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New lawnmowers for some, while Boise taxpayers foot the bill

April 10, 2010
A program to help 50 Boise residents trade in their gas-powered lawn powers for new electric models will cost taxpayers $4,850, even though there's little evidence to support the notion that the program will help the environment. This is Boise’s second year participating in an event called “Mow Down Pollution,” modeled after a Canadian environmental […]

School districts dip into reserve funds for raises

March 30, 2010
Despite the 2009 legislature freezing funds for time on the job pay raises for the state’s public school teachers, Idaho’s two largest school districts awarded the increases anyway. They were obligated by multi-year contracts with local teachers’ associations. State funding for “step”, or years on the job pay raises, was cut off in last year’s […]

IFF to stand with state in legal action to block health insurance mandate

By Wayne Hoffman
March 19, 2010
Idaho Freedom Foundation Executive Director Wayne Hoffman said Thursday the IFF will stand with the state of Idaho and join in any legal action to keep Idahoans free from having to buy health insurance under a federally-passed health insurance mandate. Gov. Butch Otter on Wednesday signed the Idaho Health Freedom Act, which says residents of […]

Legislature unwilling to eliminate agencies, goes with tax credit instead

By Wayne Hoffman
March 16, 2010
The state Legislature will conclude its work this winter having determined that there's not a single agency in all of state government that can be eliminated. The conclusion could be interpreted to mean that every last agency is a necessary and proper component of the state government and that there is no duplication of services […]

Lawmakers reluctant to embrace innovation

By Wayne Hoffman
March 8, 2010
The early graduation idea promoted by Reps. Steven Thayn of Emmett and Brandon Durst of Boise is the most innovative education concept to hit the Statehouse since the late 1990s. The Thayn/Durst plan, which passed the House 61-7 last month, would start a pilot project that would allow students to graduate early. That would save […]

School district and state employee health plans: is change needed?

February 13, 2010
A review of school district health programs shows wide variances in what taxpayers are paying to buy health insurance for public employees across the state and even in neighboring school districts. The reason: districts are buying into plans with bells and whistles, such as extremely low deductibles or no deductibles at all, that would cost […]

IFF poll: Overwhelming support for tax cuts

By Wayne Hoffman
January 12, 2010
A poll commissioned by the Idaho Freedom Foundation shows nearly a supermajority of Idahoans support cutting taxes to help boost the economy. Research and consulting firm Greg Smith and Associates conducted the poll December 10-15, 2009 (excluding weekends) on behalf of the Idaho Freedom Foundation, Idaho's only free market education and research center. The study […]

Tax cuts deserve consideration

By Wayne Hoffman
December 2, 2009
State lawmakers and the governor finally are having conversations that should have been had years ago - how to cut the size of government. That's great. Lawmakers have an extraordinary opportunity to get state spending under control, to eliminate waste and excess in every agency. But let's not stop there. Too little is being said […]

Idaho businesses can expect more than 70 percent tax increase next year

October 26, 2009
Idaho businesses will see at least a 70 percent percent increase in their unemployment insurance taxes next year. That's on top of the 70 percent increase businesses are coping with this year. Though the rate for 2010 has yet to be determined, Bob Fick, spokesman for the Idaho Department of Labor said, “The rate will […]

Idaho taxpayers finance political parties

By Wayne Hoffman
October 25, 2009
Each spring, the mysterious being we call Taxman plays the part of the Tooth Fairy. Taxman says if I put a little check mark next to the political party or parties of our choice on my state tax form, the political organization I have selected will miraculously get a dollar. "This won't increase your tax […]

Hoffman: State lawmakers can end ban on insurance sales across state lines

By Wayne Hoffman
October 12, 2009
Idaho has a law that prevents the state’s residents from shopping for the lowest possible health insurance premiums. The restriction is simple: No one can sell insurance in Idaho without being authorized by state regulators to do so, even if that insurer is already legally recognized to operate in another state. Our statute is mirrored […]

Craig P. Boulton: The Congressional Co-op Scam

October 9, 2009
In lieu of a single payer national healthcare system run by the Federal Government some Congressional Democrats are proposing to establish national healthcare cooperatives owned by their policy holders instead. This has a nice ring to it and cooperatives represent a long standing tradition in the United States – people with a mutual interest getting […]

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