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Your Search for "Anna Miller" returned 80 results.

Fiscal Fridays: Education Spending with Anna Miller

IFF Policy Analyst Niklas Kleinworth sits down with Anna Miller, director of the IFF's Center for American Education, to discuss how public money is being used for adverse purposes in our state's education system.Show more Support IFF's mission to expose what is happening in our public schools and reign in taxpayer spending: https://idahofreedom.org/donations/donate-now/ Show less

IFF Education Policy Director Anna Miller testifies at education indoctrination task force meeting
IFF Education Policy Analyst Anna Miller testifies in favor of school board-friendly labor bill
NAS webinar: Dr. Scott Yenor & IFF's Anna Miller explain social justice in Idaho higher ed
Anna Miller talks with Soviet expat Tanya O'Melay about social justice agenda on colleges campuses
Anna Miller webinar on civics education reform in the states
IFF's Anna K. Miller: Social justice ideology puts in place tyranny over the mind
IFF's Anna K. Miller advocates for education choice before Idaho Statesman editorial board
'Reprogramming centers'": James Lindsay blasts colleges during interview with Anna K. Miller
DEI Working Group: Another exercise in futility?

Last week, Idaho House Speaker Mike Moyle sent invitations to a few legislators to serve on an eight-member Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in Education Working Group. It's unclear who will lead the group and who else will serve on the panel. Please forgive the Idaho Freedom Foundation (IFF) for not falling over ourselves with […]

Idaho's bloated DEI bureaucracies at public universities are growing

By Anna Miller and Scott Yenor  A recent Idaho Freedom Foundation report revealed that Idaho's public university system is spending nearly $6 million on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) administrators. A previous estimate in February 2022, found that spending on DEI administrators across Idaho’s higher education system was around $2.2 million. In two years, the cost […]

Bathroom bill injunction puts Idaho students in danger

By Anna Miller and Brian Almon The U.S. District Court of Idaho has temporarily blocked a law requiring public schools to separate bathrooms and locker rooms based on a student’s biological sex. The order establishes that schools may keep existing transgender student policies in place prior to Gov. Brad Little signing Senate Bill 1100. At […]

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