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Conservatives pull funding for harm reduction programs, ending taxpayer subsidized drug abuse in Idaho

By Niklas Kleinworth
April 6, 2023
Idaho taxpayers will no longer fund illicit drug use through supporting so-called harm reduction programs, thanks to the efforts of the Idaho Freedom Foundation and conservative members of the Legislature. Tax dollars should not be used to subsidize drug abuse. House Bill 350 stipulates that more than $19 million in ongoing federal funds will now […]

Statement on the veto of H314

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
April 5, 2023
Idaho Freedom Foundation president Wayne Hoffman issued the following statement regarding Gov. Brad Little vetoing House Bill 314, the School and Library Protection Act: We are dismayed and outraged that Little would choose to betray children and families like this, choosing instead to give in to the pressure from the special interests that have been […]

Statement on the signing of House Bill 71

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
April 4, 2023
Idaho Freedom Foundation president Wayne Hoffman issued the following statement regarding Gov. Brad Little signing House Bill 71, the Vulnerable Child Protection Act: This is the culmination of a long fight to protect children from dangerous, barbaric, and in many cases irreversible drugs and surgeries that are promoted in the name of the transgender ideology. […]

Legislature 2023 was a good session, but you were still robbed

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
April 1, 2023
While I’ve written enthusiastically about some of the accomplishments of the conservative accomplishments of the 2023 legislative session, don’t misinterpret my words to mean it was a “great session.” As legislative outings go, it was better than most. Call it “good.” I have three pages of amazing accomplishments from this session that we'll spend days […]

Another victory as the Senate votes to protect children from graphic materials

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
March 30, 2023
Moments ago, the Senate passed House Bill 314, the School and Library Protection Act. We are nearing the culmination of a long fight to protect children from graphic and obscene materials in schools and libraries. Idaho Freedom Foundation has been exposing obscene materials in Idaho libraries for years. In 2021, we warned the public and […]

Legislature defunds moral corruption after IFF research

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
March 28, 2023
The Idaho Legislature just defunded the Planned Parenthood-endorsed sex education program corrupting Idaho’s children and stripped funding for gay pride events. Earlier today, the House passed Senate Bill 1182 — a budget bill stripping $579,000 in federal grant funding for sex education and $706,000 for gay pride events. Now the bill is waiting on Governor […]

Governor vetoes property tax bill to please public education bureaucracy

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
March 27, 2023
Just a short time ago, Gov. Brad Little vetoed House Bill 292, which would have given property tax relief to Idaho families. According to his press release, the governor’s top concern was the loss of the March election date for school levies, where low turnout often allows school boards to raise property taxes on their […]

Victory as Senate passes genital mutilation ban

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
March 27, 2023
Today, the Idaho Senate passed House Bill 71, which outlaws the practice of using hormones, drugs, or surgery to attempt to alter the sexual characteristics of a minor to conform to their perceived gender identity. Many legislators worked very hard to bring this bill to fruition, and we at the Idaho Freedom Foundation are proud […]

Legislature addresses loophole that allowed Planned Parenthood into public school sex ed

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
March 24, 2023
When the Legislature passes a law, you expect the state to follow it. Idaho standards and law require that sex education in public schools must teach abstinence.  Seems simple, right? Unfortunately, Idaho law has also given local school boards authority to decide how kids will learn about abstinence in sexuality education, a loophole that Planned […]

Periods, pornography, and politics

By Brian Almon
March 20, 2023
The Idaho House of Representatives voted on two bills today, each of which can reveal something of how our legislators view the proper role of government. First up was House Bill 313, which would require all public schools to provide feminine hygiene products for students in grades 6-12 at the cost of nearly three-quarters of […]

The Legislature's big and (mostly) bad day

By Branden Durst
March 16, 2023
Wow. The Idaho Legislature had itself a big (and mostly bad) day. This time of the legislative session is always busy and fraught with budgets and bills of importance. Here is an update on three bills of note. School Choice For the first time in Idaho history, a school choice bill that allows money to […]

Idaho Republicans love to bash Biden but legislate like him 

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
March 14, 2023
Last year, Gov. Brad Little was one of nearly two dozen Republican governors objecting to President Biden’s student loan forgiveness program. Little called the program unfair and unconstitutional.  In an interview on NewsMax, Little said, “It’s unfair to the people that didn’t borrow and it’s more unfair to the people that made an extra effort […]

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