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Bedke, Gov. Little should call the Legislature back to session

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
August 12, 2021
Throughout the country, people are being coerced to surrender control over their bodies and their medical privacy. Petty tyrants abound, in government offices and in corporate headquarters. Supposedly free Americans are being told that their right to work, travel, shop, and congregate will be severely abridged if they don’t inject a foreign substance into their […]

Heartbreaking: Idaho man paralyzed after receiving COVID-19 vaccine

By Emri Moore
August 9, 2021
How many times during the pandemic have we heard we need to get vaccinated to get back to “normal?” Probably more times than we can count. The media continues to push this narrative that COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective, but always fails to report the thousands of vaccine injuries that are occurring daily. According […]

Homeschooling on the rise in Idaho

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
August 6, 2021
By Anna K. Miller and Niklas Kleinworth Many parents objected to public school mask mandates and poor virtual learning environments during the pandemic, according to new data suggesting homeschooling is on the rise in Idaho — and the nation.  New data from the United States Census Bureau shows that 11.1% of K-12 students across America […]

Insider perspective: Legislative ethics committees weaponized to target conservatives

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
August 5, 2021
By Daniel D. Foreman | Special to the Idaho Freedom Foundation I was the duly elected Idaho state senator for District 5 for the 2017 and 2018 legislative sessions, and I wish to make it clear I have no proverbial axe to grind against any past or present member of the Idaho Legislature. I wish […]

Vaccine mandate should be viewed as assault, invasion of privacy

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
August 3, 2021
The Idaho lawmakers defending Big Medicine’s decision to impose vaccine mandates on their employees, contractors, and volunteers are trying to make it out as if they’re unable to intervene in an employer-employee relations question. I’ve already explained why such arguments are disingenuous (Hint: lawmakers regulate businesses all the time) but it’s important to remind people […]

Idaho K-12 funding formula needs reform, less than 3% of operating dollars spent based on students

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
July 26, 2021
By Anna K. Miller & Niklas Kleinworth Idaho’s K-12 school districts and teachers unions regularly gripe about being the last state in the country in per student spending. The central problem, however, is an inflexible and arbitrary education funding model that is not meeting students' or educators' needs. Currently, only 2.4% of Idaho’s education operating […]

Idaho officials protect vaccine mandate with lies about supporting limited government

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
July 23, 2021
Isn’t it convenient that certain members of the Idaho Legislature and Gov. Brad Little are suddenly feigning interest in limited government? They say they’re not interested in stopping government-funded Idaho hospitals and clinics from imposing a vaccine mandate on all their employees, volunteers, and vendors because they're against regulation. How disingenuous is that? Let me […]

Biden’s preschool plan replaces the beneficial effects of parenting with government intervention

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
July 19, 2021
By Anna K. Miller and Niklas Kleinworth  Early education advocates want you to believe that the case for universal preschool is so concrete that questioning its track record is an act of heresy. After all, who wouldn’t want to help adorable little kids get an early start on success? But the data show universal preschool […]

Lawmakers have immediate reason to target Big Medicine's vaccine mandate

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
July 16, 2021
A pair of Idaho Supreme Court cases that Saint Alphonsus and St. Luke's  hospitals won on May 19 greatly expands the medical procedures that taxpayers have to cover. The additional bills could run into the tens or hundreds of millions of dollars, with no ceiling. The fleecing of taxpayers comes just as Saint Alphonsus, St. […]

Social-emotional learning, Part 3: How did this happen in a state like Idaho?

By Anna Miller
July 16, 2021
Social-emotional learning (SEL) substitutes government authority for parents’ in children’s most intimate and personal development in pre-K-12 education. If this alone doesn’t concern parents, a transformative version of SEL is being implemented across school districts to train students to become social justice activists.  How did this happen in a state like Idaho? The advancement of […]

The political fusion of large corporations and government is a threat to our country

By Fred Birnbaum
July 15, 2021
The Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry (IACI) held its annual meeting in McCall last month, with the keynote lunchtime policy item on the agenda: diversity, equity, and inclusion. What a tragic turn for what used to be a respected organization. But this is becoming normal for large companies, such as those IACI serves.  I […]

Legal memo regarding transgender students' use of school bathrooms

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
July 15, 2021
The Idaho School Boards Association recently urged school districts across the state to follow a new law regarding transgender students' use of the bathroom facilities. The law, the ISBA told districts, mandates that transgender students should be allowed to use the bathroom of their identified or gender. But no such law exists. Instead, the ISBA […]

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