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Blaine County School District libraries offer pornographic books to children as young as elementary school

By Anna Miller
May 18, 2023
Blaine County School District libraries offer many pornographic and pro-gender transition books to children as young as elementary school.  The IFF’s Center for American Education obtained public records from the Blaine County School District’s (BCSD) library database, known as Destiny Discover, which reveal that the school libraries across the district offer disturbing and sexually explicit […]

Fighting the Fed’s digital dollar — a free market solution

By Niklas Kleinworth
May 18, 2023
There is a movement among conservative legislators across the nation to stunt the implementation of the Federal Reserve’s digital dollar — known as the central bank digital currency or CBDC — but many will ultimately fall short of stopping this federal overreach.  Meanwhile, the private sector is already working to cut out the government and […]

Fix illegal immigration? How about ending the restriction on youth employment?

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
May 17, 2023
Last legislative session, lawmakers got hung up over a toothless proposal on illegal immigration. The measure, Senate Joint Memorial 101, passed the Senate 25-10 but drew strong objections from conservatives who decried it for promoting amnesty for illegal aliens. The issue did not get a hearing in the House.  The troublesome section of the memorial […]

Time to reconsider Idaho’s involvement in Medicaid

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
May 15, 2023
A ton of people have written critically of the state’s medical welfare program because of its astronomical cost, the number of people getting benefits who shouldn’t be, or the program being used for unconscionable procedures such as sex change hormone treatments. Those are all valid for ending Medicaid. There is no law that requires a […]

Unraveling the school levy narratives

By Brian Almon
May 13, 2023
Numerous communities throughout Idaho are preparing to vote on school levies next Tuesday. Before going to the polls, voters deserve the benefit of as much information and as many perspectives as possible. Unfortunately, both the school system and corporate media have only one message: More money. It’s time to set the record straight on the […]

Is fiscal conservatism dead in the Idaho GOP?

By Niklas Kleinworth
May 11, 2023
Three in five Republican lawmakers in the Idaho Legislature voted in favor of growing bureaucracies, increasing federal control, and expanding wasteful programs more than half of the time, according to the Idaho Spending Index. With more than half of Republicans boasting voting records that are indistinguishable from those of Democrats, it seems that fiscal conservatism […]

Astroturf group targets conservatives in Idaho

By Brian Almon
May 8, 2023
Corporate media has generated numerous news stories over the past few weeks about a purported new group aiming to combat "extremism" in Idaho. “Idaho Leaders United looks to root out extremism,” wrote Teddy Feinberg at the Idaho Press. However, these stories presented the group's statements at face value, neglecting the contextual analysis they would typically […]

Governor Little is correct to oppose the use of Medicaid for sex reassignments, but he needs to go further

By Fred Birnbaum
May 8, 2023
We applaud Governor Little for making a public declaration that taxpayer-funded Medicaid, the medical welfare program that covers about 450,000 Idahoans, should not be used for any gender reassignment treatment or surgery. The Idaho Freedom Foundation raised the issue concerning the use of Medicaid for any sex change treatments, including hormone therapy. We believe then, […]

IACI’s Legislative Scorecard is Rubbish

By Ronald M. Nate, Ph.D.
May 5, 2023
Last week, we explained the power of the Idaho Freedom Index (IFI) as an objective measure of how well legislators vote according to the principles of freedom and limited government. This week, we take a dark turn to try to explain what the heck the Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry (IACI) scorecard measures. There […]

Setting the record straight on Medicaid: A rebuttal to Rep. Britt Raybould

By Fred Birnbaum
May 3, 2023
It is interesting to see Rep. Britt Raybould attempt to rewrite history pertaining to her support for Idaho’s Medicaid budget. Although she didn’t mention the size of the budget — passed as House Bill (HB) 369 — it was $4.54 billion, which is literally one-third of the entire all-funds budget of $13.87 billion. In a […]

The Legislature’s Joint Finance and Appropriations Committee Does Make Policy

By Fred Birnbaum
May 2, 2023
Which legislative committee effectuates a constitutionally required function but allows no direct public input? You guessed right if you answered with the Joint Finance and Appropriations Committee (JFAC). The Legislature is required, each session, to pass a balanced budget, and the committee assigned this responsibility allows no public testimony on the budget.  One of the […]

West Ada levy would fund daycare center exclusively for school employees

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
May 2, 2023
For those of you who think that the West Ada School District — the largest school district in the state — is concerned only with educating kids as part of its $500 million property tax increase, take a closer look: Rolled into the levy’s $100 million career technical education (CTE) center is a proposal to […]

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