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The Chairman’s Drawer

Idahoans frequently criticize Committee Chairmen in the Idaho legislature for their controlling behavior regarding what bills and resolutions they allow to be heard, those they delay, and especially, the legislation they “hold in the drawer.”

The Power of the Chair?

In the House of Representatives, Committee Chairmen are assigned by the Speaker of the House and in the Senate, the President Pro Tempore appoints each Chairman. Both chambers operate under Mason’s Manual of Legislative Procedure, and their own chamber’s rules which include rules about the duties of a Committee Chairman.

If you have the patience to read through these Rules, you’ll notice they are rather vague. Well, because they are so vague, Chairmen often operate according to precedent and traditions to exert power over legislation assigned to their Committees. These powers, however, are simply inferred. That is, there are no rules that explicitly prohibit a Chairman from blocking or holding (drawering) legislation, but there are no rules explicitly granting those powers either.

A precedent has long been set by Committee Chairmen in both chambers to select which bills receive a hearing. Now, if you’re like us, that makes you a bit concerned. Why? Because who’s to say a Chairman will not refuse to offer a hearing on a piece of legislation due to personal dislike of the sponsor or at the behest of leadership or a certain special interest group? And, we’ve seen that happen time and again.

Blocking, delaying, or holding legislation can be a tactic to stop or stall a bill before it even has the chance to be reviewed in Committee or debated on the floor. The Chairman exerts veto-like power, even though they are charged with facilitating the legislative work of the committee.

Why is This so Consequential?

The reason the Chairman’s drawer matters so much is because too often, conservative legislation dies with the Chairman. There is only one person who, according to the Idaho State Constitution, is able to veto a bill — the Governor; however, Committee Chairmen in both chambers are exercising defacto veto power by deciding which legislation will be held in the drawer. 

Make no mistake, these chairs are preventing the will of the people to be heard through their representatives and senators who serve on those committees. They are denied the chance to even vote on the bills. It’s not a leap to say that when a tax cutting bill is held in a drawer, Idahoans feel the “taxation without representation.” This is not how a representative republic is supposed to operate. 

To see just how consequential these power-plays by Chairmen have become, we at the Idaho Freedom Foundation have compiled the following list of bills being held, delayed, and killed by Chairman. Notice how some of the most important bills, like grocery tax repeal (H260) and Medicaid accountability (H138), either don’t see the light of day or get trash-canned along the way by some tyrannical Chairman. Come back often!!

You may want to bookmark this page because we will continue updating this list through the legislative session so you can see what else Idaho is missing the opportunity to do because of a broken and abused parliamentary tradition. Not all traditions are worth keeping, especially when Idaho families’ well-being is at stake.

Bills that have been Blocked / Delayed / Held in Drawer by Chairman during the 2025 Session

The Bill

The Bill's Status

H001 - Idaho parental choice tax credit (+5)

Draft blocked by the Chairman of Revenue and Taxation Committee, revisions were not accepted. No hearing. Chairman David Cannon. (Last Action 1/9/25)

H002 - Initiative, petition, vote threshold (+1)

Held by the Chairman of House State Affairs. Chairman Brent Crane. (Last Action 1/09/25)

H0011 - Immigration (+2)

Held in House State Affairs by Chairman. Chairman Brent Crane. (Last Action 1/15/25)

H0018 - Electric Vehicles, local preemption (+1)

Held by the Chairman of the House Business Committee. Chairman Lance Clow. (Last Action 1/17/25)

H0047 - Adoption, records (+1)

Reported out of the House to the Senate Judiciary & Rules. Chairman Todd Lakey. (Last Action 2/21/25 TBD)

H0058 - Medicaid Expansion, Repeal (+8)

Held in House Health and Welfare. Chairman John Vander Woude. (Last Action 1/27/25)

H0077 - Assistant physicians (+2)

Held in House Health and Welfare. Chairman John Vander Woude. (Last Action 1/29/25)

H0094 - Voting, Citizens only (+1)

Held in the House State Affairs Committee. Chairman Brent Crane. (Last Action 1/31/25)

H0096 - Flag display (+1)

Reported out of the House to the Senate State Affairs Committee. Chairman Jim Guthrie. (Last Action 2/19/25 TBD)

H0098 - Teachers Unions, no taxpayer funds (+3)

Reported out of the House to Senate State Affairs. Chairman Jim Guthrie. (Last Action 2/13/25 TBD)

H0105 - Corporate veterinary practices (+1)

Held by the Chairman of House Agricultural Affairs. Chairman Kevin Andrus. (Last Action 2/03/25 TBD)

H0111 - Federal food stamps, photo ID (+1)

Held by the Chairman of House Health and Welfare Committee. Chairman John Vander Woude. (Last Action 2/04/25 TBD)

H0114 - Candidates, filling vacancies (+1)

Held in the House State Affairs Committee. Chairman Brent Crane. (Last Action 2/04/25 TBD)

H0118 - Genetic counselors (+2)

Held in the House Health and Welfare Committee. Chairman John Vander Woude. (Last Action 2/05/25 TBD)

H0119 - Shorthand reporters act, repeal (+2)

Held in the House Business Committee. Chairman Lance Clow. (Last Action 2/05/25 TBD)

H0123 - Denturitry, repeal (+2)

Held in the House Health and Welfare Committee. Chairman John Vander Woude. (Last Action 2/05/25 TBD) 

H0126 - Criminal history records (+1)

Held in House Judiciary, Rules, & Administration. Chairman Bruce Skaug. (Last Action 2/05/25 TBD)

H0138 - Medicaid expansion, conditions (+5)

Reported out of the House and held by the Senate Health and Welfare Committee. Chairman Julie VanOrden. (Last Action 2/20/25 TBD)

H0139 - Absentee ballots (+2)

Held in House State Affairs Committee. Chairman Brent Crane. (Last Action 2/05/25 TBD)

H0260 - Sales tax, food exempt (+2)

Draft blocked from getting a Committee hearing in the Revenue and Taxation Committee. Bill was not accepted. No hearing. Now a personal bill. Chairman David Cannon.

S1008 - Colleges, concealed weapons (+3)

Held in the Senate State Affairs Committee. Chairman Jim Guthrie. (Last Action 1/20/25 TBD)

S1009 - Militia, prohibition, repeal (+2)

Held in the Senate State Affairs Committee. Chairman Jim Guthrie. (Last Action 1/20/25 TBD)

S1022 - Patient Medical Rights (+2)

Held in the Senate State Affairs Committee. Chairman Jim Guthrie. (Last Action 1/24/25 TBD)

S1047 - Initiative, deadline, fiscal impact (+1)

Held in the Senate State Affairs Committee. Chairman Jim Guthrie. (Last Action 2/03/25 TBD)

S1048 - Higher ed, freedom of inquiry (+6)

Held in the Senate State Affairs Committee. Chairman Jim Guthrie. (Last Action 2/03/25 TBD)

S1049 - Voting, affidavit, repeal (+1)

Held in the Senate State Affairs Committee. Chairman Jim Guthrie. (Last Action 2/04/25 TBD)

S1057 - Child tax credit, preborn child (+2)

Held in the Senate Local Government and Taxation Committee. Chairman Doug Ricks. (Last Action 2/06/25)

S1059 - Preborn Children (+2)

Held in the Senate State Affairs Committee. Chairman Jim Guthrie. (Last Action 2/07/25)

S1065 - Weather Modification (+1)

Held in the Senate Resources and Environment Committee. Chairman Van Burtenshaw. (Last Action 2/07/25 TBD)

S1067 - AI regulation limitations (+1)

Held in the Senate State Affairs Committee. Chairman Jim Guthrie. (Last Action 2/09/25 TBD)

S1074 - Property taxes, homestead (+2)

Held in the Senate Local Government and Taxation Committee. Chairman Doug Ricks. (Last Action 2/10/25 TBD)

S1081 - Public contracts, fee schedules (+1)

Held in the Senate State Affairs Committee. Chairman Jim Guthrie. (Last Action 2/11/25 TBD)

S1097 - Charter school districts (+1)

Reported out of the Senate. Held at desk after first reading. House Speaker Mike Moyle. (Last Action 2/28/25)

Idaho Freedom Foundation
802 W. Bannock Street, Suite 405, Boise, Idaho 83702
p 208.258.2280 | e [email protected]
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