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Your Search for "Anna Miller" returned 80 results.

Idaho's blueprint for red state higher education reform

By Anna K. Miller and Dr. Scott Yenor Disruption of higher education is not inevitable. The higher education industry has weathered online education, for-profit schools and the COVID-19 crisis. Perhaps many mid-level liberal arts schools will close down in the next decade, but generous public subsidies may well keep more than a few alive through […]

Teachers, parents, and kids need Idaho lawmakers to stop public school indoctrination

Idaho education officials are being dishonest when they say there’s no evidence of leftist indoctrination in our public schools and universities. They’re also being dishonest when they claim that the newly-signed House Bill 377 prevents critical race theory from being taught.  The legislation is certainly helpful. It says that students can no longer be compelled […]

Social Justice Ideology at University of Idaho

By Dr. Scott Yenor and Anna K. Miller Since we released our report on Boise State University, curious minds have asked us if things are as bad in Idaho’s other universities. “Wait and see” has been our answer.  Wait no longer.  Our new report answers the question, “How far has social justice ideology penetrated the […]

What if our education system was as unique as the children it's meant to serve?

Every parent knows their kid is not average. The average kid doesn’t exist. Every kid is totally unique. Yet Idaho’s current education system tries to file and chisel children’s differences away so that they will fit into a factory model. It's time to build an education model that embraces the extraordinary nature of every kid. […]

Measuring Social Justice Advocacy on Campus

By Anna K. Miller & Dr. Scott Yenor Social justice, as it plays out in the education sphere, seeks primarily one thing: diversion of higher education toward political activism and ideological indoctrination. And as anyone with eyes to see has noticed, it is taking over America’s colleges and universities.  Social justice as a general theory […]

Social Justice Ideology in Idaho Higher Education

By Dr. Scott Yenor & Anna K. Miller Social justice ideology is turning American higher education into an engine of progressive activism and ideological indoctrination. Its advocates demand conformity to the cult of race, class and gender victimology cloaked in language like “diversity” and “inclusion.” It is bad for free inquiry and for scientific advancement. […]

How teachers unions’ special privileges hurt students and families

Follow her on Twitter @annakate_miller Parents want nothing more than a good education for their children. Teachers unions, however, consistently act against the best interest of students. Unfortunately, the unions are winning and students are collateral. State law empowers teachers unions to control what, how, where, and with whom most children learn. This year, teachers […]

Teachers unions are keeping schools closed

Follow her on Twitter: @annakate_miller Since March, school closures in West Ada have affected at least 35,000 students. Getting K-12 kids back in schools is a national emergency. But the West Ada teachers union is stopping school reopenings. The West Ada School Board voted to reopen schools through a hybrid schedule beginning Monday. Two days […]

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