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Posts by Niklas Kleinworth

March 23, 2022
House Bill 806 — Commission for Libraries, FY23 appropriation 
March 22, 2022
Senate Bill 1420 - Department of Corrections, FY23 appropriation
March 21, 2022
Senate Bill 1416 – Office of the State Controller, FY23 appropriation
March 21, 2022
Senate Bill 1418 – Health Education Programs, FY23 appropriation
March 16, 2022
House Bill 780 – Regulations for psychological service extenders
March 15, 2022
Senate Bill 1404 – Public School Support Program, Divisions of Administrators, Teachers, and Operations, FY22 supplemental
March 15, 2022
Senate Bill 1403 – Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund and State Board of Education, FY22 supplemental
March 15, 2022
House Bill 756 – Patient rights and crisis standards of care
March 15, 2022
Senate Bill 1391 – Commission on the Arts, FY23 appropriation
March 15, 2022
Senate Bill 1396 – Office of Energy and Mineral Resources, FY23 appropriation
March 15, 2022
Senate Bill 1394 – Military Division, FY23 appropriation
March 15, 2022
Senate Bill 1401 – Health & Welfare, Divisions of Indirect Support Services, Licensing & Certification, and Independent Councils, FY23 appropriations
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