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IEA shows its support for the status quo

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
May 9, 2011
If you’re wondering why Idaho’s public schools operate much the way they did in the 1970s — and why the Idaho Education Association is fighting so hard to keep it that way — take a look at the lawsuit the teachers’ union filed last month to stop education reform legislation. The IEA is suing to […]

Lift the charter school cap

By Mitch Coffman
May 2, 2011
The Idaho House of Representatives closed the 2011 legislative session on a high note when it passed a bill lifting the cap on the number of public charter schools that can be created each year. Charter schools have been hugely important to education reform: demand is high, parents love them and they are accountable in […]

Obamacare mostly dead in Idaho

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
April 27, 2011
In case you were wondering whether Gov. Butch Otter's executive order blocking Obamacare and simultaneous veto of anti-Obamacare legislation should be considered good or bad, here's a clue: Most of the folks in the media are upset. Most view Otter's action as nullification of the federal government's healthcare law. Clearly, Otter's done good. When we […]

To the legislature: support S1184, Public School Modernization and Reform

By Mitch Coffman
March 25, 2011
This letter went to all of Idaho's legislators: The Idaho Freedom Foundation (IFF) urges the Legislature to pass Senate Bill 1184, the third part of Superintendent Tom Luna’s “Students Come First” public education reform plan. Smart use of technology has made every other sector of society more efficient and effective. Senate Bill 1184 will make […]

State shouldn't accept Obamacare money

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
March 22, 2011
Even though the state of Idaho is suing the federal government over its Obamacare mandates, the state Senate voted last week to voted to accept $2.5 million in federal funds to start down the path of implementation of Obamacare. By now, you’re certain you misread that last sentence, so I’ll just repeat it: Idaho is […]

Public employees lobbying on the taxpayer’s dime, Part II, Senate Education Committee edition

By Mitch Coffman
March 14, 2011
Idahoans paid approximately $22,694 for 127 public school employees to testify before the Senate Education Committee the week of February 7, 2011. This is more than twice what it cost the taxpayer for public school employees to testify before the Joint Finance and Appropriations Committee on January 21. Public school employees came from all over […]

An appeal to Idaho teachers

By Mitch Coffman
March 8, 2011
In private, Idaho’s teachers will admit they're stifled at work. They live with the bureaucracy, lack of monetary reward and the “we’ve always done it this way” culture in exchange for being with their own children when they’re not at school and making a difference in the lives of many other children. Now teachers are […]

Students misled regarding education reform efforts

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
March 8, 2011
It's a bit disquieting to watch our schoolchildren be manipulated into believing that Public School Superintendent Tom Luna is attacking our state's education system. He's not. But students have been fed such propaganda via our own classrooms, that a raucous group has been huddling on the Statehouse steps chanting "kill the bill," not knowing, really, […]

Governor can still stop Obamacare

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
March 3, 2011
On Friday, the Senate State Affairs Committee killed on a 7-2 vote House Bill 117, which would have prevented the operability of Obamacare in Idaho. It’s amazing to me that lawmakers in a state like Idaho would refuse to pass legislation to keep Obamacare from taking hold in the state. House Bill 117 was not […]

Kudos to SBOE for disbanding ISU Faculty Senate - time for higher ed reform

By Erik Makrush
February 24, 2011
Kudos to the State Board of Education for taking the stand to temporarily disband the Faculty Senate at Idaho State University. The Faculty Senate has accused the SBOE of plotting against the faculty and that the vote was pre-planned from the beginning. The truth is that SBOE told both sides to take a time out […]

Break down the digital education divide

By Mitch Coffman
February 21, 2011
Online school isn’t coming - it’s already here. So why are Idaho’s policymakers even slightly reluctant to offer kids more choices from among the thousands of course offerings provided by states, universities, for-profit and non-profit companies? Are we going to ride the online learning tidal wave, or is it going to crush us? We could […]

Public education employees lobbying on the taxpayer's dime

By Mitch Coffman
February 8, 2011
Idahoans paid at least $10,670 plus 33 days of leave for 46 classroom teachers and one librarian to testify before the legislative Joint Finance-Appropriations Committee on Friday, January 21. The calculations by the Idaho Freedom Foundation are based on payroll data from IFF's OurIdaho.com payroll database, the leave policies of their school districts and costs […]

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