Bill Description: Senate Bill 1047 would require the division of financial management to provide an updated fiscal impact statement for initiatives that will be on the ballot.
Rating: +1
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Section 34-1812, Idaho Code, requires the division of financial management (DFM) to prepare a fiscal impact statement within 20 working days after receiving a copy of an initiative petition from the secretary of state. A summary of this fiscal impact statement (not to exceed 100 words) must be made available by a signature gatherer when collecting signatures in support of an initiative.
Senate Bill 1047 would amend this section of code to require DFM to update the fiscal impact statement for any initiative that has garnered enough signatures to be placed on the ballot. This statement must be "updated with the most accurate and up-to-date information concerning the fiscal impact of the law proposed by such initiative petition."
While this updated fiscal impact statement may contain no substantive changes, it is worthwhile for DFM to review initiatives to see if new legislation or recent economic trends may have altered the original statement’s assumptions. This requirement should provide voters with a more accurate and current assessment of an initiative's fiscal impact.