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Posts by Idaho Freedom Foundation staff

November 14, 2013
Legislators unhappy with lack of transparency by state insurance exchange board
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November 13, 2013
Insurance exchange board discloses little about Dowd investigation
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November 11, 2013
Tori Richards of Watchdog.org unveils a loophole in Obamacare that allows people to receive insurance at the expense of physicians.
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November 11, 2013
Sen. Chuck Winder, R-Boise, discusses the debate over Idaho controlling federal lands.
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November 11, 2013
Does Nampa vote spell trouble for the future of urban renewal projects?
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November 8, 2013
Stuart Davis of the Idaho Association of Highway Districts discusses future needs.
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November 8, 2013
Stephanize Zimmerman of Idahoans for Local Education discusses Common Core implementation in Idaho.
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November 8, 2013
Bruce Skaug describes why he and the other newly elected officials in Nampa are 'saying no' to urban renewal projects.
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November 7, 2013
Bus. owner Mike Tracy explains why he spent his own personal money to run on "vote no on the Boise bonds”.
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November 7, 2013
Boise attorney John Runft says the Idaho Department of Lands is 'using state endowment lands as its main asset' to buy commercial businesses
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November 7, 2013
Sen. Thayn says that upcoming legislative session "could potentially be more interesting as far as education goes, than any session we've had in the last seven years"
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November 6, 2013
Thayn: Education task force proposals will likely be scaled back
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Idaho Freedom Foundation
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