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Idaho Freedom Foundation condemns violence and commits to winning the battle for liberty

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
July 15, 2024
Donald Trump and all of America dodged a bullet. For years, we have heard and seen the media and the left spread misinformation about conservatives while demonizing President and candidate, Donald Trump. Violence, looting, and arson have become the left’s preferred tools for pushing its increasingly radical agenda. On Saturday, the violence tragically escalated, as […]

A $40 million drain on taxpayers: Ranked choice voting comes at a heavy price for Idahoans

By Niklas Kleinworth
July 12, 2024
Ranked choice voting will cost Idahoans more than merely their time and patience in managing its complexities — about $40 million more, in fact. This news comes to the Legislature from the Office of the Secretary of State (SOS), revealing the true costs and practical challenges of the new proposal up for consideration before Idaho […]

Idaho Freedom Foundation, Idaho Freedom Action joint statement on ranked choice voting, open primaries initiative certification

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
July 11, 2024
On Thursday, Idaho Freedom Foundation and Idaho Freedom Action President Ronald M. Nate released the following statement on the certification of the ranked choice voting and open primaries ballot initiative voters will consider at the General Election:  “Liberals are on a losing streak in Idaho. They know they cannot sell their broken ideas and leftist […]

Making government smaller, not banning employment, is the right answer in state contract case

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
July 8, 2024
Let’s take a short walk down memory lane of big government. In some circles, the deal to create Tamarack Resort in the early 2000s is jokingly referred to as the “Scott Turlington Full Employment Act.” Turlington was a policy adviser to Gov. Dirk Kempthorne at the time. And it was largely up to Turlington to […]

CDA council chases away sadness with a prohibition on private property

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
July 8, 2024
The Coeur d’Alene City Council has voted to take property rights away from some of its home and business owners because, believe it or not, tearing down old buildings might make some people sad. However, the Coeur d’Alene Press did not push that headline on its readers, instead offering that the council had voted to […]

When libraries choose smut instead of child literacy 

By Ronald M. Nate, Ph.D.
July 3, 2024
Did you hear this nugget of Idaho news? The Donnelly public library announced it would go “adults-only” on July 1. Their statement to the press explained the decision. “Our size prohibits us from separating our ‘grown up’ books to be out of the accessible range of children,” Donnelly officials wrote. That’s right, Donnelly favors smut […]

There’s no such thing as a free lunch – or breakfast

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
July 2, 2024
Idaho media outlets reported on the Boise School District’s new “free” breakfast program and wrote about it as if there couldn’t possibly be any downside to the initiative.  The school district said it has committed to providing free breakfast at all its schools, regardless of household income. The media went with the district’s positive account […]

Coming Education Revolution As Enrollment Declines in Idaho

By Scott Yenor
June 25, 2024
The narrative during every legislative session is that Idaho needs to spend more money on K-12 public education. But declining student populations are a big reason to avoid spending huge amounts of capital on K-12 infrastructure. Governor Little trumpeted increasing facility spending over the next 10 years in an April 10, 2024 press release following […]

Making Idaho Great Again

By Parrish Miller
June 21, 2024
It’s a good day to be a conservative in Idaho! Republicans from across the state met in Coeur d'Alene last week for their biennial state convention, and this convention accomplished more for conservatives than any of the others I have attended — and I have been attending since 2010.  The convention provides an opportunity for […]

Idaho Must Stop Funding Handouts for Illegal Immigrants

By Niklas Kleinworth
June 11, 2024
Few Idahoans are aware that the Gem State is fueling illegal immigration. Idaho's expanding welfare state and “look the other way” policies create a ripe environment for attracting those who shouldn’t be here. Recently, a viral video surfaced on social media purporting to show migrants getting off a bus in West Boise. To date, there […]

Unmasking the Real Agenda Behind Social Security "Reform"

By Fred Birnbaum
June 4, 2024
Don’t steal Social Security funds with another round of reforms, cut spending now. Let’s be perfectly clear: Social Security will never be bankrupt. But politicians use “it’s going bankrupt” as a scare tactic to get all the pork spending they really want.  Don’t be fooled — reforming Social Security really means stealing money from Social […]

Idaho Breaks Right and Our Future Gets Brighter

By Ronald M. Nate, Ph.D.
May 22, 2024
Idaho's 2024 primary elections last night were historic.  By most estimates, freedom picked up 2 seats in the Senate and 6 seats in the House. It was a good night for friends of liberty and a bad night for establishment good-old-boys. November elections will determine a few more outcomes, but the results from Tuesday — […]
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