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Senate Bill 1008 — Regulations for electrical contractors and journeymen

Senate Bill 1008 — Regulations for electrical contractors and journeymen

Lindsay Atkinson
February 5, 2019

Bill description: SB 1008 would change apprenticeship regulations for electrical contractors and journeymen.

Rating: +2

Does it increase barriers to entry into the market? Examples include occupational licensure, the minimum wage, and restrictions on home businesses. Conversely, does it remove barriers to entry into the market?

SB 1008 removes a continuation training requirement for apprentices who have not advanced in training for 2 years. Under current law, an electrical apprentice who does not become a journeyman within two years must repeat some educational training. This bill removes that requirement and takes away the punishment for apprentices who take longer to become journeymen.


This bill also expands the language of a reciprocal agreement to allow individuals who are licensed in states with similar requirements to be licensed in Idaho. This removes a large barrier for those in this occupation who have moved to the state.


This bill establishes 8 years (16,000 hours) of work experience as a qualification for a journeyman electrician’s license, for both in-state and out-of-state applicants. Previously, only out-of-state applicants who had work experience but no schooling were allowed to apply for a license; in-state applicants had to have schooling. This bill evens out the playing field and provides Idahoans with two routes to become journeymen: schooling plus an apprenticeship or 16,000 hours of work experience.


However, the change of language to provide both in-state and out-of-state applicants with the same opportunity to apply for a journeyman license redefines the timeframe for work experience. The current work experience option, which is just for out-of-state applicants, only requires 4 years of experience. This bill would increase that to 8 years.


Does it directly or indirectly create or increase any taxes, fees, or other assessments? Conversely, does it eliminate or reduce any taxes, fees, or other assessments?

SB 1008 adds a $15 one-year fee for registration as an apprentice. At the same time, it removes the $50 five-year apprentice license and registration option, leaving only the new $15 one-year option. This more-frequent collection of fees means that a license holder will pay more in five years of annual fees ($75) than would have been the case under the five-year option ($50).


But SB1008 allows someone who wishes to upgrade from an apprentice working license to a journeyman license to receive credit for the unused time on the apprentice license. This part of the bill means that nobody will face a financial penalty for seeking a more advanced license.


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