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Your Search for "Anna Miller" returned 80 results.

Detecting and defeating critical race theory in Idaho school

Critical race theory is a toxic ideology that threatens everything Idahoans and Americans hold dear. In this webinar, Idaho Freedom Foundation Education Policy Director Anna K. Miller explains what critical race theory is, how schools implement it, and what parents can do to combat this new threat. To download Idaho Freedom Foundation's toolkit for fighting […]

Critical social justice in Maine higher education

Dr. Scott Yenor & Anna K. MillerMaine Policy InstituteFebruary 2022

Critical social justice at University of Tennessee Knoxville: A case study

Anna K. Miller, Arthur Milikh, & Susan KaestnerVelocity ConvergenceFebruary 2022

Critical Social Justice in Idaho K-12 Education

By Anna K. Miller and Dr. Scott Yenor Critical Social Justice (CSJ) is written into the DNA of Idaho’s public education system. At the most fundamental level, Idaho’s education system is designed to replace the influence of parents on the opinions and sentiments of children with the influence of public institutions. Our public education system […]

Myth-Educated: Debunking common education choice misconceptions in Idaho

By Kaitlyn Shepherd & Anna K. Miller Every student is unique, and each one possesses a distinctive combination of skills, interests, aspirations, and goals. All students deserve the flexibility to choose the method of education that best suits their needs and prepares them to succeed in their future endeavors.  The flexibility to empower students in […]

Critical social justice in the UNC system

Dr. Scott Yenor & Anna K. MillerThe James G. Martin Center for Academic RenewalJanuary 2022

Business advocacy groups should learn from the data which degrees are bad bets

Idaho students, parents, businesses, and taxpayers rely on universities to produce graduates ready to contribute and compete in the workforce and lead fulfilling lives. Dozens of programs at public universities do so, but dozens more leave their students with dangerous levels of student loan debt and taxpayers on the hook when graduates default on their […]

Bad Returns: How Idaho college degrees fare on debt-earnings tests

By Adam Kissel & Anna K. Miller The U.S. Department of Education’s gainful-employment rule targeted degree programs in which graduates had high debt relative to income — but only at for-profit colleges, ignoring the many public and nonprofit college programs with similarly bad results. The rule is poised to return. This study uses new data […]

Free-range kids: Let them be kids, before it’s too late

By Anna K. Miller and Kaitlyn Shepherd  In December 2014, Maryland parents Danielle and Alexander Meitiv received a visit from police and were investigated by Child Protective Services over concerns about parental neglect after allowing their two children, ages 6 and 10, to walk one mile home from a nearby park. Similarly, in August 2018, […]

Homeschooling on the rise in Idaho

By Anna K. Miller and Niklas Kleinworth Many parents objected to public school mask mandates and poor virtual learning environments during the pandemic, according to new data suggesting homeschooling is on the rise in Idaho — and the nation.  New data from the United States Census Bureau shows that 11.1% of K-12 students across America […]

Idaho K-12 funding formula needs reform, less than 3% of operating dollars spent based on students

By Anna K. Miller & Niklas Kleinworth Idaho’s K-12 school districts and teachers unions regularly gripe about being the last state in the country in per student spending. The central problem, however, is an inflexible and arbitrary education funding model that is not meeting students' or educators' needs. Currently, only 2.4% of Idaho’s education operating […]

Biden’s preschool plan replaces the beneficial effects of parenting with government intervention

By Anna K. Miller and Niklas Kleinworth  Early education advocates want you to believe that the case for universal preschool is so concrete that questioning its track record is an act of heresy. After all, who wouldn’t want to help adorable little kids get an early start on success? But the data show universal preschool […]

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