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Posts by Mitch Coffman

May 2, 2013
Rep. John Vander Woude on the Governor's Education Task Force: 'It will be interesting to see what their recommendations are'
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May 2, 2013
John Mathews of the nonprofit SCORE discusses the changing business environment in Idaho.
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May 1, 2013
Coeur d'Alene board member Brent Regan discusses Common Core on the Austin Hill Show
Tags: Audio
May 1, 2013
The Common Core: A Poor Choice for States
April 30, 2013
Why Common Core is bad for America
April 26, 2013
Sen. Steven Thayn on Education Task Force: 'I think the Department of Education has some questions to answer...very good questions asked tonight'
Tags: Video
April 25, 2013
Idaho Forest Product Commission Director Betty Munis talks Idaho forests with IdahoReporter.com
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April 23, 2013
Interim Chairman of the Health Insurance Exchange Board Stephen Weeg: 'We need to do everything possible to have our exchange ready and working'
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April 23, 2013
Interim Chairman Stephen Weeg: 'We are all coming up to speed'
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April 18, 2013
Director Armstrong: Talking about Medicaid Expansion 'We have to be ready for the enrollment come first of the year regardless'
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April 18, 2013
Director Armstrong: 'The advantage of a state based exchange is to build these bridge products that move people from Medicaid into the private sector'
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April 18, 2013
Rep. John Gannon: 'We could have made a few better decisions regarding education'
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