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ISP: Unmarked-car plan not due to ticket slump

By Dustin Hurst
January 6, 2016
A plan to allow the Idaho State Police to use unmarked patrol cars on the state’s highways and interstates isn’t a response to slumping ticket counts, the agency confirmed Wednesday. ISP communications manager Teresa Baker told IdahoReporter.com, the proposal, backed by Gov. Butch Otter’s administration, will address aggressive and distracted driving. “No, the number of […]

Vick: Unmarked ISP patrol cars could have ‘negative effect on’ police efforts

By Dustin Hurst
January 6, 2016
Dalton Gardens Republican Sen. Steve Vick wonders if allowing the Idaho State Police to deploy unmarked cars during highway patrol could worsen law enforcement efforts on Gem State highways. Vick, a member of the Senate Transportation Committee, told IdahoReporter.com he’s unsure if the agency needs the covert cars. “It’s always been my understanding that the […]

Palmer: Another transportation tax hike unlikely

By Dustin Hurst
January 6, 2016
A key member of the Idaho Legislature said Tuesday that lawmakers likely won’t seek another tax hike to fund road and bridge repairs. House Transportation Committee Chairman Joe Palmer, R-Meridian, told IdahoReporter.com he’s unlikely to throw support behind any tax hike plan. “I don’t think we need to raise taxes any more for that,” Palmer […]

End unfair video restrictions in the Idaho House

By Dustin Hurst
December 22, 2015
It’s time for the Idaho House of Representatives to repeal a rule that prevents ordinary Idahoans from capturing video in House committee rooms. The restriction, part of the House’s rulebook that outlines how representatives conduct business, flies in the face of open government and, with technological advances, will soon become entirely unenforceable. Officially the restriction […]

Key lawmakers want broad tax relief in 2016

By Dustin Hurst
December 18, 2015
The 2016 legislative session may prove to be a case of good, better, and best as far as tax relief goes. But, who decides what’s best for Idahoans and business owners? That answer could prove lucrative for some -- and leave others wanting. Key members of the House and Senate tax committees told IdahoReporter.com they […]

Otter, lawmakers must ease burdens in 2016

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
December 18, 2015
This winter, Idaho lawmakers and Gov. Butch Otter must figure out how to provide $100 million — and as much as $200 million — in tax relief. We’re talking about real tax relief. Why cut taxes? Because Idahoans are struggling to make ends meet, and the state’s confiscatory tax policies are squarely to blame. A […]

Anderson, who defended pension perk, could soon benefit from it

By Dustin Hurst
December 9, 2015
A former state legislator who previously defended a special pension perk for lawmakers will likely benefit from it. Former state Rep. Eric Anderson, R-Priest Lake, can greatly increase, or spike, his taxpayer-funded pension if he holds on to his new state job for at least 42 months. A five-term House member who retired in 2014, Anderson […]

Idaho tax incentive hurts locally-grown businesses

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
November 13, 2015
Employers Resource in Boise is one of Idaho’s top privately-held companies, and its story is one of homegrown entrepreneurialism. George and Mary Gersema started their payroll processing and human resources company 30 years ago. They’ve never asked anything of the state or local governments. George and Mary have grown their business to include offices in […]

Sayer talking out both sides of his mouth on tax relief?

By Fred Birnbaum
October 26, 2015
Shortly after announcing his retirement as head of the Idaho Department of Commerce, Jeff Sayer wanted legislators to hear a single message. “We do need lower taxes someday, and not today. The return for the state is not lowering taxes,” Sayer recently told the Legislature’s tax working group. “It is investing in talent.” Naturally, his […]

Tax expert: Go big on tax reform, let people keep their money

By Dustin Hurst
October 7, 2015
A tax expert believes Idaho lawmakers must ‘go big’ on tax reform to boost the state’s business climate and entice companies to relocate. But George Mason University’s Adam Millsap, who conducts economic policy research at the school’s Mercatus Center, knows tax reform alone probably won’t do the trick. “Sometimes, lawmakers think of tax cuts as […]

Rep. Ron Nate pushes for permitless carry in radio interview

By Dustin Hurst
September 22, 2015

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