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Lawmakers seem ready to end radical indoctrination programs in higher education

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
April 9, 2021
Congratulations to members of Idaho’s House of Representatives, who voted 57-13 Wednesday against a bill that would have allowed the continued funding of social justice programs on our state’s public higher education campuses.  Now the real work begins. Lawmakers must still pass a budget for Boise State University, University of Idaho, Lewis-Clark State College, and […]

What are they hiding? Leftist early ed group hid woke material shortly after vote on $6 million federal grant

By Anna Miller
April 8, 2021
For the first time ever, Idaho Legislators called out the Idaho Association for the Education of Young Children (IDAEYC) for attempting to traffic radical and divisive theories into homes, communities, and schools. The House also killed a bill that would’ve given IDAEYC a $6 million federal grant.  In response, the IDAEYC has repeatedly denied the […]

Idaho can stand up for America with vote on higher ed budget

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
April 2, 2021
Throughout the country, lefitst activists have successfully infiltrated all aspects of government, media, and business with claims that America is irredeemably racist, and such racism is baked into our political and economic systems. These extremists believe that to combat this “systemic” racism, American systems and ideals must be scrutinized and dismantled. This dismantling includes the […]

Advancing the social justice agenda at Lewis-Clark State College

By Anna Miller
April 1, 2021
By Dr. Scott Yenor & Anna K. Miller Lewis-Clark State College (LCSC) has joined the cult of race and gender victimology, otherwise known as social justice education. This poisonous ideology has penetrated many aspects of campus life at LCSC, from administration to general education requirements to where students live and sleep. Administrators often introduce the […]

Math is racial oppression and white babies are racist: $6 million federal grant a deliberate attempt to program wokeism into children

By Anna Miller
March 26, 2021
In a recent article, I posed the question, “Is Critical Race Theory coming to an elementary school near you?”  The answer is yes. And deceptive groups want to use taxpayer dollars to ensure Critical  Theory infiltrates not just elementary schools and pre-K programs but families’ homes, too.  The Idaho House previously killed House Bill 226, […]

Big City Coffee’s tort claim against BSU shows lawmakers aren’t doing enough

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
March 26, 2021
Everyone in Idaho – especially lawmakers, the governor, and members of the State Board of Education – should read Sarah Jo Fendley’s damning $10 million tort claim against Boise State University, which she filed Thursday.  Members of the House of Representatives should certainly read Fendley’s complaint before they vote on a budget for Idaho’s colleges and […]

Former Boise State adjunct professor arrested for defacing Lincoln statue

By Anna Miller
March 24, 2021
Terry J. Wilson II, a former Boise State University adjunct professor, was arrested Tuesday for allegedly defacing an Abraham Lincoln statue in Boise’s Julia Davis Park.  The statue, known as Seated Lincoln, was tarnished in February by a mob with red paint, signs, feces, and a Black Lives Matter flag wrapped around its neck.  Signs […]

Idaho senators side with education special interests against parents and students

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
March 19, 2021
Special interest groups including big labor unions like the Idaho Education Association seem to be winning the day at the state Legislature, thanks to liberal Republicans and Democrats on the Senate Education Committee.  First, members of the committee rejected a simple House-approved measure to let school boards opt-out of collective bargaining. House Bill 174 would […]

UF 200 is tip of huge social justice iceberg at BSU

By Anna Miller
March 18, 2021
Boise State students are speaking out about how they are silenced and demoralized by activists on campus. The university's response raises a question: How extensive is the social justice rot?  Our report on social justice ideology shows that Boise State is building a social justice university. This ideology asserts that all whites and especially males […]

Stopping Social Justice Ideology in Idaho

By Scott Yenor
March 17, 2021
For years, the University of Idaho has been proudly building itself into a social justice institution. Now that the Idaho Legislature has begun to question public funding for this harmful ideology, the University of Idaho hides as if it were ashamed of its handiwork. President Scott Green claims the university is “viewpoint neutral” and denies […]

Did “white privilege” lecture cause the cancellation of BSU’s social justice courses?

By Dustin Hurst
March 17, 2021
On Tuesday, Boise State University suspended all 35 of its University Foundations 200 classes. Administration explained, “a student or students have been humiliated and degraded in class on our campus for their beliefs and values.”   BSU President Marlene Tromp and Interim Provost Tony Roark told students that classes would be suspended “while the university gathers […]

Acceptance of federal money could derail Idaho’s tax relief plans

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
March 12, 2021
It’s the middle of March, and the Idaho Legislature still hasn’t done anything to provide meaningful tax relief to Gem State residents. And now, there’s a possibility that waiting this long means the state won’t be able to collect $1.89 billion from the federal government’s COVID relief package and cut taxes at the same time. […]

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