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The Sex-Ed Industrial Complex Endnotes

Download the full report here: The Sex-Ed Industrial Complex - How Conservative School Districts Come to Peddle Radical Sex Education to Children

1 Administration of Children and Families, “State Personal Responsibility Education Fact Sheet,” 2020, https://www.acf.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/documents/fysb/fysb_app_stateprep_fact- sheet_oc_2020_508.pdf. Murphy et al. “Personal Responsibility Education Program,” Mathematica Policy Review, 2021, https://www.prepeval.com/reports/PREP_Reaching/index.html#title-section. Office of Population Affairs, “Teen Pregnancy Prevention Performance Measures 2020–2021,” 2021, https://opa.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/content-images/TPP-performance-mesures-2020-2021.pdf.   Office of Population Affairs, “Teen Pregnancy Prevention Overview,” 2010–19, https://opa.hhs.gov/sites/de- fault/files/2021-01/HHS-OPA-Teen-Pregnancy-Prevention-Program.pdf.

2 State Staff, “Planned Parenthood is Looking for a Backdoor into North Dakota’s Schools,” Concerned Women for America, May 23, 2018, https://concernedwomen.org/planned-parenthood-is-looking-for-a- backdoor-into-north-dakotas-schools/.

3 Grace Carr, “North Carolina Schools Get Rid of Planned Parenthood Sex Ed Program,” Daily Caller, February  15,  2018,  https://dailycaller.com/2018/02/15/nc-schools-remove-planned-parenthood-sex-ed/.

4 Micaiah Bilger, “School Shows Students Graphic Sexual Video From Planned Parenthood Without Pa- rental Consent,” Life News, November 15, 2018, https://www.lifenews.com/2018/11/13/school-shows- students-graphic-sexual-video-from-planned-parenthood-without-parental-consent/.

5 Anna Miller and Scott Yenor, “Idaho’s Government Offers Porn Literacy, Other Corrupting Practices to K–12 Students,” Idaho Freedom Foundation, Center for American Education, September 13, 2022, https://idahofreedom.org/idahos-government-offers-porn-literacy-other-corrupting-practices-to-k-12- students/.

6 Jeremiah Poff, “Texas School District Unanimously Approves Planned Parenthood’s Graphic, Hands-on Sex-ed Curriculum,” The College Fix, October 30, 2019, https://www.thecollegefix.com/texas-school-dis- trict-unanimously-approves-graphic-hands-on-sex-ed-curriculum-designed-by-planned-parenthood/.

7 Patrick Hauf, “Meet the CDC-Backed Groups That Want To Teach Trans Ideology to Kindergartners,” Washington Free Beacon, July 24, 2021, https://freebeacon.com/culture/meet-the-cdc-backed-groups- that-want-to-teach-trans-ideology-to-kindergartners/amp/.

8 Patrick Hauf, “Thousands of Massachusetts Parents Pull Kids from ‘Woke’ Sex Ed Classes; Sex-ed Curriculum Has Received $26 Million in Federal Funding,” Washington Free Beacon, November 13, 2021, https://freebeacon.com/campus/thousands-of-massachusetts-parents-pull-kids-from-woke-sex-ed-clas- ses/.

9 Mekita Rivas, “Planned Parenthood Is Opening 50 Sexual Health Centers In Los Angeles High Schools,” Refiner29, December 12, 2019, https://www.refinery29.com/amp/en-us/2019/12/9015765/planned- parenthood-los-angeles-high-school-sexual-health-well-being-centers.

10 Rukmini Bhugra, “Illinois Mandates Comprehensive Sex Education in Schools.” Chicago Policy Review, October 5, 2021, https://chicagopolicyreview.org/2021/10/05/illinois-mandates-comprehensive-sex-edu- cation-in-schools/.

11    https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/for-educators/what-sex-education.

12 The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021, an omnibus bill, includes a measure to extend the Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) for three years (through FY 2023) at $75 million annually. On March 15, 2022, President Biden signed H.R. 2471. The bill provided level funding of $101 million for the TPP Program and $35 million for Sexual Risk Avoidance Education. See https://www.con- gress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/2471. Abstinence programs that Planned Parenthood objects to shrink or remain small. Congress allocated just $35 million for Sexual Risk Avoidance Education, an abstinence program, in 2022.# That program has also been administered away from its original purpose. On March 15, 2022, President Biden signed H.R. 2471. The bill provided level funding of $101 million for the TPP Program and $35 million for Sexual Risk Avoidance Education. See https://www.con- gress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/2471.

13 Section 513(c)(2(B)(iii) of the Social Security Act.

14 Section 510 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. §710), as amended by the Bipartisan Budget Act (P.L. 115–23) and the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 (P.L. 115–41). Initial authorizing law was the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016 (P.L. 114–13) and authority has continued through the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 (P.L. 115–41). HHS additionally cites its general authority to administer the program (42 U.S.C. §1310) in the program funding announcement.

15 Initial authorizing law was the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016 (P.L. 114–13) and authority has continued through the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 (P.L. 115–41).

16 Initial authorizing law was the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2010 (P.L. 111–17) and authority has continued under subsequent appropriation laws. The most recent appropriations law is Division H, Con- solidated Appropriations Act, 2022 (P.L. 117–203).

17 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA, P.L. 111–48), most recently reauthorized through FY2023 under Title III, Division CC of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (CAA 2021, P.L. 116–260).

18 State Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) Grantees FY2020–FY2023, Family and Youth Services Bureau, An Office of the Administration of Children and Families, December 30, 2022, https://www.acf.hhs.gov/fysb/grant-funding/state-personal-responsibility-education-program-prep- grantees-fy2020-fy2-2021.

19 Competitive Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) Grantees 2021–22, Family and Youth Services Bureau, An Office of the Administration of Children and Families, December 30, 2022, https://www.acf.hhs.gov/fysb/grant-funding/fysb/competitive-personal-responsibility-education-pro- gram-prep-grantees-fy2021.

20 Title V State Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (SRAE) Grantees FY2020 and FY2021, Family and Youth Services Bureau, An Office of the Administration for Children and Families. FYSB awarded Title V State SRAE program grants for the October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2022 budget period totaling more than $55 million to thirty-eight states and territories. See Family and Youth Services Bureau, “Title V Competitive Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (SRAE) Grantees,” December 30, 2022, https://www.acf.hhs.gov/fysb/grant-funding/fysb/title-v-state-sexual-risk-avoidance-education-srae- grantees-fy2020-fy2021. Title V Competitive Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (SRAE) Grantees FY2021 Family and Youth Services Bureau, An Office of the Administration for Children and Families. FYSB awarded new Title V Competitive SRAE program grants for a two-year project period with the September 30, 2021 through September 29, 2022 budget period and total funding at $2.8 million to eleven recipients. The noncompeting continuation awards for the September 30, 2021 through September 29, 2022 budget period is funded at $8.59 million to the twenty-three recipients. See Family and Youth Services Bureau, “Title V Competitive Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (SRAE) Grantees,” December 30, 2022, https://www.acf.hhs.gov/fysb/grant-funding/title-v-competitive-sexual-risk-avoidance-education-srae-grantees-fy2021.

21 GD-Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (GD SRAE) Grantees FY2021, Family and Youth Services Bu- reau, An Office of the Administration for Children and Families. FYSB awarded new GD-SRAE program grants for a three year project period with the September 30, 2021 through September 29, 2022 budget pe- riod funded at $12.8 million to thirty-one recipients. See Family and Youth Services Bureau, “Title V Competitive Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (SRAE) Grantees,” December 30, 2022, https://www.acf.hhs.gov/fysb/grant-funding/fysb/general-departmental-sexual-risk-avoidance-education-gd-srae-grantees.

22 The Office of Population Affairs currently funds seventy-nine grants to communities. The grants are di- vided into Tier I and Tier II. Tier 1 grantees replicate existing programs that have been proven effective in reducing teen pregnancy and behavioral risk factors underlying teen pregnancy. Tier II programs develop, test, and refine additional programs and strategies for preventing teenage pregnancy. This number includes both Tier I and Tier II TPP grantees during 2020-23. See Current Teen Pregnancy Prevention Grantees,

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Population Affairs, https://opa.hhs.gov/grant- programs/teen-pregnancy-prevention-program/tpp-grantees/current-tpp-grantees.

23 Lara Hulsey, Lauren Murphy, and Susan Zief, PREP Performance Measures Interactive Brief, OPRE Re- port # 2021–11 (Washington, DC: Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2021), https://www.prepeval.com/reports/PREP_Reaching/index.html#title-section.

24 Ibid.

25 Office of Population Affairs, “TPP Performance Measures Snapshot,” February 2022, https://opa.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/content-images/TPP-performance-mesures-2020-2021.pdf.

26 It has steadily declined from 61.8 births per 1,000 women aged fifteen to nineteen to around 15/1,000 in 2020. See John Elflein, “Birth Rate among U.S. Teenagers Aged 15–19 Years from 1991 to 2020,” May 20, 2022, https://www.statista.com/statistics/259518/birth-rate-among-us-teenagers/.

27 Grant cycles vary among the four federal programs analyzed in this study. This study includes the fol- lowing: State Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) Grantees FY2020- FY2023, Family and Youth Services Bureau, An Office of the Administration of Children and Families, December 30, 2022, https://www.acf.hhs.gov/fysb/grant-funding/state-personal-responsibility-education-program-prep- grantees-fy2020-fy2-2021; Competitive Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) Grantees 2021–22, Family and Youth Services Bureau, An Office of the Administration of Children and Families, December 30, 2022, https://www.acf.hhs.gov/fysb/grant-funding/fysb/competitive-personal-responsibility-education-program-prep-grantees-fy2021; Title V State Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (SRAE) Grantees 2020–22, Family and Youth Services Bureau, An Office of the Administration of Children and Families, December 30, 2022, https://www.acf.hhs.gov/fysb/grant-funding/fysb/title-v-state-sexual-risk- avoidance-education-srae-grantees-fy2020-fy2021; Title V Competitive Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (SRAE) Grantees 2021–22, Family and Youth Services Bureau, An Office of the Administration of Chil- dren and Families, December 30, 2022, https://www.acf.hhs.gov/fysb/grant-funding/title-v-competitive- sexual-risk-avoidance-education-srae-grantees-fy2021; Current Teen Pregnancy Prevention Grantees 2020–23, Office of Population Affairs, accessed January 23, 2022, https://opa.hhs.gov/grant-pro- grams/teen-pregnancy-prevention-program/tpp-grantees/current-tpp-grantees.

28 We combed through the four largest sex education grant programs offered by HHS including the TPP, PREP, the Title V SRAE and GD-SRAE. Both competitive and state grant programs under PREP, Title V SRAE and GD SRAE were included in our review. Programs were evaluated for adopting one or more curricula endorsed or created by Planned Parenthood. Curricula were considered endorsed by Planned Parenthood if Planned Parenthood Federation of America or an affiliate delivered the sex education curriculum themselves to youth. Education, Training, and Research Associates (ETR) appears to be an offshoot of Planned Parenthood, for instance. ETR publishes Planned Parenthood-endorsed or created material almost exclusively. Curricula sold by ETR were also considered associated with Planned Parenthood. Only three curricula included in our review were published by ETR while not being offered by a Planned Parenthood affiliate to youth. These include Cuidate!, Making a Difference!, and Promoting Health Among Teens. The majority of grantees offering one of these three programs also offered other curricula endorsed by Planned Parenthood. Only four grantees offered one of these curricula without also offering other curriculum endorsed by Planned Parenthood. American Life League’s STOPP International reports that the top officials of Planned Parenthood of Santa Cruz, executive director, including Sandra Orwitz, president of the board, Dr. Robert Keet, and vice president of the board, Doreen Schack, filed articles of incorporation with the state of California for Education, Training, and Research in 1981. See American Life League, https://www.stopp.org/article.php?id=15466 and https://www.stopp.org/archive/planned-parenthood-and-cohorts-churn-out-national-standards-for-public-schools

29 See Endnote 22. Since the purpose of this chart is to convey the connection between existing programs and Planned Parenthood, only Tier 1 2020-23 was included. A discussion of Tier II TPP program funds granted to Planned Parenthood and affiliates is included in Section D, “Planned Parenthood and Affiliates Build Curriculum to Satisfy National Sex Education Standards.” Current Teen Pregnancy Prevention Grantees, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Population Affairs, accessed January 23, 2023, https://opa.hhs.gov/grant-programs/teen-pregnancy-prevention-program/tpp-grantees/current-tpp-grantees.

30 See Appendix B.

31 The total amount of TPP program grant funds allocated to entities that implemented curricula endorsed, created, researched or sold by Planned Parenthood. These funds allocated under the TPP program for FY 2020-23 Tier 1 and Tier 2 were obtained from the Office of Population Affairs. Current Teen Pregnancy Prevention Grantees, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Population Affairs, accessed January 23, 2023, https://opa.hhs.gov/grant-programs/teen-pregnancy-prevention-program/tpp- grantees/current-tpp-grantees.

32 This number includes the total amount allocated to State PREP of $43,496,272 for FY 2020–23 and Competitive PREP of $14,957,982 for FY 2021–22. State Personal Responsibility Education Program Grantees FY 2020 and FY 2021, Family and Youth Services Bureau, An Office of the Administration for Children and Families, December 30, 2022, https://www.acf.hhs.gov/fysb/grant-funding/state-personal- responsibility-education-program-prep-grantees-fy2020-fy2-2021; Competitive Personal Responsibility Education Program Grantees FY 2021, Family and Youth Services Bureau, An Office of the Administration for Children and Families, December 30, 2022, https://www.acf.hhs.gov/fysb/grant- funding/fysb/competitive-personal-responsibility-education-program-prep-grantees-fy2021.

33 See Appendix C.

34 The total amount of PREP grant funds allocated to entities that implemented programs endorsed, created, researched or sold by Planned Parenthood. These funds include both State PREP and Competitive PREP for FY 2021-22. See Appendix C. State Personal Responsibility Education Program Grantees FY 2020 & FY 2021, Family and Youth Services Bureau, An Office of the Administration for Children and Families, December 30, 2022, https://www.acf.hhs.gov/fysb/grant-funding/state-personal-responsibility- education-program-prep-grantees-fy2020-fy2-2021; Competitive Personal Responsibility Education Pro- gram Grantees FY 2021, Family and Youth Services Bureau, An Office of the Administration for Children and Families, December 30, 2022, https://www.acf.hhs.gov/fysb/grant-funding/fysb/competitive-per- sonal-responsibility-education-program-prep-grantees-fy2021.

35 This number includes the total amount allocated to Title V State SRAE of $55,022,077 in FY 2020–22 and Title V Competitive SRAE of $11,483,600 in FY 2021–22. Title V State Sexual Risk Avoidance Edu- cation (SRAE) Grantees FY2020 and FY2021, Family and Youth Services Bureau, An Office of the Administration for Children and Families, December 30, 2022, https://www.acf.hhs.gov/fysb/grant-fund- ing/fysb/title-v-state-sexual-risk-avoidance-education-srae-grantees. FYSB awarded Title V State SRAE program grants for the October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2022 budget period totaling more than

$55 million to the 38 states and territories. Title V Competitive Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (SRAE) Grantees FY2021 Family and Youth Services Bureau, An Office of the Administration for Children and Families. FYSB awarded new Title V Competitive SRAE program grants for a two-year project period with the September 30, 2021 through September 29, 2022 budget period and total funding at $2.8 million to eleven recipients. The noncompeting continuation awards for the September 30, 2021 through Septem- ber 29, 2022 budget period is funded at $8.59 million to twenty-three recipients. See Family and Youth Services Bureau, “Title V Competitive Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (SRAE) Grantees,” December 30, 2022, https://www.acf.hhs.gov/fysb/grant-funding/title-v-competitive-sexual-risk-avoidance-education- srae-grantees-fy2021.

36 See Appendix D.

37 The total amount of Title V SRAE grant funds allocated to entities that implemented programs endorsed, created, researched or sold by Planned Parenthood. These funds include both Title V State SRAE and Title V Competitive SRAE. See Appendix D. See Title V State Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (SRAE) Grantees FY2020 and FY2021, Family and Youth Services Bureau, An Office of the Administration for Children and Families, December 30, 2022, https://www.acf.hhs.gov/fysb/grant- funding/fysb/title-v-state-sexual-risk-avoidance-education-srae-grantees-fy2020-fy2021. FYSB awarded Title V State SRAE program grants for the October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2022 budget period totaling more than $55 million to thirty-eight states and territories. FYSB awarded new Title V Competitive SRAE program grants for a two-year project period with the September 30, 2021 through September 29, 2022 budget period and total funding at $2.8 million to eleven recipients. The noncompeting continuation awards for the September 30, 2021 through September 29, 2022 budget period is funded at $8.59 million to twenty-three recipients.

38 This number is the total amount allocated to GD--Funded SRAE FY 2021–22. GD- Sexual Risk Avoid- ance Education (GD SRAE) Grantees FY2021, Family and Youth Services Bureau, An Office of the Administration for Children and Families, “General Departmental Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (GD SRAE) Grantees,” December 30, 2022, https://www.acf.hhs.gov/fysb/grant-funding/fysb/general-depart- mental-sexual-risk-avoidance-education-gd-srae-grantees.

39 See Appendix E.

40 The total amount of GD SRAE grant funds FY 2021–22 allocated to entities that implemented pro- grams endorsed, created, researched or sold by Planned Parenthood. See Appendix E. GD-Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (GD SRAE) Grantees FY2021, Family and Youth Services Bureau, An Office of the Administration for Children and Families, “General Departmental Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (GD SRAE) Grantees,” December 30, 2022, https://www.acf.hhs.gov/fysb/grant-funding/fysb/general-depart- mental-sexual-risk-avoidance-education-gd-srae-grantees.

41 The total amount spent on TPP, PREP, GD SRAE, Title V State SRAE and Title V Competitive SRAE grants since 2010 is $2,240,216,613 according to the HHS Tracking Accountability in Government Grants System (TAGGS), http://taggs.hhs.gov. CFDAs: 93060, 93092, 93297, 93787. See https://idahofree- dom.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/TAGGS_All-grants_2010-2022.pdf.

42 Ibid.

43 Congress has previously requested a review of expenditures of $271 million of federal funds reported by thirty-nine Planned Parenthood affiliates’ operating over six hundred centers across the country during fis- cal years 2016 through 2018. The report found that Planned Parenthood affiliates directly received $21.5 million of TPP funds and $10.1 million of PREP funds. Overall, the report found that of the total $271 million, the majority—about $256 million (or 94 percent)—were Planned Parenthood affiliates’ expendi- tures of HHS funds. Most of these expenditures were from funding they received through grants awarded by the OPA. The report does not include an account of federal grants going to programs and activities as- sociated with or endorsed by Planned Parenthood. Nonetheless, the report’s findings demonstrate that HHS and its offices have repeatedly been using federal funding to implement programs and activities aligned with Planned Parenthood’s goals.

44 This number includes all twenty-nine curricula listed in Appendix A and INclued.

45 Planned Parenthood Federation of America, “Planned Parenthood Calls on Congress to Get REAL About Abstinence,” June 2, 2014, https://www.plannedparenthood.org/about-us/newsroom/press-re- leases/planned-parenthood-calls-on-congress-to-get-real-about-abstinence; Planned Parenthood Federation of America, “Planned Parenthood Holds Capitol Hill Briefing on REAL Sex Ed,” January 30, 2014, https://www.plannedparenthood.org/about-us/newsroom/press-releases/planned-parenthood- holds-capitol-hill-briefing-real-sex-ed.

46 Planned Parenthood, “Planned Parenthood Statement on President Obama’s 2010 Budget,” Planned Parenthood Federation of America, January 30, 2014, https://www.plannedparenthood.org/about- us/newsroom/press-releases/planned-parenthood-statement-president-obamas-2010-budget.

47 Section 510 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. §710), as amended by the Bipartisan Budget Act (P.L. 115–23) and the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 (P.L. 115–41). A-F Requirements include: (A) The holistic individual and societal benefits associated with personal responsibility, self-regulation, goal setting, healthy decision making, and a focus on the future. (B) The advantage of refraining from nonmarital sexual activity in order to improve future prospects and physical and emotional health of youth. (C) The increased likelihood of avoiding poverty when youth attain self-sufficiency and emotional maturity before engaging in sexual activity. (D) The foundational components of healthy relationships and their impact on the formation of healthy marriages and safe and stable families. (E) How other youth risk behaviors, such as drug and alcohol usage, increase the risk for teen sex. (F) How to resist, avoid, and receive help regarding sexual coercion and dating violence, recognizing that, even with consent, teen sex remains a youth risk behavior.

48 Congressional Research Service, “Teen Pregnancy: Federal Prevention Programs,” Congressional Re- search Service, September 1, 2022, https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R45183.

49 Planned Parenthood, “Planned Parenthood Urges States to Apply for PREP Sex Ed Funding,” Planned Parenthood Federation of America, January 30, 2014, https://www.plannedparenthood.org/about- us/newsroom/press-releases/planned-parenthood-urges-states-apply-prep-sex-ed-funding.

50 Planned Parenthood Action Fund, “Congressional Race to the bottom on Women’s Health Continues; Senate Proposes Cutting Family Planning, Sex Ed,” Planned Parenthood Action Fund, June 23, 2015, https://www.plannedparenthoodaction.org/pressroom/congressional-race-bottom-womens-health-continues-senate-proposes-cutting-family-planning-sex-ed.

51 Planned Parenthood Action Fund. “Despicable: Anti-Women's Health Politicians in Congress Just Passed a Bill that Would End Funding for Family Planning,” Planned Parenthood Action Fund, July 8, 2016,  https://www.plannedparenthoodaction.org/blog/despicable-anti-womens-health-politicians-in-congress-just-passed-bill-ends-funding-for-family-planning.

52 Planned Parenthood Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota Action Fund, Inc., “Youth Lead the Fight for Statewide Comprehensive Sex Education,” Planned Parenthood Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota Action Fund, Inc., February 19, 2021, https://www.plannedparenthoodaction.org/planned- parenthood-minnesota-advocate/blog/youth-lead-the-fight-for-statewide-comprehensive-sex-education.

53 Planned Parenthood Action Fund, “Donald Trump Doesn’t Believe in Science, Evidence, or Young People’s Health—So We’re Suing,” Planned Parenthood Action Fund, February 15, 2018, https://www.plannedparenthoodaction.org/blog/donald-trump-doesnt-believe-in-science-evidence-or- young-peoples-health-so-were-suing.

54 Administration of Children and Families, Department of Health and Human Services, “Resources to Support Implementation of PREP Legislative Requirements,” accessed November 11, 2022, https://teen- pregnancy.acf.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/resource- files/Resources%20to%20Ensure%20Compliance%20with%20PREP%20Legislative%20Requirements.pdf.

55 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool,” 2021. SH1.5.4: “Define gender identity and expression (HBO 3); SHI.5.5: “Explain the difference between sex assigned at birth and gender identity and expression (HBO 1 and 3); SH1.8.5 “Describe the range of gen- der identities and expressions (e.g. cisgender, transgender, non-binary/conforming, expansive) and health: (HBO 3) SH1.8.3 (HBO 1, 6, 7, and 10). See https://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/hecat/pdf/2021/full- hecat-2021.pdf.

56 Future of Sex Education Initiative, National Sexuality Education Standards: Core Content and Skills, K– 12, 2012. Retrieved from http://www.futureofsexeducation.org/documents/josh-fose-standards-web.pdf.

57 Future of Sex Education Initiative, National Sex Education Standards: Core Content and Skills, K–12, 2nd ed., 2020. Retrieved from https://siecus.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/NSES-2020-web-updated-1.pdf.

58 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention, Division of Adolescent and School Health. Results from the School Health Policies and Practices Study, 2016. Available at https://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/data/shpps/pdf/shpps-results_2016.pdf.

59 Ibid.

60 Ibid.

61 Adam Niemerg, “New State Standards on Sex Education Are Inappropriate for Our Children,” Chicago Sun Times, August 11, 2022, https://chicago.suntimes.com/2022/8/11/23300381/sex-ed.

62 “Pittsburgh Public Schools Update Sex Education Policy,” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, https://www.post- gazette.com/news/education/2022/09/29/pittsburgh-public-schools-updates-sex-education-policy/stories/202209290167.

63 State of New Jersey Department of Education, “2020 New Jersey Student Learning Standards- Compre- hensive Health and Physical Education,” https://www.nj.gov/education/sboe/meetings/agenda/2020/June/public/5e5a%202020%20NJSLS-CHPE.pdf.

64 Oregon Department of Education. “Sexuality Education,” Standards and Performance Indicators, accessed November 3, 2022, https://prod.oregon.gov/ode/students-and- family/healthsafety/pages/sexuality-education-resources.aspx.

65 Idaho Department of Health and Welfare Division of Public Health, “Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Program: Resources,” accessed November 3, 2022, https://idahoteenpregnancy.com/resources/.

66 Department of Health and Human Services, “Teen Pregnancy Prevention Evidence Review,” Youth.gov, accessed November 3, 2022, https://tppevidencereview.youth.gov/FindAProgram.aspx.

67 These grantees include Oklahoma State Department of Health, South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, Texas Health and Human Services Commission, Utah Department of Health, Hoomalu Native Hawaiian Organization, and Another Choice, Another Chance (California). See Appendix D.

68 Seventy-five percent of TPP is for grants to replicate programs that are considered medically accurate and effective by HHS. These are known as Tier I grants. Twenty-five percent of TPP is for research and demonstration grants are for developing and evaluating new models. These are known as Tier 2 grants. See also Congressional Research Service, “Teen Pregnancy: Federal Prevention Programs,” Congressional Re- search Service, September 1, 2022, https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R45183.

69 These four programs include FLASH, LiFT, INclued, and Girl2Girl. See Office of Population Affairs, “Linking Families and Teens: Reducing Teen Pregnancy by Increasing Family Connectedness and Youth Self-Efficacy,” accessed November 6, 2022, https://opa.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/2021-10/opa-eval-tier- 2b-lift-oct-2021.pdf; “High School FLASH: A Public Health Approach to Sex Education,” https://opa.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/2021-10/opa-eval-tier-2b-high-school-flash-oct-2021.pdf; “In- clued-Inclusive Healthcare: Youth and Providers Empowered, https://opa.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/2021-10/opa-eval-tier-2b-inclued-oct-2021.pdf; Girl2Girl: Harnessing Text Messaging to Reduce Teen Pregnancy Among LGB+ Girls, https://opa.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/2021-10/opa-eval-tier-2b-girl2girl-oct-2021.pdf.

70 Tracking Accountability in Government Grants System, Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Program, “INclued,” accessed November 5, 2022, https://taggs.hhs.gov/Detail/AwardDetail?arg_AwardNum=TP2AH000030&arg_ProgOfficeCode=260.

71 Education, Training, and Research and Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest, “Queering Sex Ed,” 3 in 3 on Demand Event, https://pages.etr.org/3-in-30-series-queering-sex-ed. INclued is published by Education, Training, and Research. See “INclued: Inclusive Healthcare & Providers Empowered,” Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest, ETR. Program Success Center, accessed November 6, 2022, https://www.etr.org/ebi/programs/in-clued/.

72 Office of Population Affairs, “TPP Tier 2 Showcase Day 3,” https://opa.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/2020-10/tpp-tier-2-showcase-day-3-slides%20508.pdf.

73 Tracking Accountability in Government Grants System, Center for Innovative Public Health Research, CFDA, 93297, https://taggs.hhs.gov/SearchAdv/AdvSearchResults.

74 Girl2Girl, “Sex Ed is Everyone’s Right,” https://girl2girl.org/sign-up/.

75 Girl2Girl “Frequently Asked Questions,” accessed November 6, 2022, https://girl2girl.org/faq/,

76 Girl2Girl, “Resources,” accessed November 6, 2022, https://girl2girl.org/resources/.

77 Office of Population Affairs, “TPP Innovation and Impact Networks (TPP20 Tier 2) 2020–2023,” Annual Funding: $1,532,000, Education, Training, and Research Associates, https://opa.hhs.gov/grant- programs/teen-pregnancy-prevention-program-tpp/current-tpp-grantees/education-training-and.  Education, Training, and Research, “The Youth Engagement,” accessed November 6, 2022, https://www.etr.org/yen/about/. All resources are hosted on the Youth Engagement’s website, available at see https://www.etr.org/yen/resources/adolescent-sexual-reproductive-health/. These resources include the following: Planned Parenthood, “The Fundamentals of Teaching Sexuality,” https://www.etr.org/index.cfm/_api/render/file/?method=inline&fileID=84CAD446-AA33-4D06- 9392BEA669D5004D (“Babies, elders and everyone in between can experience sexuality” and that gender identity and gender expression and sensual pleasure “change over time from infancy through our entire lives.”); Planned Parenthood, “Fundamentals of Teaching Anatomy and Reproduction,” https://www.etr.org/index.cfm/_api/render/file/?method=inline&fileID=84CAD446-AA33-4D06- 9392BEA669D5004D (“Can a dude get pregnant? This is such an important question. Yes, any person who has a uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes can become pregnant. Some transgender men, for example, do have those body parts, and therefore can become pregnant.”); Planned Parenthood, “Fundamentals of Teaching STIs,” https://www.etr.org/index.cfm/_api/render/file/?method=inline&fileID=A1563A07- 84BE-48D7-A21CEF7DB330D4D6.

78 American Life League’s STOPP International reports that the top officials of Planned Parenthood of Santa Cruz, the executive director, including Sandra Orwitz, president of the board, Dr. Robert Keet, and vice president of the board, Doreen Schack, filed articles of incorporation with the state of California for Education, Training, and Research in 1981. See https://www.stopp.org/article.php?id=15466. Health Smarts is one example of an ETR curricula aligned with NSES. See https://www.etr.org/healthsmart/standards/national-sexuality-education-standards/.

79 See Appendices B and C.

80 Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts and Education, Training, and Research, Get Real: Com- prehensive Sex Education that Works, Grade 6–8 Alignment with National Sexuality Education Standards, accessed January 23, 2023, https://www.getrealeducation.org/sites/default/files/national_sexuality_edu- cation_standards_-_gr_ms.pdf. For sixth graders Get Real defines abstinence as "voluntarily choosing not to engage in certain sexual behaviors, including any sexual behaviors that can result in pregnancy or STls, including HIV. People may have different ideas about what constitutes abstinence, from no sexual contact of any kind, including kissing, to abstaining only from sexual intercourse, and all points in between” (6-66). See Education, Training, and Research, Get Real: Comprehensive Sex Education that Works.

81 For discussions of oral, anal, and vaginal sex in this context, see Get Real, 6-134. For masturbation, see 6-130. For gender identity, sexual orientation, and transgender ideology in a seventh-grade context, see Get Real, 7.19, 7.21, and 7.24.

82 “Books for Preteens (10–14): Robie Harris, illustrated by Michael Emberly, It's Perfectly Normal (also en Español),” 7-36.

83 Reducing the Risk: Class 1A, Abstinence, Sex, and Protection: Pregnancy Prevention Emphasis, Teachers Manual, 15. Reducing the Risk is endorsed by Planned Parenthood of south, east, and north Florida, which offers the program before and after school, and in school- and community-based settings in Duval, Palm Beach, Broward and Miami-Dade counties. See https://www.plannedparenthood.org/planned- parenthood-south-east-north-florida/education-programs/reducing-risk; Education, Training, and Research, “Youth Curricula: Reducing the Risk,” accessed October 18, 2022, https://www.etr.org/store/curricula/reducing-the-risk/.

84 Reducing the Risk. Class 11, Skills Integration III, Teachers Manual p. 157. Education, Training, and Research, “Youth Curricula: Reducing the Risk,” accessed October 18, 2022, https://www.etr.org/store/curricula/reducing-the-risk/.

85 Appendix C. The Family and Youth Services Bureau, An Office of the Administration of Children and Families, “State Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) Grantee Profiles,” https://www.acf.hhs.gov/fysb/grant-funding/state-personal-responsibility-education-program-prep- grantee-profiles.

86 Education, Training, and Research Associates, Making Proud Choices!, https://www.etr.org/ebi/pro- grams/making-proud-choices/.

87 Education, Training, and Research Associates, Making Proud Choices!, https://www.etr.org/ebi/pro- grams/making-proud-choices/. For transgender ideology, see 39, 89, 285, 286; for sexual fantasy, see 61,

251; anal sex, 288, 353, 357, 41, 51, 60, 98, 119, 127, 244; masturbation and dental dams, 98, 136, 344,

226, 135; Planned Parenthood, 152.

88 Section 513(c)(2(B)(iii) of the Social Security Act. and Section 510 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C.

§710), as amended by the Bipartisan Budget Act (P.L. 115–23) and the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 (P.L. 115–41).

89 Ron Haskins and Carol Statuto Bevan, “Abstinence Education under Welfare Reform,” Children and Youth Services Review, 19, nos. 5/6 (1997):465–84.

90 Planned Parenthood, “History of Sex Education in the U.S,” November 2016, https://www.plannedparenthood.org/uploads/filer_public/da/67/da67fd5d-631d-438a-85e8- a446d90fd1e3/20170209_sexed_d04_1.pdf.

91 Guttmacher Institute. “Sex and HIV Education, State Laws and Policies,” November 1, 2022, https://www.guttmacher.org/state-policy/explore/sex-and-hiv-education.

92 Ibid.

93 Title V State Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (SRAE) Grantees FY2020 and FY2021, Family and Youth Services Bureau, An Office of the Administration for Children and Families, December 30, 2022, https://www.acf.hhs.gov/fysb/grant-funding/fysb/title-v-state-sexual-risk-avoidance-education-srae- grantees-fy2020-fy2021. FYSB awarded Title V State SRAE program grants for the October 1, 2020, through September 30, 2022, budget period totaling more than $55 million to thirty-eight states and terri- tories. FYSB awarded new Title V Competitive SRAE program grants for a two-year project period with the September 30, 2021, through September 29, 2022, budget period and total funding at $2.8 million to eleven recipients. The noncompeting continuation awards for the September 30, 2021, through September 29, 2022, budget period is funded at $8.59 million to the twenty-three recipients. See Family and Youth Services Bureau, “Title V Competitive Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (SRAE) Grantees,” December 30, 2022, https://www.acf.hhs.gov/fysb/grant-funding/title-v-competitive-sexual-risk-avoidance-education-srae-grantees-fy2021.

94 Education, Training, and Research Associates, “Making a Difference!,” https://www.etr.org/ebi/pro- grams/making-a-difference/, 229, 87, 324, 187, 320.

95 Teen Outreach Program® (TOP®), implemented by Planned Parenthood of south, east, and north Florida; it is a “certified replication partner” of the curriculum. See “Teen Outreach Program® (TOP®),” Planned Parenthood, accessed October 18, 2022, https://www.plannedparenthood.org/planned- parenthood-south-east-north-florida/education-programs/top. It is also endorsed by the Virginia League for Planned Parenthood. See “Community Education Programs,” Planned Parenthood, accessed October 18, 2022, https://www.plannedparenthood.org/planned-parenthood-virginia-league/education-and-training/community-education-programs.

96 Wyman, Teen Outreach Program, “Learning About Myself,” Facilitators Guide, https://wyman- center.org/nationalnetwork/top/#:~:text=Wyman%E2%80%99s%20Teen%20Outreach%20Program%2 0%28TOP%29%20promotes%20the%20positive,period%20to%20groups%20of%20teens%20%28called%20%E2%80%9CTOP%20Clubs%E2%80%9D%29. For transgender ideology,. see 82, 148, 150; for oral, anal and vaginal sex, 254; masturbation 176, 186, 188;

Abortion 212, 241, 248, 253, 261, 263.

97 Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest delivered Love Notes in four states in high schools and other settings. See https://powertodecide.org/sites/default/files/2019-12/Key%20Information%20Idaho.pdf; Dibble Institute, Love Notes 3.0 Classic, https://www.dibbleinstitute.org/store/love-notes-classic/. For gender identity and sexual orientation, see 180, 247, 255, 87, 88; for anal, oral and vaginal sex, see. 290; abortion 284.

98 Julieta Lugo-Gil et al., “Updated Findings from the HHS Teen Pregnancy Prevention Evidence Review: August 2015 through October 2016,” Mathematica Policy Research, Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, https://tppevidencereview.youth.gov/pdfs/Summary_of_findings_2016-2017.pdf.

99 The TPP Evidence Review is maintained by three HHS Offices: the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE), FYSB within the Administration for Children and Families, and OAH within OASH. HHS has contracted with Mathematica Policy Research, Inc., a social policy research organization, to review studies of teen pregnancy prevention programs. See Juliet Lugo-Gil et al., “Updated Findings from the HHS Teen Pregnancy Prevention Evidence Review: July 2014 through August 2015,” Mathematica Policy Research, HHS, ASPE, June 2016.

100 Julieta Lugo-Gil et al., “Updated Findings from the HHS Teen Pregnancy Prevention Evidence Review: August 2015 through October 2016,” Mathematica Policy Research, Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, https://tppevidencereview.youth.gov/pdfs/Summary_of_findings_2016-2017.pdf.

101 Ibid.

102 This list is from the TPP Evidence Review Program website: https://tppevidencereview.youth.gov/FindAProgram.as.

103 Making Proud Choices! is endorsed by Planned Parenthood North Central States, which trains educators on the curriculum using a Federal PREP grant. Making Proud Choices! is published by Education, Training, and Research Associates, See https://www.etr.org/store/curricula/making-proud-choices/.

104 Positive Prevention Plus is endorsed by Planned Parenthood North Central States, which trains educators on the curriculum using a Federal PREP grant. Planned Parenthood North Central States, “Planned Parenthood in North Dakota Awarded PREP Grant,” October 13, 2021, https://www.plannedparenthood.org/planned-parenthood-north-central-states/about-ppncs/media-relations/planned-parenthood-in-north-dakota-awarded-prep-grant.

105 Teen Outreach Program is endorsed by Virginia League for Planned Parenthood, which offers the pro- gram to students in grades 6–12 in public and private schools, among other settings. See “Community Education Programs,” Planned Parenthood, accessed October 18, 2022, https://www.plannedparenthood.org/planned-parenthood-virginia-league/education-and-training/community-education-programs. Teen Outreach Program is endorsed by Planned Parenthood of south, east, and north Florida; it is a “certified replication partner” of the curriculum. See “Teen Outreach Program® (TOP®),” Planned Parenthood, accessed October 18, 2022, https://www.plannedparenthood.org/planned-parenthood-south-east-north-florida/education-pro- grams/top.

106 Draw the Line/Respect the Line is endorsed by Planned Parenthood North Central States, which trains educators throughout Iowa to provide this program to students in grades 6, 7 and 8. See https://www.plannedparenthood.org/planned-parenthood-north-central-states/education/programs/ia. Draw the Line/Respect the Line is published by Education, Training, and Research. See https://www.etr.org/store/curricula/draw-the-line-respect-the-line/.

107 Be Proud! Be Responsible! Is endorsed by Planned Parenthood of Greater New York, which offers the program to youth in Queens. See https://www.plannedparenthood.org/planned-parenthood-greater-new-york/learn/community-programs/project-stiq. Be Proud! Be Responsible! Is published by Education, Training, and Research. See https://www.etr.org/store/curricula/be-proud-be-responsible/.

108 Reducing the Risk is endorsed by Planned Parenthood of south, east, and north Florida; it offers the program before and after school, in school- and community-based settings in Duval, Palm Beach, Broward, and Miami-Dade counties. See https://www.plannedparenthood.org/planned-parenthood-south-east-north-florida/education-programs/reducing-risk. Reducing the Risk is published by Education, Training, and Research. See https://www.etr.org/store/curricula/reducing-the-risk/.

109 Making a Difference! is published by Education, Training, and Research. See https://www.etr.org/store/curricula/making-a-difference/. Planned Parenthood is promoted as a resource for students in the curriculum.

110 Get Real is endorsed by Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts, which offers the curriculum to middle school students. As Planned Parenthood explains, “Get Real is the first curriculum published by Planned Parenthood to earn a spot on the HHS list of programs." See https://www.plannedparenthood.org/planned-parenthood-massachusetts/newsroom/get-real-compre-  hensive-sex-education-that-works-joins-list-of-evidence-based-programs-from-us-department-of-health-and-human-ser. Get Real is published by Education, Training, and Research. See https://www.etr.org/store/curricula/get-real/.

111 Planned Parenthood of Greater Washington and North Idaho delivered Project AIM in high schools and other settings. See Power to Decide, “Key Information About Idaho,” December 2019, https://powertodecide.org/sites/default/files/2019-12/Key%20Information%20Idaho.pdf.

112 ¡Cuídate! Is published by Education, Training, and Research. See https://www.etr.org/store/curric- ula/cuidate/.

113 Be Proud! Be Responsible! is published by Education, Training, and Research. See https://www.etr.org/store/curricula/be-proud-be-responsible-be-protective/. Teachers are advised to ac- quire birth control kits from Planned Parenthood.

114 Promoting Health Among Teens is published by Education, Training, and Research. See https://www.etr.org/ebi/programs/promoting-health-among-teens-comprehensive/.

115 Promoting Health Among Teens: Comprehensive and Safer Sex Intervention is published by Education, Training, and Research. See https://www.etr.org/ebi/programs/promoting-health-among-teens-comprehensive/.

116 Safer Choices is endorsed by Planned Parenthood North Central States, which trains educators throughout Iowa to provide this program to high school students. Planned Parenthood North Central States, “Sex Education in Iowa,” accessed November 6, 2022, https://www.plannedparenthood.org/planned-parenthood-north-central-states/education/programs/ia. Safer Choices is published by Education, Training, and Research. See https://www.etr.org/store/curric- ula/safer-choices/.

117 Planned Parenthood of Greater Washington and North Idaho offered All4You! In in middle and high schools. Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest delivered Love Notes in four states in high schools and other settings. See Power to Decide, “Key Information About Idaho,” December 2019, https://powertodecide.org/sites/default/files/2019-12/Key%20Information%20Idaho.pdf. All4You! is published by Education, Training, and Research. See “Youth Curricula: All4You2!” accessed October 18, 2022, https://www.etr.org/store/curricula/all4you/.

118 It's Your Game: Keep It Real is published by Education, Training, and Research. See https://www.etr.org/store/curricula/its-your-game-keep-it-real/. American Life League’s STOPP Inter- national reports: “All four developers of 'It’s Your Game' have connections to Planned Parenthood, including being listed as 'investigators' in a project that has the University of Texas Prevention Research Center (UTPRC) partnering with Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast in a project based on the theme, 'From Healthy Children to Healthy Adults.' This project is listed as the Core Activity of UTPRC, where all the developers of 'It’s Your Game' work as professors.”

119 Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest delivered Love Notes in four states in high schools and other settings. See Power to Decide, “Key Information About Idaho,” December 2019, https://powerto- decide.org/sites/default/files/2019-12/Key%20Information%20Idaho.pdf.

120 Congressional Research Service, “Teen Pregnancy: Federal Prevention Programs,” Congressional Re- search Service, September 1, 2022, https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R45183.

121 Stan E. Weed and Irene Ericksen, “Re-examining the Evidence for Comprehensive Sex Education in Schools: Research Findings in the United States,” Institute for Research and Evaluation, September 12, 2017; last updated May 2019, https://www.comprehensivesexualityeducation.org/wp-content/up- loads/USReport053119.pdf. Weed and Ericksen report that the TPP Evidence Review includes thirty-three studies of eighteen sex education programs based in schools. None of the eighteen school-based sex education programs showed effectiveness at reducing teen pregnancy or STDs or increasing condom use and abstinence. Only the Teen Outreach Program reported a short-term reduction in teen pregnancy, and a subsequent study in a different location found the program in fact increased pregnancy rates. None of the school-based studies even measured STD reduction in youth. In fact, five of the eighteen school-based sex education programs produced significant negative effects, including recent sex, oral sex, pregnancy, and increased number of partners.

122 Stan E. Weed and Irene Ericksen, “Re-examining the Evidence for Comprehensive Sex Education in Schools: Research Findings in the United States,” Institute for Research and Evaluation, September 12, 2017; last updated May 2019, https://www.comprehensivesexualityeducation.org/wp-content/up- loads/USReport053119.pdf.

123 See, for instance, David M. Cohen, “Amateur Government: When Political Appointees Manage the Federal Bureaucracy,” https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/amateur.pdf.

124 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, “Equity Action Plan,” April 2022, https://www.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/hhs-equity-action-plan.pdf.

125 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, “Equity Action Plan,” April 2022, https://www.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/hhs-equity-action-plan.pdf.

126 Family and Youth Services Bureau, “FYSB Equity Action Plan Public Statement,” August 31, 2022, https://www.acf.hhs.gov/fysb/news/fysb-equity-action-plan-public-statement.

127 Administration of Children and Families, Department of Health and Human Services, “APP Connect, March 2022,” March 17, 2022, https://www.acf.hhs.gov/fysb/newsletter/fysbnewsletter/app-connect- march-2022.

128 Ibid.

129 Ibid. See also FYSB, Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Program, “The Exchange” https://teenpregnancy.acf.hhs.gov/resources

130 Family and Youth Services Bureau, “A Facilitators Guide to Equity and Inclusion in the Classroom,” accessed November 6, 2022, https://teenpregnancy.acf.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/resource-files/FINALEquityInclusivityClassroom_0.pdf.

131 Appendix 2: “Gender identity: Internal perception of one’s gender and how one labels oneself. Gender pronouns: The pronoun or set of pronouns that an individual personally uses and would like others to use when talking to or about that individual. Gender-neutral or gender-inclusive pronouns include they, their, and them. Gender: The socially constructed roles, behaviors, activities, attributes and opportunities that any society considers appropriate for individuals on a spectrum that includes feminine and masculine.” Family and Youth Services Bureau, “A Facilitators Guide to Equity and Inclusion in the Classroom,” accessed November 6, 2022, https://teenpregnancy.acf.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/resource-files/FINALEquityInclusivityClassroom_0.pdf.

132 Family and Youth Services Bureau, “Discussing Contraception and Abstinence with Young People,” Department of Health and Human Services, Administration of Children and Families, August 2022, https://teenpregnancy.acf.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/resource-files/AbstinenceContraception- TipSheet.pdf. Resources include Amaze.org (https://amaze.org/), Power to Decide (https://powertodecide.org/), and Sex Etc. (https://sexetc.org/).

133 Office of Population Affairs, “Key Resources for Teen Pregnancy Prevention Grantees,” accessed November 8, 2022, https://opa.hhs.gov/grant-programs/teen-pregnancy-prevention-program/key-resources/tpp-grantees.

134 Ibid.

135 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “CDC’s CORE Commitment to Health Equity,” accessed November 8,2022, https://www.cdc.gov/healthequity/core/index.html (“CDC has launched an agency- wide strategy that aims to integrate health equity into the fabric of all we do.”).

136 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Gateway to Health Communication: Preferred Terms, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity,” accessed November 8, 2022, https://www.cdc.gov/healthcommunication/Preferred_Terms.html; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “Using a Health Equity Lens,” accessed November 12, 2022, https://www.cdc.gov/healthcommunication/Health_Equity_Lens.html; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Health Equity Considerations for Developing Public Health Communications,” accessed Nov. 12, 2022, https://www.cdc.gov/healthcommunication/Comm_Dev.html.

137 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Gateway to Health Communication: Resources and References,” https://www.cdc.gov/healthcommunication/Resources.html; GLAAD, “WATCH: All New Trailer “We’re Here” Season Three: “Having This Drag Show Will Save Lives,” November 3, 2022, https://www.glaad.org/blog/watch-all-new-trailer-were-here-season-three-having-drag-show-will-save-   lives.

138 Youth.gov, “HHS Teen Pregnancy Prevention Evidence Review: Resources,” accessed January 23, 2023, https://tppevidencereview.youth.gov/Resources.aspx. The website states the following: “Evidence-Based Programs At-A-Glance. The HHS Office of Adolescent Health has developed a summary table presenting key outcomes and characteristics of evidence-based programs. Learn more here: www.hhs.gov/ash/oah/oah-initiatives/teen_pregnancy/training/Assests/ebp-table.pdf.” See also Office of Population Affairs, “Adolescent Health—Featured Adolescent Health Resources,” accessed November 7, 2022, https://opa.hhs.gov/adolescent-health?oah-initiatives/teen_pregnancy/training/Assests/ebp-table.pdf; Office of Population Affairs, “Gender-Affirming Care and Young People,” accessed November 6, 2022, https://opa.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/2022-03/gender-affirming-care-young-people-march-2022.pdf.

139 Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, Office of Population Affairs. “Tier 2 Showcase: Day 3,” March 5, 2020, https://opa.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/2020-10/tpp-tier-2-showcase-day-3-slides%20508.pdf. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, Office of Population Affairs, “Tier 2 Show- case: Day 2,” March 4, 2020, https://opa.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/2020-10/tpp-tier-2-showcase-day-2-slides%20508.pdf

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