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School districts like Idaho Falls 91 should be held accountable for electioneering

By Wayne Hoffman
November 3, 2022
In 2018, the Idaho Freedom Foundation worked with state lawmakers to pass the “Public Integrity in Elections Act.” The law is specifically designed to prevent government entities from using public money to advocate for the passage or defeat of a bond or levy or to support or defeat a candidate for election. Unfortunately, the law […]

Planned Parenthood-endorsed sex ed is in these 14 public schools

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
October 31, 2022
By Anna Miller and Scott Yenor The Center for American Education has obtained a list of middle and high schools delivering Planned Parenthood-endorsed sex education curriculum known as Reducing the Risk (RTR) . According to the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare (IDHW), six out of seven of Idaho’s public health districts implemented the RTR […]

The difference between the woke and the awake

By Bryan Hyde
October 31, 2022
Ammon Bundy’s recent campaign ad that took on the “woke cult” has sent some shock waves through the political establishment. Bundy calls out the culture warriors who are systematically working to tear down the institutions and ideals on which our nation was founded. The ad has drawn strong reactions, including the predictable disapproval from the […]

Medicaid quagmire is costing Idaho dearly

By Ronald M. Nate, Ph.D.
October 31, 2022
“War is hell,” as the saying goes. Every war comes with costs on and off the battlefield, especially wars fought when there is no intention of ever winning. President Lyndon Johnson’s “war on poverty” is such a war. It’s a welfare monstrosity with a 57-year history of collateral damage including families it was supposed to […]

Brad Little benefits from easy grading on fiscal report card

By Fred Birnbaum
October 27, 2022
Gov. Brad Little recently touted his grade on the libertarian-leaning Cato Institute’s Fiscal Policy Report Card. His score as governor is the fourth highest in the nation — but there is a lot more to the story. The report card is graded based on each governor’s tax and spending records — sort of. Does Little […]

Candidates for superintendent of public instruction defend monopoly system, fail to boldly advocate for students

By Kaitlyn Shepherd
October 26, 2022
Monday evening, Democrat Terry Gilbert and Republican Debbie Critchfield, candidates for Idaho’s superintendent of public instruction, debated key policy issues, including academic performance, school choice, and education spending. Both candidates advocated for failed policies, like spending more on the public education monopoly, and ultimately failed to boldly stand for parents’ right to direct the education […]

Latest test results offer more proof government shouldn’t be in the education business

By Wayne Hoffman
October 25, 2022
If there has ever been proof that the government should not be in the education business, it’s the latest results from standardized tests and government officials’ reaction to them.  The new numbers show only slightly more than half of Idaho public school students scored proficient or better on the English literacy part of the ISAT […]

Idaho taxpayers fund gender transition therapy, federal suit claims

By Niklas Kleinworth
October 20, 2022
According to a lawsuit filed against the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare (IDHW), the agency has been using the Medicaid program to fund hormone replacement therapy for gender transitions.  One of the plaintiffs — identified as MH throughout the brief — alleges that he has been receiving feminizing hormone treatments since 2019. Now he […]

As Medicaid costs swell, lawmakers should prioritize expansion repeal

By Fred Birnbaum
October 18, 2022
You can usually tell when a major program that is the cornerstone of the modern socialist project isn’t working as promised, because the establishment media avoids talking about it. I am speaking of Medicaid, the program originally designed to provide health care services to those receiving welfare benefits: low-income children without parental support, the blind, […]

Jim Jones fails in his attempt to defend critical race theory

By Bryan Hyde
October 12, 2022
The educational presentation that former Idaho attorney general Jim Jones gave in Twin Falls last Wednesday didn’t quite live up to its stated goal of defining and understanding critical race theory. If his lecture was a firework, it was like a pack of sparklers.  Jones covered various definitions of CRT and offered some historical context […]

Kustra off the mark in his attack on Idaho Freedom Foundation

By Fred Birnbaum
October 6, 2022
When Bob Kustra attacks the Idaho Freedom Foundation and others on the “far-right,” I wish he would try harder. He needs to dust off his research skills if he wants to make his claims stick.  Kustra, the former Boise State University president who launched the university’s leftward lurch, recently attacked IFF and businessman Larry Williams […]

Answers to frequently asked questions about sex ed in Idaho

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
October 5, 2022
By Anna Miller and Dr. Scott Yenor Idaho’s government promotes radical gender theories in schools and builds partnerships with interest groups pushing the sexualization of children, like Planned Parenthood.  How is this happening? Follow the money and the curriculum from the federal government through Idaho’s Department of Health and Welfare (IDHW) to Idaho’s health districts. […]

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