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Boise’s McLean joins Chicago, Portland mayors to endorse critical race theory in schools 

By Anna Miller
September 8, 2021
Boise Mayor Lauren McLean signed a resolution in support of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in public K-12 education.  McLean has chosen to align herself with mayors from cities that were ravaged and shattered by violent riots during 2020. The resolution is co-sponsored by Ted Wheeler (Portland, OR), Greg Fischer (Louisville, KY), and Lori E. Lightfoot […]

Left-leaning state Supreme Court gets the initiative wrong, endangering Idaho

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
September 2, 2021
It’s not surprising that the Idaho Supreme Court ruled against a new law requiring more uniform collection of petition signatures in order for an initiative to qualify for the ballot. What is shocking is how badly the court twisted itself into knots to justify its decision to the satisfaction of the state’s leftists. Contrary to […]

Idaho Ed News fails again, misses key questions about universities ignoring cuts to social justice spending

By Emri Moore
August 27, 2021
True to form, Idaho Ed News left out important details in its story about Boise State University President Marlene Tromp’s presentation that welcomed staff and students for the fall 2021 semester.  Writer and blogger Kevin Richert wrote that Tromp sidestepped talking about politics and focused on what Boise State University (BSU) has achieved during the […]

Video: Conservative mom in Idaho trashes critical race theory and its peddlers

By Dustin Hurst
August 27, 2021
Kayla Dunn, a Black conservative mother in Idaho, trashed critical race theory and its peddlers during her address to the Indoctrination in Education Task Force meeting on Thursday. Her is a transcript of her remarks: Kayla Dunn’s remarks to the Indoctrination in Education Task Force:   I am here to let everyone know, especially those who […]

Statists of the Week: Crapo, Risch earn the honors for infrastructure votes

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
August 26, 2021
It’s time for our Statist of the Week. Who is most deserving of this week’s honor? Why it’s U.S. Senators Mike Crapo and Jim Risch. Did you have any doubt that it would be them? Crapo and Risch voted for that monstrosity of an infrastructure bill that generations of Americans will be paying for. You’re […]

Idaho Ed News promotes vaccine Authoritarianism

By Emri Moore
August 23, 2021
Idaho Ed News has taken to publishing the Boston Globe’s editorials promoting authoritarian vaccine positions, and even offered up its own commentary as “analysis” in order to drive public opinion in support of the government’s covid response. The Globe opined: “States should allow teenagers to receive vaccines without parental consent, so that kids who want […]

Looking backward and forward at COVID-19 mitigation strategies

By Dr. John Livingston
August 23, 2021
Some 20 months into the pandemic, America is still having heated debates about appropriate and wise virus mitigation strategies. The disease like AIDS has become politicized, and the agenda and narrative are overshadowing evidence and logic.  Conclusions regarding masks, vaccines, and the opening of schools and churches have been tainted by economic and political agendas […]

Education officials plot COVID-19 tests while showing little concern for academic performance

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
August 23, 2021
If you have a youngster in Idaho’s government-run schools, now would be a good time to either start demanding answers from state and local education officials or reconsider your schooling options. The latest in a long string of disappointments comes in the form of Gov. Brad Little’s decision to sidestep the Legislature and order $30 […]

Explained: How Gov. Little sidestepped the Legislature to fund COVID testing in schools

By Fred Birnbaum
August 19, 2021
Idaho Gov. Brad Little announced in an August 12 press release that he is directing $30 million to expand COVID-19 testing in Idaho K-12 schools.  Wait a minute: Didn’t the Legislature, specifically the Idaho House of Representatives, reject this very appropriation? Yes. The House voted down Senate Bill 1210 on April 27 on a 28-41 […]

Leftist 'reporters' fuel fear over Cole appointment

By Emri Moore
August 18, 2021
No one should be dazed that members from the press quickly jumped on Twitter to throw tantrums over Ada County commissioners voting to appoint Dr. Ryan Cole to the health board.  Dr. Cole is a pathologist in Boise and has been awfully scrutinized by the press for his opinions about masks, lockdowns and vaccines.  Audrey […]

School superintendents ignore record of failure

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
August 16, 2021
Last month, four retired Idaho school superintendents decided to attack the Idaho Freedom Foundation for our work exposing the radicalization and indoctrination of our public school students. It’s important to remind parents and taxpayers that our concern about public education goes back well before we ever uttered a word about a social justice agenda being […]

This Idaho school district is teaching woke mathematics

By Anna Miller
August 13, 2021
Despite claims to the contrary, Coeur d’Alene public school officials are requiring educators to apply the racial prejudice of critical race theory (CRT) to school lessons. In recent weeks, parents in the school district have objected to CRT’s mischaracterization of American values and asked officials to remove this racially discriminatory dogma from their schools district […]

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