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Black Lives Matter praises Marlene Tromp for standing up to "the #GOPKKK"

By Dustin Hurst
March 11, 2021
Sometimes it matters who your friends are.  Boise State has tried to convince legislators that social justice education has no place on its campus. They have implied that the IFF report on Social Justice education lacks sound data and analysis.  Black Lives Matter Boise disagrees.  BLM Boise sees Boise State University as their (himes-herses) ally […]

Publicly funded PBS Kids tells parents: “Babies are racist”

By Anna Miller
March 5, 2021
Kids love the playful PBS cartoons of “Sesame Street,” “Arthur,” and “Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood.” But what should parents do when Daniel Tiger is used to teach kids about transgenderism? Or a Sesame Street Special teaches white children they are inherently privileged and complicit in systemic racism? Or an Arthur episode acclimates kids toward becoming progressive […]

College budget plan is political theater that would allow campus leftism to continue

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
March 5, 2021
Idaho’s legislative budget writers are being dishonest when they say a proposed higher education budget combats the leftist indoctrination happening on college and university campuses. It does not. Not even close. It is true that the Legislature’s budget committee voted to restrict the use of state funds for social justice. But that prohibition does not […]

Social Justice Ideology at University of Idaho

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
March 4, 2021
By Dr. Scott Yenor and Anna K. Miller Since we released our report on Boise State University, curious minds have asked us if things are as bad in Idaho’s other universities. “Wait and see” has been our answer.  Wait no longer.  Our new report answers the question, “How far has social justice ideology penetrated the […]

What if our education system was as unique as the children it's meant to serve?

By Anna Miller
March 3, 2021
Every parent knows their kid is not average. The average kid doesn’t exist. Every kid is totally unique. Yet Idaho’s current education system tries to file and chisel children’s differences away so that they will fit into a factory model. It's time to build an education model that embraces the extraordinary nature of every kid. […]

Is Critical Race Theory coming to an elementary school near you?

By Anna Miller
February 27, 2021
Nearly $6 million federal taxpayer dollars could be used to traffic the pernicious and false ideas of critical race theory and the ideology of social justice into public elementary schools. House Bill 226 sends federal funds to a non-profit education organization called the Idaho Association for the Education of Young Children (IAEYC). The IAEYC is […]

Idaho Legislature may ponder the idea of a gas tax hike this year

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
February 26, 2021
It’s hard to believe this, but several lawmakers have confirmed for me that there’s a plan to raise gas taxes on Idahoans during this legislative session. The word is that the proposal is to raise the tax by as much as 10 percent on the state’s already-high assessment of 32 cents per gallon. The good […]

Lawmakers cannot avoid responsibility to defund leftist extremism at Idaho’s public colleges and universities

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
February 22, 2021
Idaho lawmakers have only one job each and every year: deciding how much money to take out of the economy to run whatever government program they decide to fund. Media distractions to the contrary, this is the job, and lawmakers aren’t very good at it. They’re focused on evading responsibility so they upset no one […]

Idaho’s universities discriminate based on sex, foster tokenism, harm successful women

By Anna Miller
February 17, 2021
A number of programs and scholarships at the University of Idaho and Boise State University appear on their face to discriminate on the basis of sex. These universities use taxpayer dollars to enforce anti-male rules, which fosters tokenism and harms the reputations of successful women.  Several statutes prohibit discrimination in higher education. The most famous […]

Fact check: Tromp claims Boise State is not a Social Justice University

By Anna Miller
February 12, 2021
Boise State University President Marlene Tromp sent evidence to the Legislature ironically proving BSU’s effort to build what Jonathan Haidt calls a Social Justice University.  Tromp received many questions during BSU’s budget hearing on Friday, Jan. 29, referencing our report, “Social Justice Ideology in Idaho Higher Education.” Legislators asked Tromp about the university ending its […]

Legislators introduce bill to freeze tuition, let students opt out of fees for wokeness

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
February 12, 2021
Idaho’s public colleges and universities are pushing state lawmakers hard to give them a pass on some of their  truly racist programs and social justice indoctrination efforts. Boise State University President Marlene Tromp sent lawmakers a letter dismissing criticism of how the school has fed into the Left’s “woke” narratives about race, gender, and capitalism.  […]

Hoff Time Report: Wayne & Sen. Winder talk limits on executive power, tax relief, & more

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
February 11, 2021
Senate Pro Tem Chuck Winder, R-Meridian, joined The Hoff Time Report Wednesday to talk limits on executive power, grocery tax repeal, and labor union misbehavior.

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