SB 1007 allows […]

Senate Bill 1006 — Literacy Achievement and Accountability Act

Bill description: Senate Bill 1006 reduces barriers for new teachers to begin working by eliminating bureaucratic restrictions on universities.  Rating: +2 Does it increase barriers to entry into the market? Examples include occupational licensure, the minimum wage, and restrictions on home businesses. Conversely, does it remove barriers to entry into the market? SB1006 reduces barriers […]

House Resolution 1 — House Rule 64

Bill Description: House Resolution 1 would amend House Rule 64 to limit how and when individuals may participate in legislative committee hearings.  Rating: -6 Does it in any way restrict public access to information related to government activity or otherwise compromise government transparency or accountability? Conversely, does it increase public access to information related to […]

How teachers unions’ special privileges hurt students and families

Follow her on Twitter @annakate_miller Parents want nothing more than a good education for their children. Teachers unions, however, consistently act against the best interest of students. Unfortunately, the unions are winning and students are collateral. State law empowers teachers unions to control what, how, where, and with whom most children learn. This year, teachers […]

Correcting the Lewiston Tribune’s lies about education choice

If you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth. This is known as the illusion-of-truth effect. Or, a lie. A recent Lewiston Tribune editorial, “Freedom Foundation declares war on your schools,” used the illusion of truth to attack the Idaho Freedom Foundation’s support for education choice. The editorial promulgates a series of myths. […]

Proposed Boise ordinances unlikely to create more affordable housing options

The City of Boise has started to rewrite its zoning code. This makes sense: Over the past 10 years, the Boise metro area’s population has grown more than 20%. It was the fastest growing city in the country from 2017-2018. Considering this explosive growth, and that the code hasn’t been updated in more than 55 […]

VanderSloot attacks IFF because it didn’t love his one liberal bill

The Idaho Freedom Foundation, a conservative think tank, analyzes more legislation than any organization in the state — hundreds of bills per year. IFF analysts have reviewed more than a thousand bills since we started the Idaho Freedom Index eight years ago.  We look at bills for what they do, not who sponsors the bill […]

House Bill 609 — Exclusion from water and sewer districts

Bill description: HB 609 would simplify the process for landowners to petition for exclusion from a water and/or sewer district. Rating: +2 Does it in any way restrict public access to information related to government activity or otherwise compromise government transparency or accountability? Conversely, does it increase public access to information related to government activity […]

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