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Hoffman: Canyon residents show they're tired of tax increases

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
May 31, 2009
Supporters of a new tax for Canyon County property owners love libraries about as much as I love ice cream, and their argument in favor of creating a new library district was about as compelling and intricate as my argument for fudgy sundaes. More than three quarters of voters objected to the library district proposal […]

IFF alternative cited as House panel kills beer and wine tax increase

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
February 25, 2009
The House Revenue and Taxation Committee voted 13-5 against a bill that would raise beer and wine taxes in Idaho. Supporters of the tax increase said the revenues would be used to boost substance abuse treatment in Idaho. But opponents said the bill would hurt taxpayers, beer and wine makers and sellers, as well as […]

IFF suggests alternative to beer and wine tax increase

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
February 23, 2009
BOISE – Idaho could allocate around $27 million for substance abuse treatment without needing to raise taxes under a proposal from the Idaho Freedom Foundation. The non-profit, non-partisan think tank encouraged lawmakers on Tuesday to consider its alternatives to the tax increases now pending before the Legislature. “We all agree that substance abuse is an […]

Charter Schools 101

By Mitch Coffman
January 24, 2009
In March 2008, the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice conducted a survey of 1,000 likely voters in Idaho to measure public opinion on a range of education issues. What the survey found is "nearly half of Idaho voters are not satisfied with the state's current public school system - 47% rate Idaho's public school system […]

School choice group says Idahoans want education options

By Mitch Coffman
January 1, 1970
The Friedman Foundation, a pro-school choice group based in Indianapolis, released a study Thursday saying that a good share of Idahoans would support a tax-credit education program in the Gem State. The study polled 2,097 Idaho residents, and nearly 60 percent of respondents said they would send their children to somewhere other than public schools […]
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