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Your Search for "Anna Miller" returned 80 results.

Women and men could use a break from government college peddlers and careerism

When my daughter and son attended Idaho’s government-run schools, they were routinely cajoled to enroll in college. My daughter’s public charter school class was small enough that each student’s post-high school plans were read aloud along with their names at graduation. All but two graduates in a class of about 45 indicated they planned to […]

Idaho’s colleges and universities should face major consequences for disregarding lawmakers

A year ago, I wrote that there should be hell to pay for Idaho’s colleges’ and universities' continued advancement of a clearly left-wing social justice agenda. Thankfully, our state’s elected representatives and senators agreed that they needed to act in order to get the higher education system back on track and under control.  Lawmakers voted […]

Ybarra lies about Idaho’s government schools getting better

Idaho parents deserve to know the truth about the quality of the state's government-run education system, not Sherri Ybarra’s rose-colored version of it.  On Wednesday, Ybarra’s Department of Education put out a misleading news release touting Idaho’s “academic success” as measured by the national publication “Education Week.”  Ybarra went as far as to claim that […]

Idaho education officials plot to hide racist ‘social emotional learning’ from parents

It’s not a tax increase. It’s a “revenue enhancement.” It’s not massive new government spending. It’s an “investment.”  It’s not critical race theory. It’s “culturally responsive teaching.”  This politician is not a liberal. He’s a “common-sense conservative.”  Folks in government have a horrible habit of conjuring up all sorts of euphemisms to describe the things […]

Idaho Business for Education’s scorecard provides cover for Democrats and education establishment

Idaho Business for Education (IBE) describes itself as follows: “We are the only statewide business organization in Idaho that is focused solely on education. We believe an educated workforce is the key to a successful economy and is vital to setting our children up for success in school, work, and life.” While there are too […]

Advancing the social justice agenda at Lewis-Clark State College

By Dr. Scott Yenor & Anna K. Miller Lewis-Clark State College (LCSC) has joined the cult of race and gender victimology, otherwise known as social justice education. This poisonous ideology has penetrated many aspects of campus life at LCSC, from administration to general education requirements to where students live and sleep. Administrators often introduce the […]

Idaho Freedom Index analysts

Fred Birnbaum, Legislative Affairs Director Fred Birnbaum joined the Idaho Freedom Foundation as vice president and chief operating officer after working 25 years in the paper and packaging industry. Fred now serves as the IFF's Legislative Affairs Director and guides the Foundation's policy efforts. Most recently he served as director of business and financial analysis […]

Florida Leads the Way

The Sunshine State’s education reforms are a model for the nation. By Anna K. Miller and Scott Yenor Reforming education involves the notoriously difficult task of reforming bureaucracies. Legislatures and governors can pass laws that demand change, but education bureaucracies are notorious for simply absorbing reforms without changing their ways. This is why former Secretary […]

Disturbing behavior of Idaho elementary teacher ignored for years by school administrators

By Anna K. Miller and Scott Yenor Parents of elementary students in a rural Idaho school district have been complaining about an Idaho teacher who sexualizes musical instruction. Parents claim the inappropriate behavior occurred for years before the Nampa School District started an investigation into the teacher. The music teacher, Tony Bradshaw, is still on […]

Idaho school libraries promote radical sexual agendas and pornographic material

By Anna K. Miller and Sam Dorman In this shocking and explosive report, IFF's director for the Center for American Education and research consultant Sam Dorman expose books and materials that are available in Idaho public school libraries.

Idaho State Board follows IFF Center for American Education’s recommendation to prohibit diversity statements in higher ed

The Idaho State Board of Education has followed our recommendation to ban coercive “diversity statements” in higher education.  The board passed a resolution “prohibiting either requesting or requiring written diversity statements from candidates applying for employment at Idaho’s public four-year universities.” Idaho Freedom Foundation’s Center for American Education has been exposing the use of diversity […]

Idaho’s bathroom law protects students, but harms from transgender policies remain

At least 26 school districts in Idaho have adopted transgender student policies. These policies all enforce some variation of the same corrupt gender ideology. Some allow boys in girls’ bathrooms and require teachers to use the pronouns and name corresponding to a student’s gender identity, regardless of their deeply held religious or personal beliefs. Other […]

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