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Break down the digital education divide

By Mitch Coffman
February 21, 2011
Online school isn’t coming - it’s already here. So why are Idaho’s policymakers even slightly reluctant to offer kids more choices from among the thousands of course offerings provided by states, universities, for-profit and non-profit companies? Are we going to ride the online learning tidal wave, or is it going to crush us? We could […]

Public education employees lobbying on the taxpayer's dime

By Mitch Coffman
February 8, 2011
Idahoans paid at least $10,670 plus 33 days of leave for 46 classroom teachers and one librarian to testify before the legislative Joint Finance-Appropriations Committee on Friday, January 21. The calculations by the Idaho Freedom Foundation are based on payroll data from IFF's OurIdaho.com payroll database, the leave policies of their school districts and costs […]

States, including Idaho, must take another, stronger stand against Obamacare

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
February 1, 2011
With all the media attention focused on Idaho and mock outrage from some folks, you'd think that members of the Idaho Legislature had proposed making Klingon the official language. The headlines in some newspapers speak of "rebellion," as if Idaho has amassed troops along the border and were fueling tanks and bombers. Clearly, that's not […]

The Ten Elements of High Quality Digital Learning

By Mitch Coffman
January 25, 2011
Not very long ago, if I wanted to own a hit song, I had to truck on down to the record store and buy an entire album. Maybe two or three albums because maybe I wanted “Hungry Heart” and “Thunder Road” and “Glory Days.” Now, we have online music services, like iTunes, Amazon and Rhapsody. […]

"Here we have Idaho" - Report Card on Higher Education

January 11, 2011
THE STATE SONG “HERE WE HAVE IDAHO” GETS IT RIGHT. Proclaiming the joys and benefits of the Gem State, it depicts a state where “ideals can be realized” and where citizens will have a legacy to prize. Surely, a strong educational system is central to realizing those ideals, and it is with that goal in […]

Time for Idaho to break the barrier of transparency in Higher Education

By Erik Makrush
November 29, 2010
Since the inception of the Idaho Freedom Foundation, we have been leading the charge for an accountable local and state government. Today, we continue fight for transparency and fiscal responsibility at all levels of government. At the 2011 Legislative Preview hosted by the Idaho Freedom Foundation, Senate and House leadership acknowledged that while the state […]

Idaho's Superintendent of Public Instruction Candidates and School Choice

By Mitch Coffman
October 31, 2010
Candidates for Idaho State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Luna and Stan Olson spoke recently on two separate occasions at Sage International Public Charter School in Boise on the topic of “The Sustainability of Charter Schools in Idaho.” Neither was asked to address specific questions but the freewheeling sessions brought forth each candidate’s thoughts on […]

State ownership of business is bad public policy

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
October 30, 2010
The state of Idaho recently spent $2.7 million to buy a self-storage business, which the state continues to own and operate as if it were just any other business in town, competing for its share of the market against similar businesses that pay taxes -- businesses owned by people like you and me. The state […]

US Dept of Education seeks greater control over Private Colleges and Universities

By Erik Makrush
October 5, 2010
The US Department of Education has proposed regulations that would mandate greater government control over private colleges and universities (including the 5 private institutions throughout Idaho) and the private-sector accreditation process that has served higher education for more than a century. The Department is using its regulatory authority under the Higher Education Act, the law […]

Only one Idaho College receives a “B”, the rest fall short

By Erik Makrush
August 23, 2010
Are Idaho’s college students learning what they really should be learning to graduate? The answer, by one measure, is no. Recently, the American Council of Trustees and Alumni updated its review of colleges from around the country. Using ACTA’s grading scale, IFF has ranked the four top colleges in Idaho. Not even one received an […]

A Tale of Two Public School Systems

By Mitch Coffman
August 23, 2010
Public schooling in Idaho has become a tale of two systems. One system contains the 115 traditional districts. The other is Idaho’s system of 40 public charter schools. How these two types of schools are similar and different is important to understand as we mourn the loss of public charter school Nampa Classical Academy. Public […]

Some public school students are more equal than others.

By Mitch Coffman
July 16, 2010
When a district loses students, it’s entitled to a bailout. Not so for public charter schools. Previously I wrote about Idaho Code 33-1003: [For] Any school district which has a decrease in total average daily attendance of one percent (1%) of its average daily attendance in the then current school year from the total average […]

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