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House passes small tax cut, but Siddoway remains uncommitted to tax relief

By Dustin Hurst
February 4, 2016
The Idaho House of Representatives passed a $28 million tax cut and increased the grocery-tax credit Wednesday, but the plan might meet a roadblock in the Idaho Senate. The plan, sponsored by House Majority Leader Mike Moyle, R-Star, cuts taxes slightly on workers who earn more than $7,260 a year, giving them $22.8 million in […]

Bill to allow unmarked ISP patrol cars introduced

By Dustin Hurst
February 4, 2016
The Idaho State Police wants unmarked police cars for highway patrol duty to combat aggressive drivers and will have a chance to state their case starting in the Idaho Senate. Members of the Senate’s Judiciary and Rules Committee voted Wednesday to introduce the proposal, allowing it to proceed to a full hearing. ISP Lt. Col. […]

Education spending: Legislature should look before it leaps

By Fred Birnbaum
February 2, 2016
In September 2013 Gov. Butch Otter’s Task Force for Improving Education issued a report. The report stated that non-competitive salaries make hiring and retaining teachers difficult, the current educational system does not provide incentives, and it lacks accountability. The report’s centerpiece solution, which carried the biggest price tag, was the Career Ladder Compensation Model. The […]

AG’s office clears Madison Sheriff Klingler of misuse of funds allegations

By Dustin Hurst
February 1, 2016
The Idaho Attorney General’s office cleared Madison County Sheriff Roy Klinger and his staff of any wrongdoing after a Rexburg man filed a complaint about how the sheriff’s office spent concealed weapons license fees. In a Jan. 22 letter to Rexburg resident Dan Roberts, Deputy Attorney General Paul R. Panther said, though Klinger and company […]

Moyle tax-cut bill heads to the House floor

By Dustin Hurst
February 1, 2016
A bill to cut taxes for Idahoans who earn more than $7,200 each year cleared the House Revenue and Taxation Committee Monday, and even earned the support of one Democrat. Rep. Dan Rudolph, D-Lewiston, broke ranks with his fellow Democrats to support the plan, which would cut income taxes by $22 million. The plan, written […]

First tax cut bill OK, but Idaho deserves better

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
January 29, 2016
So far this session, House Speaker Scott Bedke and Rep. Mike Moyle have the only tax relief game in town, but it’s pretty difficult to get excited about it. To understand why, recall that the same lawmakers who are mulling tax relief today raised your taxes and vehicle registration fees last legislative session by more […]

Here's one way to enhance school choice in Idaho

By Lindsay Russell Dexter
January 28, 2016
Yesterday, more than 1,500 people marched from the Basque Center to the Idaho State Capitol in support of school choice. The rally, which was a National School Choice Week event, indicated continued support for all learning options. The goal of the rally was to raise awareness and educate Idahoans on the educational options available. AMong […]

Palcohol creator: Ban is “huge government overreach’

By Dustin Hurst
January 28, 2016
The creator of powdered alcohol said Thursday Idaho legislators are going too far in banning his product. Mark Phillips, who developed the substance now illegal in 27 states, told IdahoReporter.com that lawmakers would make a big mistake to outlaw powdered alcohol, known as Palcohol. “This is huge government overreach,” Phillips said. “A lot of people […]

Committee approves powdered-alcohol ban, changes coming

By Dustin Hurst
January 28, 2016
House State Affairs Committee members approved a bill to ban powdered alcohol in Idaho, though the bill needs changes before it receives a full hearing on the House floor. The panel voted to send the bill to General Orders, where lawmakers can amend it as they please. Idaho State Liquor Division chief Jeff Anderson told […]

Christmas in January: Some GOP sour on Otter’s $220 million spending binge

By Dustin Hurst
January 18, 2016
A former Idaho Press Tribune political reporter offered some witty analysis of Gov. Butch Otter’s State of the State address, delivered last week in the Idaho Capitol. Kelcie Mosely, the former reporter, tweeted: Feel like Otter's speech was very Oprah style this year. You get $10 million, and you get $10 million, and everybody gets […]

Otter, Little push massive budget increases and fairy tale tax cuts

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
January 15, 2016
A growing number of Idaho lawmakers are struggling to commit to Gov. Butch Otter’s nosebleed budget. Moreover, they’re starting to rebel against the administration’s disingenuous narrative of how Otter’s proposed budget includes taxes cuts. The fact is, there are no tax cuts, but that’s not stopping the claim.   When the usual accounting gimmicks are […]

Lawmakers introduce bill to ban powdered alcohol

By Dustin Hurst
January 13, 2016
House State Affairs Committee members introduced a bill Monday that would ban the sale and use in Idaho of powdered alcohol, dubbed Palcohol. The Idaho Liquor Division, the legislation’s sponsor, wants Idaho to join the numerous other states that have already banned the substance, which last year was given initial approval for consumption by the […]

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