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Cities turn to utility fees to extract more money from residents

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
July 31, 2011
If it feels as though our governments are nickel and diming you to death, they are. If it’s not new or higher taxes being proposed, it’s some new fee. The newest tact involves city governments passing ever-higher utility franchise fees, which then get passed onto ratepayers. We’re seeing the phenomenon all over the state. Cities […]

Friedman Legacy of Freedom Day Ice Cream Social; Friday, July 29, 4-8 pm, Harmon Park, Twin Falls

By Mitch Coffman
July 26, 2011
On what would have been free market economist Milton Friedman's 99th birthday, the Idaho Freedom Foundation in conjunction with the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice and the Coalition of Idaho Charter School Families will hold a FREE Ice Cream Social for School Choice on Friday, July 29 from 4-8 pm at Harmon Park in Twin […]

Paying more for less

By Mitch Coffman
July 2, 2011
In the 2008 - 2009 school year, the Boise School District spent $9638 per student. During that same time, Boise’s private Bishop Kelly High School lists its current yearly cost per pupil as $8390. In return for per-pupil spending 15% higher than Bishop Kelly’s cost, taxpayers are getting lower SAT and ACT scores from Boise's […]

Meridian School District's false choice.

By Mitch Coffman
June 13, 2011
The Meridian School District would like patrons to believe the only budget cuts possible are those that directly impact students. This is false and Meridian taxpayers need to call them on it. We will have the opportunity to do so Tuesday, June 14 at 7 pm at Mountain View High School when the Board of […]

At the U.S. Department of Education, do the names Adam Smith or Milton Friedman ring a bell? Perhaps not.

By Erik Makrush
June 8, 2011
The U.S. Department of Education has released a 450-page document with new rules for the “for-profit higher education sector.”  The agency's intent is to create "gainful employment in a recognized occupation.”  We gather “gainful employment” is governmentese for getting a job. Drug dealing and prostitution are “recognized occupations” – but we digress. Among the provisions […]

On education spending, we're nearly No. 1

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
June 1, 2011
In response to a report that Idaho’s per student spending is 49th in the nation, the Coeur d’Alene Press ran an article with this headline: “At least we’re not last.” The story came from U.S. Census data, which noted that Idaho spent roughly $7,100 a student in 2008-2009, putting more cash to education than Utah, […]

Otter, Luna win Idaho Freedom Foundation awards for education reform

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
May 20, 2011
Otter, Luna win Idaho Freedom Foundation awards for education reform Nampa resident Maurice Clements recognized for lifetime achievement NAMPA, Idaho -- Gov. C.L. "Butch" Otter and Superintendent Tom Luna won the Idaho Freedom Foundation's "Education Innovation" award Thursday night during a banquet attended by nearly 400 people. IFF Executive Director Wayne Hoffman recognized Otter and […]

More students? More spending. Fewer students? Also more spending.

By Mitch Coffman
May 13, 2011
This table compares the expenditures of eleven Idaho school districts in 1999 and 2008 and shows spending per student increased between ten and 122 percentage points regardless of whether the districts lost or gained students. All numbers are from the Idaho State Department of Education website. TheTwin Falls School District came in first, as it […]

Time for a reform in Higher Education in Idaho

By Erik Makrush
May 10, 2011
The Idaho Legislature spent much of the winter deliberating how to improve K-12 education.  And they implemented reforms that we've long waited for. Next, the Legislature should turn its attention to modernizing and improving our publicly funded higher education programs.  State taxpayers are paying more than one-half of the bill for higher education costs for […]

IEA shows its support for the status quo

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
May 9, 2011
If you’re wondering why Idaho’s public schools operate much the way they did in the 1970s — and why the Idaho Education Association is fighting so hard to keep it that way — take a look at the lawsuit the teachers’ union filed last month to stop education reform legislation. The IEA is suing to […]

Lift the charter school cap

By Mitch Coffman
May 2, 2011
The Idaho House of Representatives closed the 2011 legislative session on a high note when it passed a bill lifting the cap on the number of public charter schools that can be created each year. Charter schools have been hugely important to education reform: demand is high, parents love them and they are accountable in […]

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