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Your Search for "Anna Miller" returned 80 results.

Statement on the veto of H314

Idaho Freedom Foundation president Wayne Hoffman issued the following statement regarding Gov. Brad Little vetoing House Bill 314, the School and Library Protection Act: We are dismayed and outraged that Little would choose to betray children and families like this, choosing instead to give in to the pressure from the special interests that have been […]

Another victory as the Senate votes to protect children from graphic materials

Moments ago, the Senate passed House Bill 314, the School and Library Protection Act. We are nearing the culmination of a long fight to protect children from graphic and obscene materials in schools and libraries. Idaho Freedom Foundation has been exposing obscene materials in Idaho libraries for years. In 2021, we warned the public and […]

Idaho school libraries promote radical sexual agendas and pornographic material

By Anna K. Miller and Sam Dorman  Idaho school libraries have become facilitators for a national far-left agenda that warps both sex and gender through exposure to pornographic material as well as noxious propaganda. School libraries are part of a learning environment that, along with other public libraries, serve as a "catalyst that keep[s] students […]

The Sex-Ed Industrial Complex

Gender ideology pervades public schools, even in red states. Even in Idaho. Idaho’s public schools have assumed an outsized role in sex education. School libraries make pornographic books available to minors. School districts teach radical sex education to kids. How is this happening?  Planned Parenthood and its affiliates, funded by the federal government, are the […]

The Sex-Ed Industrial Complex

How Conservative School Districts Come to Peddle Radical Sex Education to Children By Anna K. Miller and Scott Yenor

School choice prospects still alive in Idaho, despite significant setback

By Kaitlyn Shepherd and Anna K. Miller The House Education Committee entertained presentations on three draft bills this morning, showing that efforts to give Idaho students at least some form of school choice are still alive, despite a significant setback yesterday on the Senate floor where 23 Senators voted to kill Senate Bill 1038, a […]

Refuting false claims about SB 1038, Freedom in Education Savings Accounts

By: Kaitlyn Shepherd and Anna K. Miller The Idaho Senate will soon vote on SB 1038, the Freedom in Education (FIE) Savings Account Act, which would establish education savings accounts (ESAs) that would be available to every K-12 student in Idaho and provide $5,950 per year for families to use to completely customize their child’s […]

West Ada school library has been promoting pornographic, pro 'gender transition’ books

Editor's note: Many of the images from the books described in this post are graphic. Click on each image to unblur. By Anna K. Miller, Sam Dorman, and Scott Yenor  Idaho’s public school libraries are stacked with books that encourage minors to embrace left-wing and permissive ideas about sex, public records requests have revealed.  A […]

State agencies defy legislature, distribute public money to woke non-profits

By Anna K. Miller and Ronald Nate, Ph.D. Thanks to the anti-corruption efforts of Sen. Glenneda Zuiderveld, news surfaced this week about how unaccountable administrators in state agencies are seeking to meddle in the upbringing of our state’s youngest children by misusing taxpayer funds. The Idaho Freedom Foundation traced the steps and missteps of Idaho […]

Boise State University paid critical race theory advocate more than $25K for one-hour discussion

By Anna K. Miller and Kaitlyn Shepherd  Ibram X. Kendi, critical race theory advocate and author of “How to be an Antiracist,” was reportedly paid $25K and a travel buyout of $2,500 to speak for one hour at a Martin Luther King, Jr. event at Boise State University.  The contract between the university and Kendi’s […]

McGeachin, Nichols, and Idaho Freedom partner to bring Capitol Clarity back in 2023

Capitol Clarity, a wildly popular weekly class that teaches Idaho residents how to engage with state government, will return in 2023 thanks to a partnership between Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin, state Rep. Tammy Nichols, and the Idaho Freedom Foundation.  McGeachin launched the classes in 2021 after several requests from constituents for more information about the […]

Critical social justice in Maine K-12 education

Anna K. Miller & Dr. Scott YenorMaine Policy InstituteAugust 2022

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