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Measuring Social Justice Advocacy on Campus

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
February 2, 2021
By Anna K. Miller & Dr. Scott Yenor Social justice, as it plays out in the education sphere, seeks primarily one thing: diversion of higher education toward political activism and ideological indoctrination. And as anyone with eyes to see has noticed, it is taking over America’s colleges and universities.  Social justice as a general theory […]

Statists of the Week: Mike Simpson and Bruce Newcomb

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
February 1, 2021
And now it’s time once again for our Statist of the Week. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, we have a distinct honor today. We are presenting our Statist of the Week award to two outstanding individuals: Mike Simpson and Bruce Newcomb. Yes, Mike and Bruce both served as speaker of the Idaho House of Representatives.  Mike, […]

University presidents try to distract from their leftist propaganda

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
February 1, 2021
The presidents of Idaho’s public universities had multiple chances over the last several days to own up to their role in promoting social justice propaganda. They had their chance to promise to implement reforms. Instead, the heads of hubris at the University of Idaho and Boise State University doubled down, deflecting from a well-documented record […]

We are not in a pandemic

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
January 29, 2021
Dr. John Livingston | Medical Policy Advisor I feel like I have been under house arrest for the past 10 months, and for what? The fact is (and this isn’t just John Livingston’s opinion) we are not in a pandemic. Who else agrees with me? Why, the state of Idaho does.  In the state’s Emergency Operations […]

IFF President Hoffman responds to Little: 'End the state of emergency'

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
January 25, 2021
For almost a year, Idaho has been operating under a state of emergency. As you may know, there are members of the Legislature who have been working since last summer to end that declaration. They tried during the special legislative session, with the House voting in favor of ending the state of emergency, only to […]

Idahoans must build on the work of disbanded 1776 Commission

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
January 22, 2021
Joe Biden has disbanded the 1776 Commission that the Trump administration created in September, but the work need not stop. It cannot stop, for the sake of our nation. President Trump created the commission because of the mortal danger that our country faces: activists have successfully infiltrated our government-run education system and have been using […]

Making sense of Little’s FY22 budget

By Fred Birnbaum
January 21, 2021
There is only one job the state Legislature must do each and every year: Pass a balanced budget. Gov. Brad Little has done a much better job than his predecessor containing spending, but that doesn’t mean his budget proposal is perfect. Here are seven things to like (and seven not to like) about the spending […]

Little chooses to fund systems, not students

By Anna Miller
January 12, 2021
Families need education options now more than ever during the coronavirus pandemic. Opposing choice, Gov. Brad Little opted to grow the public school monopoly instead of empowering families and students to select the education that best suits their needs, in Monday’s State of the State address. Little claimed fealty to respecting taxpayers by spending their […]

Social Justice Ideology in Idaho Higher Education

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
January 5, 2021
By Dr. Scott Yenor & Anna K. Miller Social justice ideology is turning American higher education into an engine of progressive activism and ideological indoctrination. Its advocates demand conformity to the cult of race, class and gender victimology cloaked in language like “diversity” and “inclusion.” It is bad for free inquiry and for scientific advancement. […]

University of Idaho parts company with Communist-funded Confucius Institute

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
January 2, 2021
Let’s begin 2021 with some potentially happy news from a place that hasn’t generated a lot of happy news of late: The University of Idaho. The school is closing a program on campus that is funded by Communist China. The program is called the Confucius Institute and it is one of hundreds of similar institutes […]

New Year’s resolution 2021: Expose Idaho’s socialists and the programs they make you pay for

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
December 26, 2020
How much support do you give to radical leftist organizations? I posed this question to a conservative friend the other day. He furrowed his brow and looked at me like I was crazy. He’d never willingly lend his support to socialists, he assured me.  The key word in his answer is “willingly.” You might substitute […]

Supreme Court denies justice for thousands of Idahoans

By Matt Tobeck
December 22, 2020
Americans have a constitutional right to a fair and speedy trial, but the Idaho Supreme Court is arguably denying justice for thousands of Idahoans by suspending jury trials indefinitely, using Covid-19 as an excuse. There’s no telling when juries will again be empaneled, but the Supreme Court has signaled it could be until at least […]

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