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Your Search for "Anna Miller" returned 80 results.

Introducing the K-12 LEAD Map

Anna Miller, director of the Idaho Freedom Foundation's Center for American Education, explains how the K-12 LEAD Map gives parents the tools to hold their local public school districts accountable. The LEAD Map combines student achievement data with social justice or "woke" incidents in public schools to give you an idea of which districts are […]

Introducing the Center for American Education

Anna Miller, director of the IFF's Center for American Education, explains the purpose of this organization. We shine a light on the government school system, exposing the rot that is ensnaring our children and the tax dollars that are enabling it.Show more We invite you to join our mission. Click here to support the Center […]

The Sex-Ed Industrial Complex Endnotes

Download the full report here: The Sex-Ed Industrial Complex - How Conservative School Districts Come to Peddle Radical Sex Education to Children 1 Administration of Children and Families, “State Personal Responsibility Education Fact Sheet,” 2020, https://www.acf.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/documents/fysb/fysb_app_stateprep_fact- sheet_oc_2020_508.pdf. Murphy et al. “Personal Responsibility Education Program,” Mathematica Policy Review, 2021, https://www.prepeval.com/reports/PREP_Reaching/index.html#title-section. Office of Population Affairs, “Teen Pregnancy […]

Meet Gena Marker: The librarian who purchased graphic books spreading gender ideology

By Anna Miller and Sam Dorman  IFF’s recent article about public school libraries circulating radical, obscene books has naturally prompted outrage. People want questions answered. Why, for example, would any school official think it’s appropriate to teach kids how to masturbate or normalize polyamory? How could a school district that’s supposedly accountable to taxpayers be […]

West Ada administrators evade, obfuscate facts about pornographic books in school library

By Anna K. Miller, Sam Dorman and Scott Yenor Leadership within the West Ada school district has offered a misleading and evasive set of answers — including outright contradictions — regarding the circulation of two pornographic books that promote radical ideas about gender. We have been told that one of these books was in circulation, […]

Idaho universities are majoring in diversity, equity, and inclusion dogmas

By Anna Miller and Ronald Nate, Ph.D. The woke trinity of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is spreading in Idaho higher education under the leadership of university presidents, who pretend that DEI initiatives don’t exist on campus while  simultaneously claiming such programs are “necessary” for their institutions. These contradictory statements cannot both be true at […]

Eighth grade students shown condom video with simulated sex in Planned Parenthood endorsed program

By Anna Miller and Scott Yenor Eighth-grade kids in Moscow Middle School were shown a disturbing video with animated sex scenes and a cartoon character apparently removing a condom from his erect penis. The video was part of a Planned Parenthood-endorsed sex education program which is implemented in public schools by the Idaho Department of […]

Planned Parenthood-endorsed sex ed is in these 14 public schools

By Anna Miller and Scott Yenor The Center for American Education has obtained a list of middle and high schools delivering Planned Parenthood-endorsed sex education curriculum known as Reducing the Risk (RTR) . According to the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare (IDHW), six out of seven of Idaho’s public health districts implemented the RTR […]

Steph Lucas Live

Steph Lucas and Anna Miller break down a report from Accuracy in Media on Critical Race Theory and the many names it goes by in Idaho's school system.

School choice event

Anna Miller interviews Jason Bedrick and Mike McShane from EdChoice.

The truth about radical sex ed programs in Idaho

Anna Miller, director for the Idaho Freedom Foundation's Center for American Education, tells the truth about leftist groups that are looking to push their radical sexual agendas on Idaho school children.

Answers to frequently asked questions about sex ed in Idaho

By Anna Miller and Dr. Scott Yenor Idaho’s government promotes radical gender theories in schools and builds partnerships with interest groups pushing the sexualization of children, like Planned Parenthood.  How is this happening? Follow the money and the curriculum from the federal government through Idaho’s Department of Health and Welfare (IDHW) to Idaho’s health districts. […]

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