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Time for state leaders to act after IEA president admits woke trainings reach Idaho classrooms

By Wayne Hoffman
January 20, 2023
Idaho Education Association president Layne McInelly’s presentation to the House and Senate education committees this week got very little legacy news attention, except for a mere six sentences from Idaho Education News, which reported how “excited” McInelly and the rest of the education establishment is about Gov. Brad Little’s education plans.  The real story, however, […]

Boise State University to expand Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion bureaucracy with new high-ranking official

By Anna Miller
January 18, 2023
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) efforts have been sewn into the administration of Boise State University, and the university just can’t resist the urge to keep growing its DEI bureaucracy. Not only does it dedicate more staff to the DEI cause than any other public university in Idaho, but it has also begun seeking a […]

Idaho Education Establishment Rejects True School Choice

By Brian Almon
January 17, 2023
On Monday, the education establishment pitched their vision for the public school system to the House and Senate Education Committees. State Superintendent of Public Instruction Debbie Critchfield, State Board of Education President Kurt Liebich, and Idaho Education Association President Layne McInelly took turns extolling the public school system, asking for ever more taxpayer money and, […]

Eighth grade students shown condom video with simulated sex in Planned Parenthood endorsed program

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
January 17, 2023
By Anna Miller and Scott Yenor Eighth-grade kids in Moscow Middle School were shown a disturbing video with animated sex scenes and a cartoon character apparently removing a condom from his erect penis. The video was part of a Planned Parenthood-endorsed sex education program which is implemented in public schools by the Idaho Department of […]

Little’s disappearing act: How the governor plans to spend away Idahoans’ tax dollars in FY2024

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
January 11, 2023
The growth of Idaho’s budget  By: Niklas Kleinworth Gov. Brad Little has proposed increasing state spending by 9.6%. This means that state spending is growing faster than the rate of inflation and far exceeds the 5% increase, as reported by the administration and repeated by the media. The accounting gimmicks are being used to hide […]

Idaho’s budget process is nothing to brag about, needs people-friendly reforms

By Wayne Hoffman
January 10, 2023
For nearly 30 years, various Idaho politicians have bragged to me about the Idaho Legislature’s process for spending public money.  “Other states are envious of our budget process,” is the usual refrain from people selling this propaganda. It has something to do with the fact that Idaho has a joint House-Senate budget committee which very […]

IFF to lawmakers: Ignore Little's disastrous state of the state address

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
January 9, 2023
Idaho Freedom Foundation President Wayne Hoffman offered his response to Gov. Brad Little’s 2023 State of the State address:  “The governor chose style over substance, more government over fiscal restraint. It’s an absolute disaster of a policy blueprint and, if followed, will lead the state further down the path of greater government dependency, socialism, and […]

2023: The year the truth will come out

By Wayne Hoffman
January 5, 2023
News articles about Missouri death row inmate Scott McLaughlin helped me figure out what my new year’s resolution would be.  In 2003, McLaughlin raped and killed his ex-girlfriend. This week, Gov. Mike Parson denied McLaughlin’s clemency request saying via press release, “[T]he State of Missouri will carry out the sentence of Scott McLaughlin as ordered […]

DeSantis follows Idaho Freedom’s lead in sniffing out woke spending in higher ed. Will Little and lawmakers join the fight?

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
January 4, 2023
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis recently announced he wants his state’s university system to spell out in great detail every public dollar it spends on woke programs.  Sound familiar?  It should. This is a fight Idaho Freedom Foundation launched two years ago, much to the dismay of the college presidents and educrats who feed off these […]

Corbin’s Betsy Russell article is another example of media bias

By Wayne Hoffman
January 4, 2023
I made it a policy at the Idaho Freedom Foundation never to speak to the legacy press, and every now and then, I get a reminder of why. The most recent reminder came from my interaction with Clark Corbin at the Idaho Capital Sun. Clark asked if I’d sit for an interview regarding the impending […]

School choice, ending wokeism, specific tax relief are priorities for 2023

By Wayne Hoffman
January 2, 2023
For about 50 years, Idaho politicians have tried unsuccessfully to expand education choice. My friend, state Rep. Maurice Clements, stood at the forefront of the fight in the 1970s, and he left the Legislature disgusted at the unwillingness of a Republican-controlled Legislature to consider options other than a failing government-run education system. That could change […]

De-transitioned teen Chloe Cole to speak at Idaho Capitol on February 2

By Dustin Hurst
December 13, 2022
Chloe Cole, a young woman from California, tells a heartbreaking tale.  “I will never breastfeed a child,” she told a committee of elected officials recently.  That’s because she, now 18, had her breasts removed at age 15 by gender-affirming doctors. Cole, who started experiencing gender dysphoria in her early teens, was put on puberty blockers […]

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